CALL TONIGHT! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

VERDICT DECREED—WATCH THIS VIDEO! One of our most important Turnaround Tuesday broadcasts yet! Amazing revelation on the blessing God conferred over the nation. Ap. Garland Thomas returns. Also Chris Mitchell Jr, Adam Schindler. Hosted by Jon & Jolene. TO WATCH CLICK HERE.

TURNAROUND DECREES! To order CLICK HERE.Want a preview? For excerpt CLICK HERE.

THE TURNAROUND! 7-22 AT FANEUIL HALL BOSTON. With Dutch Sheets, Chris Mitchell Jr, worship by Jamie Fitt. Save the day, make plans now! To register on Eventbrite click link:

GOD CONTINUES TO ASTONISH. Looking forward to our conference call tonight. Hidden secrets of the blessing conferred on 6-24 with the turnaround from nationally legalized abortion! 

BTW my sincere apologies for not getting a posting out quicker. I’ve had the honor of connecting with Amb. Sam Brownback’s International Religious Freedom Summit. It was a very full and powerful day. Sam Brownback’s opening comment said it all. “Religious freedom for everyone, everywhere every day!” 

I couldn’t agree more. Let My people go!

And let My children go. Join us tonight. And if you haven’t already, please check out the video from yesterday’s Turnaround Tuesday broadcast. So very powerful!