MARTIN FRANKENA JOINS PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

With Jon & Jolene Hamill and Martin & Cindy Frankena
Foxchase Golf Course Banquet Hall, 300 Stevens Road, Stevens (Lancaster) PA.
Registration: $65 (including $15 catered lunch on Saturday)
To register on EventBrite CLICK HERE

FIRST—MARTIN FRANKENA joins us on our call tonight. Martin is a spiritual father to us, and carries an extraordinary gift in discernment, healing and deliverance with the heart of a father. We are teaming up again for the upcoming Advanced School of Kings in Lancaster PA. So looking forward to an extraordinary time! More on this in a moment.

SECOND—THANK YOU JESUS for a truly historic “turnaround Tuesday!” Two major Supreme Court decisions were announced yesterday which upheld Constitutional boundaries under extraordinary assault these past few years, even seemingly by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. 

We have seen a Daniel 7:22 turnaround. Literally, judgement in favor of the saints. I am remembering how the Lord spoke two weeks ago that “I will overcome the deficit of justice” in our nation. This word is proving to be true. 

And it’s just the beginning.

L’Chaim! Two Key Decisions
Yesterday the Court upheld President Trump’s Constitutional authority to regulate entry into our nation based on national security concerns. We are so grateful for this as we have been diligently interceding for the restoration of our gatekeeping capacities of our nation. You might remember this was a key aspect even of our 50 state Turnaround Tour in 2016.

Second, the Court upheld the right of pro-life pregnancy clinics in California to refuse displaying state-mandated signs announcing that their clients are are entitled to a free abortion, paid for by the state. The Supremes decided this was a violation of freedom of speech as protected by the Constitution. 

L’Chaim! TO LIFE! The Supremes are right in line with this word for 2018. We want to really honor Matt Lockett and the DC Justice House of Prayer for their persevering prayer on this issue. Well done!

California Turnaround—Lamplighter Focus this March
It is notable that each decision overthrew verdicts previously established by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Matt Lockett gave me a heads-up on this yesterday. This is really amazing!

Headquartered in San Francisco, the Ninth Circuit Court is known for its activist judges who often directly counter both clear Constitutional boundaries and clear Biblical boundaries in their decisions. Not to mention the will of the voters. 

You might recall how the Lord led the Lamplighter family to focus on turnaround in California this past March. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL TO SEE YOUR PRAYERS BEING ANSWERED. California was the first state the Lord called us to focus on after receiving His word about how we have entered “the next phase of execution of the Daniel 7:22 Turnaround.” 

During prayer at the State House in Sacramento I saw a clear vision of God’s gavel coming down, rendering this Daniel 7:22 verdict of justice in favor of the saints. But I knew the verdict was conditional based on some critical prayer assignments still needing to be carried out. 

THANK YOU STATE LEADERS—SHARON WEBSTER & AUDREY PANNIER! Your follow-up work was both costly and extremely thorough, your mobilization statewide beyond effective. Well done my friends! You dealt with a reprehensible root system which had remained virtually untouched. Now the foundation of California’s turnaround has been clearly laid, as validated by both Heaven’s Court and now our highest Court. 

He brings down rulers from their thrones! Sharon and Audrey, we are honored to work with you both, and honored that you are part of the Lamplighter family. Again, well done!

Towards 5779—Separating Light from Darkness
I hope you can see how the move of God’s Spirit is building—personally, corporately and governmentally. He is fulfilling His word. The next phase of execution of Daniel 7:22 is indeed here. Let My people go!

All of which makes the gathering this August in Lancaster PA very strategic. As with last year, I believe our time together will literally set the course for the coming season. It will be an advanced school, focused on key aspects of the Crown & Throne movement in concert with the council of God. 

Note that we are only accepting 100 participants in order to maximize the impact for those who attend. Please make plans now. 

We are centering the school’s theme on love, accuracy and discernment. So needed for this hour! 

That said, I am perceiving by the Spirit that this school will become a gateway into the Hebrew year 5779. I do not say this lightly. Let me give you just a foretaste of what we are receiving prophetically for the new year.

The number “9” in Hebrew is “Tet.” The pictograph has interesting connotations. According to the website Hebrew4Christians, the swirl of the number can symbolize either a woman who is pregnant or a woman with a serpent. 

You can see both in action now. Symbolically, a woman with a serpent—symbolizing rulership sourced in the occult, empowering lies and deception—is at an all time high. But the good news is that the Bride is now giving birth to the next phase of an apostolic movement set to overthrow the enemy’s work and release a captive harvest! 

Many of you are in the birthing process right now. May I suggest to you the Advanced School of Kings will really help you to advance through the coming year.

“Tet” is actually the rarest letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is used the fewest times. I believe this coming year will be known as a year of events rarely seen in history. As Chuck Pierce prophesied long ago, God has a Trump Card up His sleeve. It’s a rare card. And He is going to use it this coming year.

Final point. The first time the Hebrew letter “Tet” appears is in Genesis 1. “Now the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Lord said, Let there be light! And there was light. God saw that the light was good. And He separated light from darkness” (Genesis 1:2-5)

God saw that it was “TOV” or good. Tet. And He separated light from darkness!

For many of you personally and for many leaders nationally, 2017 and 2018 have been years of testing. God has been evaluating, purifying, the quality of our light.  

Then a verdict is rendered. He saw that it was good. And He separated light from darkness!

In 5779, watch how the quality of your light in Christ is met with Heaven’s approval. And He begins to separate light from darkness in a whole new way. Friends, it is indeed time for God’s deliverance movement. It’s time for His Burning Lamp Awakening as prophesied in Midnight Cry! 

A fire is being kindled. A new phase of God’s forerunner movement is being birthed. LET THERE BE LIGHT!