CALL TONIGHT! 9PM ET. Please make plans to join us. (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

VIDEO REPLAY—AS ONE: THE FREEDOM MOVEMENT! Powerful message shared at Remnant Church. Includes words on the “new way foward” plus key revelation for summer. The waters are released! DATE FOR LIVE STREAM 6-7. CLICK

VIDEO REPLAY—JUSTICE CALL—WHITE HOUSE WATCHMEN. Featuring excerpts from our new book “White House Watchmen.”  DATE FOR LIVE STREAM 6-8. CLICK

NO KING BUT JESUS! This weekend marked our first time traveling to minister since February. And it was profound. As most of you know, even before the death of George Floyd, the brutal murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick GA  became a flashpoint that sparked a national and global protest against racism and police brutality. A violated community is healing. It was such an honor to join with heroic leaders across the racial spectrum to see healing and love overtake the hatred. The body of Christ in Brunswick is again pioneering the pathway of national healing. 

Jolene and I had the privilege of sharing Sunday and Monday on various aspects of God’s freedom movement. I felt today that instead of writing a post it would be good simply to share these messages with you. 

And thank you all for your travail of prayer for justice and freedom in our land. I have been saying for months now that the real war over freedom begins this June. As of Pentecost we moved across the threshold—as the united body of Christ. Please join tonight’s call and lets pray coast to coast until His justice rolls like a river!