With Kathi Pelton, Lynnie Harlow, Lori Perz, Jon & Jolene.
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TURNAROUND TUESDAY AUG 16! 1PM ET. Take every Tuesday to pray for your sons and daughters. Live broadcast with Chris Mitchell, Adam Schindler, Mario Bramnick, Jon & Jolene. Join us for a 45 minute zoom call. Invite your friends to join us! 

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Jon & Jolene’s YouTube:
Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page: FRIENDS,TURN THE STORM, SAVE THE DAY. Jon and Jolene are excited to announce the “Turn the Storm Tour,” covering the 13 original colonies over the first 13 days of September. Please make plans to join us along the way!

The timing of this tour is honestly sudden and unexpected. Until just over a week ago, it was not in our plans. 

But for more than a year I had been privately praying over a 13 colonies journey, waiting on Lord for direction to move through the east coast like we moved through the west coast in 2021. Also for more than a year, I have known that the time period surrounding “9-11-22” was significant. I had actually anticipated embarking on the journey immediately following the Faneuil Hall gathering on 7-22, taking a few months to traverse the East Coast. 

But no clear direction from the Lord came regarding the timing except for one aspect. I knew prophetically that we were called to follow the pathway of the 9-11 terrorists from Boston to New York City and eventually to DC, declaring God’s protection and blessing on every step.

Then on August 5, a sudden prophetic dream from Kathi Pelton brought both a clear direction and clear confirmation of an inner “knowing” about the urgency of the quest. Kathi saw a snake over the 13 colonies, with dates superimposed on each state. Needless to say we were very surprised that the dates were from September 1-13. But to my amazement the journey perfectly fit the prophetic sense regarding the September 11 journey. 

Kathi’s Dream
In Kathi’s own words: 

Here are some of the highlighted points from my encounter in the early morning hours of August 5th. I saw the rattlesnake on the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag broken into 13 pieces— representing the original 13 colonies. It became a map with the dates from September 1—13th. From tail to head.

The dream was a sequel to a previous dream where I saw a snake form a noose that was trying to hang “Jonathan David.” When I saw him in the dream, he was suffocating and nearly at his end. I quickly went to cut the rope, only to find that it was not a rope but rather a snake. I cut it to pieces and my son was freed from the grip of death.

I believe the rattlesnake—this Leviathan—that now seeks to strangle the life and breath out of a “Jonathan/David” generation will be cut off by those who know that Jesus is our true defense and hope. (Jon’s note: all we have contended for through Turnaround Tuesday). 

I heard, “Let My People Go” at each place. In Exodus, Moses threw down a staff that turned into snake. But rather than a staff being thrown down and turning into a snake—I saw a snake being thrown down and turning into a staff (His rod and staff) that brings forth miracles! I then also saw the nation United rather than divided… 

That’s quite a dream. 

Rick Ridings—Snake Over 13 Colonies
What stopped me in my tracks is how precisely it connects with a vision Rick Ridings received back in 2013, during our first Revolution gathering at Valley Forge. Just as with Kathi, Rick also saw a snake lying over the 13 colonies. In his vision the snake was engorged, having swallowed an entire generation Ivy-league caliber college students. An eagle came and split the snake in two, rescuing these students from the belly of the beast. 

As we prayed over the vision in real-time, we knew we were contending for a generation. Our own son first. This time of contending prayer in 2013 led directly to the Turnaround Tuesday movement in 2014-2015, which led directly to our son Jonathan’s salvation on Christmas Day 2015. 

And as part of the Turnaround Tuesday movement today, we are again moving. It’s time for a generation to be rescued from the belly of the beast!

Lynnie Harlow Dream—Don’t Tread on Me!
You might also remember Lynnie Harlow’s stunning dream, shared last year at Revolution 2021. She saw Jon carrying the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag through a violent battle, struggling to gain ground on a hill to plant the flag. When the flag was planted, the battle turned. 

Turn the Storm
As mentioned, we also prophetically that there are threats against the nation which God is calling us corporately to see turned, perhaps even during the time period surrounding 9-11. This morning in prayer I sensed the Lord saying, “You cannot avert the coming storm. But you CAN TURN IT so the winds blow you, and the waves take you in the right direction.” 

Some of you are being called to turn your own ship to avert a coming storm. In other words, to move away from the chaos your words and actions are propelling you towards. Turn the ship and turn the storm! 

Corporately we need to see the Lord turn the storm the enemy seeks to send. I encourage you to keep this focus in fervent prayer through the coming weeks. On the other side of this is breakthrough. Literally a “new birth of freedom.” 

Lets roll…

13 Colonies | 13 Days | No King but Jesus

“The Lord marches forth as a warrior! He rouses His zeal like a man of war…” (Isaiah 42:13). 

“Pursue, overtake and recover all!” (1 Sam 30:8).

September 1 Thursday Brunswick Georgia
September 2 Friday Charleston, South Carolina
September 3 Saturday evening Jacksonville NC
September 4 Sunday Virginia Beach VA with Chris Mitchell Jr
September 5 Labor Day Monday, Yorktown Virginia
September 6 Turnaround Tuesday, Ocean City MD
September 7 Wednesday, Dover DE
September 8 Thursday Old Saybrook Connecticut
September 9 Friday Providence Rhode Island and Concord New Hampshire
September 10 Saturday Boston
September 11 Boston MA to New York City
September 12 Monday Trenton NJ
September 13 Turnaround Tuesday with Jamie Fitt, Philadelphia PA