Historic Prophetic Word from Hanukkah 2018, Trump Int’l Hotel

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VIDEO: A NEW WAY FORWARD! COMMISSIONING A FREEDOM MOVEMENT. From Revolution 2018, Hanukkah, Trump Int’l Hotel.

“A NEW WAY FORWARD.” Hearing these words coming from Kamala Harris, during her acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination for president, was honestly shocking. Primarily because Jolene and I have poured our hearts out before the Lord for just this breakthrough for America. Over many years actually.

As mentioned yesterday, our “New Way Forward” word was first released in the midst of cancel-culture upheaval. We gave the word during Revolution 2018 at the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC. The primary reason we were at the Trump International when we released the word, not at the Museum of the Bible as originally planned, is because of a cancel-culture power move by the far-left “Right Wing Watch” news organization that came against the Museum of the Bible for hosting our conference. 

Two days before our conference, actually. Their headline: Spiritual Paul Revere hosts ‘Revolution’ at Museum of the Bible, America’s ‘Ark of the Covenant.’ The Museum responded by canceling our conference there. At their expense, they moved it instead to the amazing, ever-gracious Trump International Hotel. We were honored to release the prophetic word on “A New Way Forward” during our conference there. 

Not coincidentally this commissioning word for the Glory Train movement was given on December 7, 2018, marking the 77th anniversary of our entry into World War II. A freedom movement is arising to again confront totalitarianism and prejudice. You and I are called to perpetuate the breakthrough of this new way for our nation. NOW IS THE TIME.

Again, as mentioned yesterday—please remember that a genuine prophetic word creates a window for fulfillment. I would say that the prophetic word and window were both actually released to the seat of authority of the presidency. Both belong to the seat of the presidency, and will be available for whomever the American people choose as our 47th expression of America’s highest office. 

I will also say prophetically that both the word and window will be very much needed. The road ahead will by no means be easy. A new way forward has indeed been mandated. To that end, the word actually belongs to WE THE PEOPLE. 

Below is the core prophetic vision from the word that was shared. You can catch the full prophetic expression by clicking the link above and watching it on YouTube. Be sure to share it with your friends!

Vision—the Glory Train
On August 25, 2017, not long after the Charlottesville tragedy, I received a vision. In the vision I was at a train station, above and behind the engine of a large train. As with my original vision of the Glory Train, the train’s engine looked like it was made of pure gold. But unlike my previous vision, this engine was not a locomotive. Instead it looked very modern and new. I knew in the vision the train represented the body of Christ. 

There was a platform on either side of the train. I looked to the right of the train engine, and saw a group of people literally with white sheets and pointed hats (symbolizing the KKK and all it represents). I looked to the left of the train engine, and saw people dressed in black (symbolizing Antifa and all it represents). All of the sudden smoke or steam shot out from under the wheels of this gold engine. AND THE TRAIN BEGAN TO MOVE FORWARD AND LEAVE THE STATION.

I believe the vision represents the Glory Train. And in a larger sense, the vision conveys how this movement is now moving beyond both the radical left and the radical right. The passengers on this train were all aboard. No room for those who remain with either group! And we, the body of Christ, made up of people from every tribe and tongue and nation, are now moving beyond their sabotage to set a new course for our nation. 

We are in a new season. This restoration train is leaving the station! We are advancing beyond the confines the enemy established to both confine us and define us. 

Instead, honor is prevailing. Dignity is prevailing. Love, strength, justice and freedom are prevailing. And that’s what this movement is all about. Turmoil abounds. Lets see His covenant established!