PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY with Pastor Todd Smith, catalyst of the Dawsonville Baptism Revival! 9pm EST. The Dawsonville Revival has been going on for more than a year. Todd’s ministry at Remnant Church launched the Brunswick Baptism Revival on 2-22. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

FIREWATER! March 28, 29, 31. Todd Smith returns to Remnant Church, Brunswick GA for baptism revival meetings. Jon and Jolene joining with major announcement on east coast Glory Train movement. If you’re anywhere close, please join us!

PLEASE PRAY! At the word of the Lord, Jolene and I have taken March to pray, plan and focus on Washington DC. We have seen amazing breakthroughs already. Please keep us covered! 

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THIS PURIM! RICK RIDINGS CALL TO FAST, PRAY— Prayer for these priorities will continue through the 21 day “Now Therefore Arise” prayer project. YOUTUBE VIDEO CLICK HERE. 

FIRST—Jolene and I are excited to return next week to Brunswick GA for more FIREWATER with the Brunswick Baptism Revival. I hope you can join us! 

Pastor Todd Smith, a firestarter of this revival, will be with us on Wednesday for a special Purim call! More than a year ago, Todd was pondering quitting the pastorate of his church in Dawsonville GA when a prophet interrupted him. The message: God’s not done yet, He’s about to move! He then went into his sanctuary to pray, and the Lord showed him a vision. God’s hand came down and released holy fire into the baptism waters! 

That’s when a move of Holy Spirit broke out. Todd and his team have baptized tens of thousands since then, every Sunday evening at their Dawsonville church. A year later, the revival is stronger than ever.  

And when Pastor Todd connected with Jamie and Redonnia Jackson and Mack Tucker of North Island Church this February 21-22, the fire of God’s glory moved upon the waters of Brunswick GA in a very powerful way!

So join us this Wednesday for an amazing call. And please plan to make it down to the FIREWATER gathering March 28, 29 and 31 in Brunswick GA. Bring towels and a change of clothes if you want to be baptized. LORD LIGHT THE FIRE AGAIN!

Baptism and the Purim Turnaround
And hey… just in case you are questioning what in the world Purim has to do with Todd Smith and a Midnight Mikvah revival… The answer is EVERYTHING.

Purim commemorates Esther’s dramatic stand to protect the Jewish people from an impending holocaust. She stood before her King and she stood before her king. Judgement was rendered in favor of the saints. Her people were preserved. And Esther was promoted to rule over half the kingdom. Turnaround!

How did Esther prepare for her appointment with destiny? Six months myrrh, six months frankincense. What an amazing picture of cleansing and baptism! Further, just as with Esther’s forefathers, the enemies of her people were defeated in context with this cleansing. 

Esther arose for her defining moment in history long before she arose for her defining moment in history. Let the cleansing waters bring out the true majesty in you. NOW THEREFORE ARISE…