SPECIAL ROSH HASHANAH CALL TUESDAY 9pm EST. Note this special call is being held TUESDAY instead of our Wednesday call. Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31, Trump International Hotel. With Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Gideon Group, more. REGISTRATION: $120 before Oct. 16, $150 after Oct. 16. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE.  

TONITE, ROSH HASHANAH, 6PM White Columns Event Center, 45 East Howard Street, Kingston, GA. FULL SCHEDULE CLICK HERE. 

6:30pm Father’s House, 1203 Royal Drive, Conyers GA. 

7pm Christ Church Anglican, 2020 Bull Street, Savannah GA.

Beginning 10:30 am Remnant Church, Brunswick GA. Thru beginning of Yom Kippur. 

Evening of Yom Kippur, National Day of Atonement. Grace Life Jacksonville, 2960 Plummer Cove Rd, Jacksonville, FL.

THE DAYS OF AWE are Days of Giving! Your donation helps Lamplighter advance God’s Kingdom in Washington DC and the nation. Please consider a gift today! To contribute CLICK HERE.

Friends, l’Shana Tova! Happy Rosh Hashanah. And welcome to 5780 on the Hebrew calendar. Such an honor to launch the Glory Train journey tonight at the precipice of this new year. Jesus Himself is going to give definition to our new season. He’s going to take us by His hand and move us across the threshold, into a new place in Him. Please join us if you can!

Freedom—An American Passover Begins
Early this morning Holy Spirit showed me just how vital it is for you and I to properly enter this new year, and this new decade. I also saw how the resistance of the enemy this week was strategically unleashed to intimidate and defile us right as we crossed over. 

Because how we leave 5779—including the condition of our hearts—is how we enter 5780. 

As of tonight, 5780, God’s freedom movement comes of age. Remember Moses was 80 when God’s hand came upon him to confront Pharaoh and covenantally release the freedom movement of his time. Watch this now. Moses was born 80 years beforehand, at a time where Pharaoh was slaughtering the Jewish children. Is it any coincidence that 80 years ago September 2019, a Pharaoh named Hitler, focused on globalist totalitarianism, started World War II—and implemented his plan to slaughter the Jewish people?

Yet at the same time, God has promised to marry the miracles of Exodus and the miracles of Acts in a freedom movement that catalyzes deliverance and restores His glory nationwide. We are now thus engaged. An American Passover has begun.

Daily Communion Til 2020!
The Lord wants you and I to move into this year in the same way He brought His people out from Egypt—through the embrace and display of His covenant. For this reason, from now through December 31 I am calling the Lamplighter family to receive the Table of the Lord daily as an act of personal consecration and cleansing as well as apostolic covering for our nation. This is so important—daily communion til 2020!

Remember the Table of the Lord is the highest Court in the Kingdom of God. As part of your time receiving of His covenant, lets agree the betrayers of His heart and covenant to be brought to justice. Please take a portion of bread and present it to Jesus, asking Him to bring His redemptive exposure.

Overcoming a Timed Attack
You can see this week how forces of Pharaoh sought to prevent this freedom movement from taking hold. These forces, in concert with select leaders, literally launched a coup. 

The assault against President Trump was a trigger for a broader attack both within government and the body of Christ. It unleashed an occult-empowered fog of pride, anger, accusation, division, deception and depression. The fact that this attack was empowered by the occult is not conjecture but fact. Clearly it was meant to unseat President Trump. But it was meant to paralyze many of you precisely as we enter into this new season.

This fog was meant to disorient you. It was meant to rob you of vision and clarity. It was meant to push you into anger and unfgorgiveness as an an unholy substitute for God’s covering of glory, love, forgiveness and union. It was meant to cause your spirit to wither, your hopes to fade. It was a direct attack on the very fire God is kindling.

The Lord wants to cleanse you of this spiritual fog right here and now. He wants to restore to you Holy Spirit clarity. He wants to recover your covering by the cloud of His glory. He wants your spirit to be buoyant. He wants your light to shine in a way that this fog is penetrated through and dissipated—from coast to coast.

Prayer of Release from Oppression
Here is a prayer for you. Please consider receiving communion as you pray and decree. 

Father God we break our agreement with this demonic fog of pride, anger, accusation and deception, in Jesus’ Name. We thank You for annulling every covenant with death and hell empowering this attack through Your body and shed blood. Thank you for granting us Your Daniel 7:22 judgement in favor of the saints, restraining the enemy and releasing Your saints to possess the Kingdom! Lord Your word declares that You judge and make war to enforce Your verdict in our spheres (Rev. 19:11). Please enforce Your verdict now, in Jesus’ Name.

Lord we choose to forgive all whom we hold anger against in our hearts (take time now to do so). We release Your forgiveness and blessing over all who have perpetuated accusation, slander, hatred, division, deception and defilement.

Father in Jesus’ name I decree Your covenant breakthrough now fully delivers us from this assignment of occult oppression in Jesus’ Name. Let this cloud now be seen as the defiled cloak it is, removed from Your people and discarded in Jesus’ name. Let the human spirit of each person affected be rescued from every realm and dimension of the enemy’s confinement, realigned with Your Throne, and restored to full vigor, life and stature. 

Now remantle our human spirits with Your glory! Fill each of us with Your Holy Spirit and fire. Fill us with Your love. Cleanse us from all defilement from this attack. In Jesus’ Name.

Lord we reclaim our respective spheres of authority from this attempted coup in Jesus’ Name. We receive Your forgiveness for every sin, fault or compromise, in Jesus’ Name. Lord help us to learn from our mistakes and steward our responsibilities of rulership even more effectively. Cleanse our seats of authority from all defilement and silence the accusations of our adversary. 

Now restore to us Your vision and authority over our spheres. These spheres belong to You by covenant, divorced from Baal, joined only to You. Restrain the enemy, covenantally and governmentally. We welcome You and ask that You now rest on these thrones for Your glory, in Jesus’ Name.   

Trump’s Week—A Different Perspective
Part of our overcoming is gaining Heaven’s perspective. So lets briefly review a few of this week’s events from a different vantage point than what’s been portrayed.

In one week, President Trump wisely kept America from a premature war with Iran. He stood for people persecuted for their faith globally by hosting the first-ever meeting for Religious Freedom at the UN General Assembly. And in his UN speech, Trump confronted the raw totalitarianism driving much of today’s globalist movement. 

In the very same day, many leaders solidified their resolve for impeachment, broadcasting their accusations to the nation. I will say again that this was timed with great precision in concert with occult targeting, just before we entered 5780. Perhaps the measure of resistance confirms the potential God is offering.

Let me be clear I don’t agree with all of Trump’s ways, or all of his decisions. As with all of us in this season of Teshuvah, where he’s missed it he really needs to seek God’s forgiveness and make a turn. 

But here’s a different perspective regarding the accusations against Trump regarding the Ukraine. In the midst of the call to impeachment, a high level opponent of Trump was unexpectedly exposed. His own words seemed to convey a clear misuse of power for his own benefit, and the benefit of his family, especially given the circumstances. 

Friends, you might consider that President Trump, knowing this misuse of power, may have chosen to put his political career on the line in pursuit of justice for the American people. 

Whatever transpires, one thing’s for sure. The Lord grants the American people the redemptive justice we’ve been seeking. 

Governmental Glory
So L’Shana Tova everyone. Remember Isaiah 6. As of Rosh Hashanah 2019, the thrones of America and Israel are shaking, just as prophesied. And yet God is restoring His governmental glory. His unshakeable Throne, founded upon righteousness and justice, is being unveiled.  

Remember the sequence. Midnight crisis. Midnight watch. Midnight cry. Midnight turnaround. 

Midnight train to Georgia! 

“The fire is coming back! The Glory Train is coming again!… There’s a fire that’s coming through north Georgia, Kingston and Cartersville, and will light the tracks as it goes through Atlanta all the way to the coast. You’ll know then the Glory Train, with the fire of God, HAS COME ACROSS THE NATION from Georgia!” —Bob Jones 30 years ago, quoted by Rocky Abernathy.