Glory-Train-Seattle-2GLORY TRAIN SEATTLE—FULL CIRCLE GLORY! 7pm July 9, 10 Seattle Revival Center! 

Full Circle Glory
We have come full circle! And I am undone. Thank you Lamplighter family for making this extraordinary journey with us. We’ve experienced many unseen turns along these tracks. We’ve had some last-minute leaps and more than a few delays. Never enough sleep. But the vistas are truly breathtaking, and the breakthroughs in Jesus have been incredible.

Now it’s officially time to present this portion of our Glory Train journey to the Lord. When we first began praying about the journey, intercessors from Seattle felt strongly we needed to start there. It didn’t seem to matter to them that I had only seen tracks laid from Virginia Beach to San Diego. Or that our schedule in an election year wouldn’t seemingly permit a return journey on the rails.

And it didn’t seem to matter to the Lord either. Because while I was praying about it, I saw a finger outline the boundaries of our entire nation as a circle. And Holy Spirit soon spoke, “As you circle the nation in prayer and revival you are presenting the Lord Jesus Christ with a wedding ring. America, married to the Lord!”

From that moment in time nothing else really mattered.

The Unstoppable Train
What I didn’t expect is how much I would fall in love with our land and people again, from coast to coast. Look what the Lord has done. Just as He spoke to us, we are in a dire season marked by the conflict of thrones. Yet Heaven truly is at our gates! And His glory is being restored across our entire nation.

And further, God’s Glory Train is an unstoppable train. This was prophesied by friends in Houston and then over and over again by folks whom we’ve never met all along the way. It’s good news. Because despite the plans of men and devils, our turnaround as a nation is also unstoppable!

In a little over a week we make our run back across the nation— from Sacramento to Colorado Springs, St. Louis and upstate New York. I’ll be releasing our full updated schedule Monday. And with Monday’s post we will also have some more exciting news to share!

Recap—Words for Cities and States
OK. I thought you might appreciate a recap of the words from the Lord He has given us all along this amazing journey. Just brief phrases encompassing the essence of what He conveyed for each city and state.

  1. Honolulu, HI—Ha-wa-ii. The breath of God upon the waters, the move of His glory. Isaiah 42. Let there be light!
  2. Anchorage AK—The North Winds of Breakthrough, with God’s portal opened to blow these winds into the lower 48.
  3. Vancouver BC—Turnaround! Overcoming the Political Spirit.
  4. Issaquah WA—Seattle called as an epicenter of revival! Launching here by rail to circle the nation in prayer and revival.
  5. Seattle WA—Turnaround. Acts 3:19—Repentance and the blowing again of God’s breath!
  6. Whitefish MT—the Mountain of the Lord
  7. Rugby ND—Exodus and Acts—Continental Revival
  8. St. Paul MN—Court of Heaven—The Turnaround Verdict
  9. Waupun WI—the Conductor State. Which way will they take us?
  10. Pittsburgh PA—The Turnaround Womb. Birthing God’s turnaround for the nation.
  11. Old Saybrook CT—The Awakening State. Youth awakening and turnaround.
  12. Boston MA—the Glory Revolution is launched on 241st anniversary of Paul Revere’s legendary midnight ride. Riding now for America to be born again!
  13. Times Square NYC. Divorcing Baal, restoring God’s glory.
  14. Philadelphia PA—Crown Him. The baby’s head is crowning!
  15. Washington DC—Passover! Underground turnaround governmentally released.
  16. Williamsburg VA—Restoring covenant, releasing revolution
  17. Virginia Beach VA—Glory Train from Virginia Beach to San Diego!
  18. Charleston SC—The justice of love! Welcoming the Glory of God governmentally into the state.
  19. Brunswick GA—Heaven at your gates! During service, fireworks and train whistle mark that the Glory Train is here.
  20. Conyers GA—Unseating Throne of Injustice
  21. Cartersville GA—Re-constitution state
  22. Atlanta GA—Birthing the Glory Revolution
  23. Birmingham AL—Digging Wells of Civil Rights Movement
  24. Selma AL—Selma’s Underground Turnaround
  25. Montgomery AL—the Justice Turnaround
  26. New Orleans LA—Moses Mantle—Let My People Go!
  27. Dallas TX—Warning against terror plots
  28. Austin TX—Isaiah 6: shifting government
  29. San Antonio TX—The Texas Turnaround
  30. Oklahoma City OK—Pentecost! Double Portion Kiss
  31. Paragould AR—Back on Track! America at the Crossroads
  32. Jackson MS—Mississippi Muscle—Revival Movement
  33. Houston TX—Flashpoint! Trumping the Enemy’s 33
  34. Maricopa AZ—The Gray Awakening and God’s new move.
  35. Hollywood CA—What have you done to My child?
  36. San Diego CA—Governmental glory
  37. Sacramento CA—07-07 Completing the covenant—America, married to the Lord. Regime change decreed.
  38. Seattle WA—Full Circle Glory. Covenant blessings!