PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

Praying for the National Security Council
First—as mentioned Monday, please keep the NSC in continued prayer. Pray especially for Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, who was asked by Pres. Trump to step in as the acting National Security Advisor. He is a wise, loyal and godly man with an extraordinary track record in the military, government and international relations.

In prayer I have sensed that Gen. Kellogg is a loyal, stabilizing force for President Trump. I also sense that he would greatly benefit both Trump and the nation f selected to permanently continue in this role. Lamplighter family, lets come alongside him in prayer. Remember by God’s clear leading we are adopting the NSC for vigilant intercession during this period. 

Turnaround! Trump-Netanyahu Meeting Today
Lets keep the meeting between President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu in immediate, watchful prayer! Today the leaders of two lands founded by covenant with God are connecting to set a new course for the future and repair a breach in relations between our nations. For context, remember President Obama’s refusal to veto December’s UN resolution mandating the division of Israel and Jerusalem.

A noon press conference is scheduled at the White House with Pres. Donald Trump and PM Benjamin Netanyahu, followed by lunch and a few hours of meetings. While the two leaders are meeting, First Lady Melania Trump will be visiting with Sara Netanyahu.

Please keep watch and pray. Before the meeting, President Trump conveyed he is willing to explore alternatives to the “two state solution” in pursuing peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Other key issues for today’s discussions include strategies to curb Iranian terrorism and the nation’s continued pursuit of nuclear capacities, ISIS and Hamas collaboration in the Sinai, the humanitarian crisis in Syria, and strengthening regional collaboration between Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. This as well as continued economic and military collaboration, tourism, etc.

Please pray for this meeting. After a divisive breach during Obama’s final term, it’s time for a turnaround between our nations!

Israel and America—Perpetuating Covenant with God
Some may be offended that Trump and Netanyahu are leaders of two lands established by covenant with God, but it’s true. When you probe the Bible, it is extraordinary to consider how the nation of Israel has influenced the United States of America. As mentioned, our forefathers established covenant with God for America based on the biblical pattern of the Bible, following the simple admonition “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” They laid the tracks for our future. And unquestionably, as with Israel we have become blessed among the nations.

For both Israel and America, the primary quest entrusted to us is to retain and perpetuate God’s covenant and therefore His blessing, refusing to allow the forces of evil to derail us.

The Turnaround Elections
That brings us to two extraordinary election turnarounds—Netanyahu in 2015, and Trump in 2016. No other leaders of nation in recent history have been united by the same extraordinary pathway to their respective offices. One word sums up both of their journeys. TURNAROUND.

By the grace of God alone, Jolene and I have had a radically personal and catalytic experience with the extraordinary turnarounds that defined both elections. In both cases, the Lord–the God of Israel—spoke clearly to us to intercede for victory, against hope believing in hope. And in both Jerusalem and Washington DC, we became the tip of the spear for the broader Lamplighter family and even respective prayer networks as collaborative intercession was mobilized each step of the way.

I’ll never forget the time in early February 2015 when the Lord called us to prayer for PM Netanyahu and the Israeli elections. “As you have stood with Me for your elections in your land, so I desire for you to stand with Me for My elections in My covenant land.”

We had just purchased tickets to travel to Jerusalem for some downtime in March, at the invitation of our dear friend Linda Wyatt. March 8—18. Picked the dates because I love Deut. 8:18, where God promises power to gain wealth to establish His covenant.

So early in the morning I googled “Israel elections” to find out when they were occurring. And I was astonished to discover the elections culminated on March 17. Without even knowing, we had scheduled our “downtime” in Jerusalem for the final 10 days of Israel’s election!

The initial awe over God’s orchestration soon became overshadowed by a sense of responsibility focused on my own incapacities. How could Jolene and I possibly make a difference? How do we even pray?

Obama and the Iranian Nuclear Deal
Looming large over the elections was President Obama’s unabashed and aggressive pursuit to unseat the Prime Minister. Why? Perhaps because on both the world stage and even in the halls of Congress, Netanyahu had the courage to openly defy the President regarding the Iranian nuclear deal. For this reason, Obama’s top campaign strategist was even hired by the party running against Netanyahu as the leader of their campaign!

Things did not look good. But God!

And in prayer, the Lord highlighted to me again the verdict He granted to turn our land—including, I believe, the 2014 elections. Daniel 7:22. Judgement in favor of the saints, restraining the forces of evil and releasing the saints to possess the kingdom. We now call it the turnaround verdict.

The Turnaround Verdict
“Until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived for the saints to possess the Kingdom.” This verdict, as recorded in Daniel 7:22, issues from the Highest Court in the Kingdom of God When the Lord spoke to me to stand on this verdict, I was blown away.

We had been summoned on 7-22, 2014 to gather at Faneuil Hall Boston to receive this verdict from Heaven’s Court. In my arrogance I thought that the application of this verdict at this time had been granted to the United States alone. But of course biblically, this verdict of justice was originally granted regarding Israel first! “As you have stood with Me for your elections in your land, so I desire for you to stand with Me for My elections in My covenant land.”

We stood. I’ll never forget ministering in Jerusalem and then praying with the saints. Judgement has been rendered by Heaven, the forces of darkness are being restrained! And you are going to see an election turnaround! Everybody in the faith community was pulling for Netanyahu, but nobody believed he could actually regain the seat.

Against all odds, he won. Turnaround.

Turnaround—American Elections
It was actually during this time in Jerusalem that the Lord first spoke to me about the 2016 elections. That as we had sown towards turnaround in Israel, we would reap a turnaround in our upcoming Presidential elections.

And it happened. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine our own personal stand for America’s turnaround would soon take Jolene and me to all 50 states in seven months, or that we would literally circle the entire nation by train as part of this quest.

Turnaround. Judgement in favor of the saints. It’s now time for the saints to possess the Kingdom!

Most of you know our journey. How the Lord brought the Glory Train-Turnaround Tour forward, and then highlighted Donald Trump during our early planning last January. We saw the Lord catalyzing national turnaround, prophesying state by state and even seeing the elections align with Heaven’s words. We unexpectedly had the privilege of praying at the Trump Towers just a few weeks before the election, right after the “locker room tapes” were released. And we saw turnaround.

I want to emphasize here that the election victory belongs to God alone. We were simply doing our part, just as extraordinary leaders, intercessors and activists all across the nation fulfilled their respective callings.

Praying the Turnaround Verdict NOW
And just as the election victory belongs to the Lord, SO DO THE RESULTS. I believe the Trump-Pence administration is destined for greatness in the eyes of God and man, and we are dedicated to prayer towards this end. Yet if they accomplish nothing more than restoring righteous judges to the Supreme Court who will uphold the Constitution, I am beyond grateful.

That said, we clearly have an incredible journey of prayer ahead of us.

And I encourage you in this journey to continue praying covenantally, according to the verdicts that have already been released from Heaven’s throne. Covenant with God has been restored. A restraining order against evil has been issued. Lets stand in every sphere for God’s turnaround to be fully manifested.

And finally, lets always remember that the One whom both Israel and America are in covenant with identifies Himself as the God of Israel, and the Savior of mankind. No King but Jesus!

“Until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived for the saints to possess the Kingdom.”