
Leaders Conference Call Tomorrow! Tuesday, June 10, 10 AM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute.

Prayer Call Wednesday! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 


Launching from Florida beginning July 2. Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce join for a special 13 Colonies convocation July 22 at Faneuil Hall Boston. For updates and prophetic postings, see

We are so grateful for the holy “buzz” about the 13 Colonies journey. The Spirit of God is stirring us all… because it’s actually time for Him to visit! Today and tomorrow we will be exploring what we feel this opportunity is all about. I had a very interesting dream this morning with this focus.

Many who hear about the 13 Colonies Journey wonder why we believe so strongly that a move of awakening is coming to the east coast. Further, many question why we are including Florida, as the state was not part of the original 13 colonies.  Below is a special posting for you, specially prepared for leaders and intercessors in Florida. It conveys what I feel the Spirit is saying to us all.

East Gate Awakening
“Then he led me to THE GATE, the gate facing toward the EAST; and behold, the glory of the God of Israel WAS COMING IN from the way of the EAST…”
(Ezekiel 43:1-2)

“Get ready for the gates of heaven and earth to open and align over the East Coast!” This unexpected thunder from Chuck Pierce came exactly 40 days before the launch of our 13 Colonies “Glory Procession.” With all that Jolene and I are pursuing, the confirmation was a kiss from heaven.

From July 2-24, our team will be traversing, praying and ministering through the east coast, starting in Jacksonville Florida. Two historic awakenings have already lit up this geographic “east gate” of our nation. And we are gripped with the promise that a Third Great Awakening is now at the point of birth. God is poised to restore His glory “by way of the gate facing east!”

Rick and Patti Ridings, directors of Jerusalem’s 24/7 Succat Hallel, were among the first to cast vision for this new awakening. Note that their prophetic legacy is respected worldwide. Seventeen years ago the Ridings embarked on the original 13 Colonies Prayer Journey as their major assignment before moving to Israel. They felt God wanted to deal with the historic roots of America on the east coast so that when the revival finally came, it would actually be embraced and sustained.

This November, Jolene and I were commissioned by the Ridings to launch a second 13 Colonies journey beginning in summer 2014. Our shared sense that the revival they perceived is now at hand. Please join us for onsite prayer and evening services as we together step into this new move!

Why Florida?
Many have asked us why we are launching from Florida, or even including the state in a journey through the 13 Colonies. Very simple—the momentum towards awakening is now at a flashpoint.

We’ll review some reasons why—including the covenantal foundations of the state—in a moment. But the Ridings prophesied 17 years ago that the “feet of Jesus” were over Florida, preparing the Gospel to be spread through the nation and world as part of this coming awakening.

Rick and Patti didn’t know then that a 24/7 breakthrough prayer movement would be arising from the state. They didn’t know then that Rinehart Bonnke would choose Florida as his headquarters after being consumed by God’s promise that “all America shall be saved!”

But even without this extraordinary work, Florida would still be my place of choice to begin this historic journey. Because God has forged in me a covenant commitment to see the legacy forged by Florida’s founders in Christ perpetuated as destiny today.

East Gate—Covenantal Foundations
The prophet Ezekiel perceived how God would restore His glory “by way of the gate facing east.” Prophetically, the east coast can represent the geographic east gate of our nation. Both the unholy roots and the holy roots that framed America’s foundation were planted in this soil. The holy roots, forged by covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ, remain our best hope for the future.

I consider these covenantal foundations—by the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, and the Huguenots in Florida—to be the two “gateposts” of this geographic east gate. The covenants our forefathers made with Jesus Christ set a new course for the culture and government of our land. but for historic moves of awakening and today’s house of prayer movement.

The Pilgrims Covenanted with God
When our forefathers stood against injustice, a nation of awakening was birthed. The Pilgrims set out for the new world to establish a land of religious freedom. On November 11, 1620, they signed the Mayflower Compact, entering into covenant with Jesus Christ by dedicating our land and government to “the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian Faith.” Most of their group died during the first year, literally giving their life for this dream.

It’s interesting that it was on 11-11 that the Pilgrims made their covenant with the Lord. Because John 11:11 gives Jesus’ definition of awakening. “Lazarus our friend has fallen asleep, but I go that I may awaken him from slumber.” When moves of awakening break forth, the dead come to life!

During both the First and Second Great Awakenings, we saw two dimensions of the Pilgrims’ covenant with the Lord in manifestation. We saw God’s glory — the tangible manifestation of His presence and power — across the land, resulting in societal transformation. And we saw evangelism — the advancement of the Christian faith — as unprecedented numbers of people turned to Jesus Christ. These precedents will soon become the hallmark of this awakening as well!

The Huguenots Covenanted with God
Before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, another weary group came to America seeking religious freedom. Led by Jean Ribault, the Huguenots established a settlement in Ft. Caroline, Florida (near Jacksonville), again with the hope of reaching nations with the gospel.

The Huguenots at Ft. Caroline were martyred at the hands of Spanish conquistadors. Jean Ribault died chanting Psalm 132, literally begging God to make this nation a dwelling place for His presence. But instead of praying, “Lord remember the afflictions of your servant David,” he prayed, “Lord remember the afflictions of your servant Jean. How he swore. . . not to give rest to his eyes, nor slumber to his eyelids, until he found a dwelling place for the mighty God of Jacob.”

It is interesting to note that, centuries later, another forerunner was gripped by Psalm 132 and the dream in God’s heart for our land to be a dwelling place for His presence. At the outset of his ministry, Mike Bickle came into covenant with the Lord, according to Psalm 132 — a covenant that eventually brought forth the 24/7 International House of Prayer.

God remembers the cry of His friends. Part of this Third Great Awakening is that covenantal blessings aborted in previous seasons will find life and expression in this hour of history!

Vision of an East Coast Prayer Movement
There’s so much more to share here. Let me close with this thought. It’s so important to emphasize that the procession of glory coming in by way of this east gate is the GLORY OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL. God is a God of covenant, and He is summoning America to stand for the dream of His heart for Israel and the nations to be realized. This is especially vital for the east coast!

I saw the reality of this in a vision back in 2000. Three fighter jets took off, merged into formation, and shot across the world to fight for Israel’s destiny. I saw a fighter jet take off from Colorado Springs, a fighter jet take off from Kansas City, and a fighter jet take off from the mid-atlantic region of the United States.

I knew immediately these fighter jets represented three prayer movements—spiritual warfare in Colorado Springs, the 24/7 “Tabernacle of David” movement in Kansas City. But the Lord was clearly showing that an EAST COAST PRAYER MOVEMENT also needed to take flight! And that the destiny of Israel was somehow at stake.

Beloved, I believe we are in the very early stages of this east coast prayer movement—a “burning lamp awakening” founded by covenant and fueled by His anointing to bring awakening to America and the nations. On this “Glory Procession” we are bearing witness to this dream—and actually stepping into its manifestation.

Below you will find links to recent postings on the Glory Procession, including prophetic insights from Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Rick and Patti Ridings as well as from Jolene and me.

Our new book Crown & Throne also chronicles many prophetic promises and casts vision for this east coast prayer movement. To order, see

Glory Procession—13 Colonies Journey Overview & Itinerary

Jesus Over East Coast—Patti Ridings Vision

Eagle and Snake Over East Coast—Rick Ridings Vision

Burning Lamp Awakening

Quake! Chuck Pierce Prophesies About 13 Colonies!

Daniel Nash & Lowville Well—Releasing the River of God

Daniel Nash & Forerunning Prayer for Today’s Awakening