Securing the Secret Place! Sept 7-9, 11

“You shall hide me in the secret of Your Presence from the strife of tongues and the conspiracies of man”–Psalm 31:20

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” –Psalm 91:1.

Each year around September 11, Jolene and I retreat to a “secret place” to hear and share what we feel the Lord is saying for the coming season. He always meets us with fresh revelation that brings amazing clarity to what’s ahead.

I was on a van crossing the Hudson River when God set me on this course. In late August 2011, I joined a group of intercessors for the Kettle Tour, a forerunning prayer journey for the Call Boston led by Dutch Sheets with Lou Engle and Will Ford. It was the last time I saw the twin towers.

Call 911
We were discussing a dream Dutch’s wife Ceci shared from their home in Colorado Springs. In the dream, Ceci had just become pregnant. She looked down again and realized she had suddenly come to full term. “Call 911! Call 911!” She began to shout, realizing there was nobody around to help her deliver this child. “The experts are needed at this time!”

After Dutch shared the dream, a debate began among the budding forerunners in the group. Dutch had conveyed how he felt God was referencing Psalm 91:1, dwelling in the secret place of the Most High and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. Others among us–myself included–felt God was referencing Amos 9:11, the restoration of the tabernacle of David. Call 911–God wanted to join together the Call movement with the Amos 9:11 movement of priestly worship and intercession.

As we crossed the Hudson River on the Tappan Zee Bridge, none of us understood how, on September 11, 2001, our entire world would change.

Similar Feel Today
If I can be honest, this season has had a similar feel. Probably why God called us to stay in DC to watch and pray instead of traveling and ministering. And it’s probably why He called us to this watch now.

Has a storm been averted? Not sure–but I believe the effects have at least been lessened, with the sovereignty of our nation remaining secure.

11-11… Coincidence?
The Kettle Tour ended on August 31. Eleven days later, terrorists took town the twin towers and even struck the Pentagon. Eleven days later, the Call Boston drew tens of thousands of intercessors from the northeast and the nation to cry out for mercy for our land. And mercy has prevailed.

You might catch an “11-11 pattern” in this recounting. It is interesting how the Pilgrims cut covenant with the Lord for this nation on 11-11, 1620. Our last prayer meeting at our apartment on 1111 Army Navy Drive–which overlooks the Pentagon–is on September 11.

By the way, this year marks the 11th anniversary of the tragedy.

Trumpeting the 911 Call
I personally believe that, amidst the shock, the rubble, the pain of September 11, God began to trumpet His “911 call.” It was time for the Tabernacle of David to be restored! Amos 9:11 begins with the haunting phrase, “In that day.” God referenced a day in history that would somehow be recognized globally as a benchmark of profound change.

“In that day I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David, and repair its breaches; I will also raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old…” (Amos 9:11).

Since 9-11, the 24/7 prayer movement has grown exponentially across the globe. Very exciting! As we will see in future postings, we have also come to realize that this restoration is progressive. And God’s expression from season to season and region to region will look vastly different.

Securing the Secret Place
As we enter the 11th anniversary of this tragedy, the challenges we face have grown even greater–for America, Israel and the nations. We are potentially facing the prospect of war. I will only say that the “911 passage” the Lord has recently emphasized is Revelation 19:11, where Christ judges and makes war.

But God has a secret place, a shelter in the storm! And He has secret counsel, reserved for just this hour. He will protect, establish and advance you!

You can see through David’s Tent and the accelerated prayer movements the fall how the Lord is emphasizing this theme. The key is to access what He has provided. In our personal lives, in the capitals of our land, and from region to region, it is time to “Secure the Secret Place!”

This year is very special as we partner with Pastor Jay Francis and Rock Road Chapel in Berne (near Albany), New York for a Presence-saturated weekend to set the course for the future. Then on September 11, we will host a meeting in Washington DC with Jason Hershey. Details on this gathering will be released soon.

From Capital to Capital, New York to DC, lets expect God to move! Please make plans now to join us. Lets seek the Lord together, and hear His secret counsel. And above all else, lets renew our focus in our personal lives on securing the Secret Place.
(Another posting with 911 words).