“He who hates his brother is a murderer.”

For the past few days, I have been really feeling resistance in the spirit. Couldn’t figure out what it was. When watching Rick Ridings and his video on praying for Israel, suddenly it all made sense. Watch Rick’s video here.

He talked about how, in Jerusalem, he’s really been feeling resistance in the spirit ever since Ramadan began.

A war is raging in the spiritual realm that’s even more intense than what we see unfolding before our eyes. The natural realm is significantly impacted by this realm. Conversely, the spiritual realm is significantly impacted by our words and actions, personally and corporately, in the earth realm.

When Jolene and I talk about spiritual warfare, we are referencing a battle between God and the enemy, good and evil, that transcends the natural realm. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, world rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in heavenly realms” according to Ephesians 6.

Ramadan at the Pentagon
Back to Rick’s perceptions. When this veteran prayer director correlated the spiritual intensity he felt to Ramadan, suddenly what I was feeling totally made sense.

Our apartment overlooks the Pentagon. We close each night by praying for our leaders at this spartan five-sided fortress. Especially for those whose lights remain on through the night.

And since Ramadan began, we have noticed increased spiritual intensity. It’s obvious that our enemies in the natural are targeting the Pentagon. It seems that through fasting and prayer, the hatred of many radical Islamists towards our military has been empowering darkness at a heightened level. Against this facility, and probably many facilities throughout the nation and world.

Iran and the Prince of Persia
And this makes even more sense as our stand against a nuclear Iran comes to a crisis point. Remember how Daniel fasted and prayed for revelation while serving in Babylon, or ancient Iraq. Even then there was tremendous friction between Iran and Persia, or ancient Iran. The Media-Persian empire was seeking to overtake Iraq and expand its rulership in the mideast.

After three weeks of fasting and prayer, a high-ranking angel appeared to the prophet Daniel and told him that over those very three weeks, he has been contending against the Prince of Persia. Now he wasn’t contending against a ruler in the natural, but a principality assigned by the enemy to rule Persia from the spiritual dimension.

Daniel’s Two Prayer Conquests
As Daniel contended for breakthrough against the Prince of Persia, so we are contending now. Daniel’s intercession catalyzed three things. First, despite the enemy’s continual attempts, God’s people were preserved from a holocaust. So it is now, on our watch!

Second, Daniel’s intercession paved the way for God’s people to return and possess their homeland of Israel once again. On our watch, we are contending for His people to remain in the Promised Land as God had originally intended!

Cyrus Leadership Needed!

Third, along came Cyrus the Great–a ruler of Persia who greatly expanded the Persian empire. Not only was Cyrus a strong proponent of liberty and human rights, he also funded the restoration of the Jews to the Promised Land. A Persian ruler! Prophesied by Isaiah, used by God to restore His people.

Beloved, this war is not about flesh and blood–those evil Iranians, Syrians, etc. The war we’re engaged in is against unrighteous dictatorships tied to principalities and powers. They want to take out Jews and run them from their homeland. However, through our intercession we can see the power of these forces abated, and true freedom accelerate throughout the Mideast!

You say this is fantasy. I say it is prophesied. The same Isaiah who prophesied the legacy of Cyrus also prophesied how Syria and Egypt would both serve the Lord in gladness, and how Syria, Israel and Egypt would be a blessing in the earth. That’s the core message of Isaiah 19!

Lets contend for God to raise up a new breed of leaders in the Mideast–a Cyrus Leadership that will bring freedom, healing and restoration! DECREE THIS CYRUS DECREE!

Prayer for Protection and Advancement
God, we honor You first as our Father. You love us. Therefore You desire our lives to be meaningful and free from abuse, trauma and violence. It is with this heart that we approach Your Throne.

We ask that You shield our leaders and our soldiers from the supernatural power of hatred targeted against them–especially from radical Islamists. We claim the protection You promised Your sons and daughters through Psalm 91. Remove all confusion, supernatural hostility and all void places empowered against them. Renew and protect their minds and hearts. Protect their marriages, their spouses and families. Draw them away from evil and to Jesus Christ!

Father God, please now shut all demonic portals over these bases. Open up Your portal. Open the windows of heaven that connect the land with Your Throne! Rebuke the devourer and shut all gates of sabotage.

We call forth the Daniels at this time. Strengthen them with might by Your Holy Spirit in the inner man. Let the fellowship of Your Spirit be with them. Give great grace in fasting and prayer! Again, send all confusion and supernatural hostility under the feet of Jesus Christ. We prophesy Your shalom–peace, well-being, blessing–and direction, in Jesus’ Name!

Father God, You began this project with breakthrough and a fresh release of Your holy angels. As we stand at the precipice of global conflict, fully release breakthrough! Restrain the Prince of Persia and all of the effects of this force, here and in the nations. Preserve Your covenant people in Israel and in the nations.

Lord, take down Iran’s nuclear capacities! Deliver Iran and Syria from unjust rulers whose decisions perpetuate trauma, abuse and violence in their own land, in Israel and the nations. Raise up Your Cyrus leadership throughout the Mideast. Lord we call forth Your Cyrus leaders now! We cry for Your freedom! Bring a wave of healing and deliverance throughout the Mideast. In Jesus’ Name!