SPECIAL PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24! Heads-up now. We will be joined by key multiracial leaders to address the issue of potential riots following the election. Be prepared to pray through for your state and nation!

I am used to sudden shifts by intercessory change agents. That said, when Matt Lockett joined our call Tuesday night, the burden of his heart stunned me.

What if Mitt Romney won the presidency?

I figured Matt would begin by compelling us all to hold the line on choosing life. Matt is the national director of Bound for Life. He is compelled to prayer for a pro-life president, especially as the next president will likely nominate at least two Supreme Court justices.

Are We Facing Riots?
Instead–what if Mitt Romney won the presidency? Matt shared warnings about riots in the streets of major cities. Media outlets are reporting this threat. Gov. Romney and family have been continuously bombarded with death threats, especially after the last debate.

What’s more, it seems like many media outlets are stoking the prospect of violence through their coverage. Vote for President Obama or America could face riots in her streets. Home grown terrorism of any nature is reprehensible and inexcusable. President Obama should be the first to condemn this prospect.

Media Racism?
As a former journalist, I detest that most mainstream media has aligned with either the right or the left. Journalists, like prophets, are commissioned to receive truth, and report truth to society. Any sustained, intentional violation of this commission violates a sacred bond of trust with their audience.

That said, I personally feel some media outlets are portraying a racist view of black people. That if a black candidate loses, an entire race will rise up and sabotage our land.

United We Stand
If President Obama loses, many people of color I know will weep– but not over a lost election. Instead they will weep over a lost opportunity–by a strong president who has seemingly lost his Biblical compass.

And they will pray for a black president to come. One who will bear the torch of Jesus Christ to stand for the biblical sacrament of marriage, for the children entrusted to sacred wombs by a loving God, for a covenant people whose journey from slavery to the Promised Land forged a path for their own freedom journey.

As for me, I will join both my tears and my prayers with theirs. And we will stand together for peace in our cities, and for the new birth of freedom the Lord desires to give.

Friends, don’t buy the enemy tactics of intimidation. A “Throne Room Company” is arising, comprised of every tongue, tribe and nation. We stand united for the dream of God’s heart for our land and the nations of the earth.

Pray for November 7! 
That said, we absolutely must remember this fact. Whoever wins the presidency, almost half the nation will feel disenfranchised.

By no means am I justifying any reaction of violence. Exactly the opposite. But I do bear a prophetic responsibility to call us to prayer, that this threat might be lessened or negated altogether.

Which means we must pray now for November 7 and beyond! Friends lets take this before God’s Throne now. As we have warned so many times, the enemy is seeking a window to X out our nation. He wants to divide the soul of our land, and compel us to further restrict the very freedoms that define us as Americans.

From X to Bridal Canopy
However–lets remember the witness of Davids Tent. Awakening and union are ours to receive. God wants to fully release His Bridal Canopy of favor, protection and unity to blanket our land.

Your prayers for homeland security now are imperative towards this end. Prevent riots, Lord, in Jesus Name! Restrain the enemy in the spirit realm. WE DECLARE YOUR BRIDAL CANOPY WILL PREVAIL over the division and violence the enemy is trying to form–whoever wins this election.

On Wednesday, October 24, we will hold a special Davids Tent prayer call to pray through this issue even more. Make plans to join us now from 9-11 pm as we stand united for God to protect our cities, releasing awakening and union instead of division and violence. The Bridal Canopy will prevail!