TONIGHT! Prayer Call 9pm EST. Consecration for Davids Tent with special guest Martin Frankena! Martin is hugely gifted in healing, deliverance and the prophetic. Conference call number: 530-881-1400 access code 903-586. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

WELL–Shofar, so good. Ha! A little Feast of Trumpets humor here.

Remember how these Days of Awe are days of decision. Jewish tradition holds that the Lord writes His verdict for each person for the coming year on Rosh Hashanah/ the Feast of Trumpets. His verdict–His destiny–is sealed in the “Book of Life” on Yom Kippur.

During the days in between–the 10 Days of Awe–adherents believe that His verdict can be changed for the better by repenting and realigning with God’s heart and covenant. So far we’ve presented God’s invitation:
To choose Israel
To choose the grace of giving
To choose opening our hearts

Today we’re going to explore choosing the prayer movement. Really we are choosing not only a prayer movement, but a consecration to function within this new move of God. So fasten your seatbelts, and lets get moving!

Yom Kippur–Day of Decision
Davids Tent launches next Tuesday on Yom Kippur–the holiest day of the Jewish faith. Also on Yom Kippur, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is scheduled to address the UN.

Somehow, on a day where Jews believe God’s verdict for people and nations is sealed for the coming year, Ahmedinejad is scheduled to address the nations. Are the highest levels of diplomacy somehow in collusion with the “hunters” James Goll talked about? Or is this being allowed to expose evil for what it is?

Maybe both. Just know that at Davids Tent on the Ellipse in Washington DC we will be standing for a far different verdict than wiping Israel and America off the map.

There’s something about Christ’s verdict, though, that has everything to do with God choosing us so that we can choose Him. And then we together “choose Israel,” in a way that actually benefits His covenant land. That’s what Zechariah 3 is all about.

Transformational Prayer Movement
Recently I received some feedback from Dr. Peter Wagner on a posting. I had shared how the Lord showed me a prayer movement unique to the east coast. In a vision a decade ago, a fighter jet took off from Colorado Springs, where Dr. Wagner resides. A fighter jet took off from Kansas City. And then I saw a fighter jet take off from the mid-Atlantic area. They joined over the northeast, and shot across to Israel.

I knew the jets represented three prayer movements–governmental prayer, 24/7 harp and bowl worship, and a fresh prayer movement that would spring forth from the east coast. They combined over the northeast, and shot across the waters to fight for Israel.

Dr. Wagner suggested to me that this “new move” could actually be termed “transformational prayer.” I totally agree. I believe this east coast “transformational prayer” movement is now being birthed with four unique components in its DNA. First–it is covenantal, springing forth from our covenant roots. Second–it is fueled by Holy Spirit awakening. Third–it encompasses a mature expression of the convergence of the “harp and bowl” with the “crown and throne,” or governmental prayer.

Fourth–and this is what I want to concentrate on today–is the model of consecration found in Zechariah 3.

Choosing the Prayer Movement!
Really, Zechariah 3 and 4 are prophetic pictures of the end-time prayer movement as God intended us to function. At God’s leading over many years, Jolene and I have dedicated much of our ministry work to forerunning this expression. We’ve partnered with our friend Martin Frankena, who is extremely gifted in healing and deliverance from generational bondages. Made a huge difference in our own lives.

Zechariah 3 is all about partnerships. And really, these partnerships are ordained by God to launch and sustain His “transformational prayer movement.” In a very real way, it would have been easier for each person involved to live in isolated paneled houses, and watch society decline from a very safe distance.

But God called them to choose the prayer movement of their day. To get involved at a heart level with delicate human dynamics, broken people, and spiritual warfare for Israel. God wants you to make the same choice!

Apostolic Fathering: Interceding for the Next Generation
The whole vision begins with Zechariah interceding for Joshua, the high priest. Zechariah is what we would call today an “apostolic father.” He is raised up to minister to Israel as a whole, as well as the next generation of leaders–Joshua the high priest, and Zerubbabel, the governmental leader.

And while praying, he’s thrust into a Throne Room vision. This is really key to understand. Many of you are called as intercessors for the next generation of leaders. It’s part of your job description. Zechariah found that this was one of the quickest ways into a real-time experience before the Throne of God!

Courtroom Verdict
Joshua–the high priest of God’s new move of transformational prayer–had just been arrested and brought before the Judge. Joshua’s filthy garments bore witness to the testimony of the Accuser. Idolatry, sexual immorality, theft, fraud, false testimony, murder–the evidence was all there, embedded within his clothes.

In a stunning upset, the Judge chose Joshua anyway. Few at the time fully knew that this Judge would provide His own Son to fully suffer the punishment Joshua was due. He would literally pay with His own blood to render the favorable verdict.

Steps to Cleansing and Consecration
Zechariah 3 portrays a courtroom scene where a verdict is rendered in Joshua’s favor. His accuser Satan is rebuked by God. Then, still as a courtroom scene, Joshua is cleansed from his own sin and the iniquities of his generational line.

Remember how Joshua’s generation had returned from exile in Babylon. This high priest is pictured still bearing the reproach of the iniquity of his forefathers. Remember, their idolatry and immorality are the primary reasons God sent them into exile in the first place!
Isaiah 53 records how Jesus died for our sins and iniquities. From our sin–what we’ve done–and from our iniquity, the consequences of the sins of our forefathers in our lives. Christ’s own blood has paid for these generational cycles to be broken!

Finally, Joshua is re-consecrated and re-commissioned. He is reclothed in a fresh mantle from heaven. This time, God grants him the reality of an open heaven, with “free access among those standing here!”

This is how God desires to render verdict for today’s generation of emerging priests. He wants to rebuke their Accuser. He wants to bring cleansing from all defilement, past and present. This includes the application of Christ’s blood to annul covenants made by our forefathers with demonic powers. Idolatrous pacts are a primary way these powers gain access to a generational line.

And He wants to release them into the dream of their hearts–the very reason they chose to pursue God in the first place. Free, or unhindered access, to Him!

Your Choice–Joshua’s Commission
“And the angel of the Lord admonished Joshua, saying, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here” (Zech. 3:6-7).

On this Day of Awe, why not choose the awe of God! Take a journey your fathers in the faith have made on your behalf. Make a decision now to embrace fresh cleansing from present sin and generational bondage. Make a decision now to embrace God’s comission. If you will walk in My ways, and if you will perform My service…

What’s in it for you? Remember, like Joshua, you came into God’s court as a prisoner. He now offers many of you charge over His courts of justice! Not only that, keys are offered to govern His house. And best of all, how about free access to God, and synergy with His angels. Now that’s the ultimate “Awe Factor!”

If you’d like to learn more about Zechariah 3 and cleansing from generational strongholds, please see our website at www.lamplighterministries.netA video “Your Verdict is Freedom” is available, as well as an Elijah List article, “Zechariah 3: God’s New Move.”