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What an incredible journey we have had so far with this “Midnight Cry.” So exciting to see the Lord genuinely move in the lives of His people, and in this nation!

Thank you for praying. Today I want to briefly share on Jesus’ ministry of intercession. You and I know that, as our High Priest, He ever lives to make intercession for us. But the ultimate act of intercession for us was actually when He died on the cross, tooking upon Himself the full punishment for the sin of the world.

Jesus’ Intercession
Jesus looked on us all–nothing hidden from His eyes–and decided you were worth the price that had to be paid. This ultimate act of intercession forever secured the affections of the redeemed. We are different from the world. We know where we came from, and what could have been. We have tasted at least a measure of the goodness of our Savior in His redemption!

Which brings up a point. In Jesus Christ, there is no ministry of intercessory accusation. It simply does not exist. Jesus died to redeem us from the very accusations the enemy seeks to make against us.

And when I say enemy–not talking about flesh and blood here. But about principalities, powers, etc (see Ephesians 6). In Revelation 12, Satan is identified as “the Accuser of the Brethren.” And when he is cast down, God’s Kingdom advances!

Erasing the X
Friends, that was the point of the last posting. Wherever and whenever the supernatural enemy would try to accuse a person, lets pray for that person. Lets invoke the goodness of God on their behalf. By this, the Accuser is dislodged… cast down!

This goes for all our leaders in the political realm. Unfortunately, much of the time we see politics merely being a platform for accusation. One candidate invalidates another to justify themselves. We are coached to believe that this is the norm, that it has to be this way.

Yet even those with the thickest skin cannot but be affected. Certainly those who surround them are–wives, husbands, kids, colleagues. From the moment accusations are lodged within our own heart, we find it extremely difficult to overcome these perceptions and see others as God sees them.

Praying for Leaders
Which is why in part I am writing this. Yes I pray for Michele Bachmann and other leaders. But I also give myself in prayer for President Obama–actually with far more regularity than other political figures. Not with “imprecatory prayers” but with a genuine heart to see him succeed. It’s also why I highlight and celebrate times he has led this nation effectively, most recently after Hurricane Sandy.

And above all else, it is why I have invested most of my energies in intercession for a move of awakening and union to overtake this land. For a bridal canopy to overtake the X, to join us with God and join us back to each other.

Intercession Validates Potential
Yes, we’re divided. Mostly because we work so hard to invalidate each other. But I am imagining the potential afforded to us if we see beyond the challenges. Abraham Lincoln termed it a “new birth of freedom” and I earnestly believe that’s the very dream God has for us.

Whether with a person or with a nation, the message of the vision we’ve focused on throughout this Midnight Cry has been the vision of the “X” that transorms into a Bridal Canopy. Where the supernatural enemy known as the Accuser is trying to divide us, to X out a person or a nation and marginalize the potential we were born to achieve, God desires to cover us. He desires to establish His canopy of protection over us.

And He has validated, at the most unimaginable personal cost, the very people the enemy is trying to invalidate.

Stephen’s Example
Friends, lets carry this revelation with us into our prayer chambers. And lets pray as if Jesus actually died to redeem those for whom we have the greatest concern.

The Apostle Stephen shows us the way here. Even when he was being stoned, he cried out to the Lord, Forgive them, they do not know what they are doing!

Remember, this same guy was responsible for Stephen’s death. You could say he was a terrorist. Can you hear the prayer group today? God, he’s a terrorist. As a leader, he influences so many people. Take him down, so your people are preserved. Show the world just how powerful you are, and how wrong they are!

Your Weapon of Choice
But the prayer God heard and answered was even more bold. Give him a chance, Lord. Forgive him–he doesn’t know what he’s doing. When Stephen prayed this, God so powerfully encountered Paul that his entire life was transformed. This new friend of God went on to write 2/3 of the New Testament!

Lets follow his example and forgive. Question–have you forgiven President Bush? President Obama? How about President Clinton? Easy targets to blame our condition on, for sure. But friends, we cannot advance God’s kingdom armed with the enemy’s weapons.

Which weapons are you picking up? How effective have they really been? Lets pick up the weapons God has given. Lets forgive. Lets pray. Lets press into the heart of God for those made in His image.

All I can say is, when the enemy tried to X me out, I am so glad the Lord didn’t give up on me! I’m sure you feel this way as well.

Love Never Fails
Here’s a verse from Paul’s treasury chest that, to me, most clearly speaks to our hour. From 1 Corinthians 13:

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails.