including prophetic perceptions from Cindy Jacobs, John Benefiel, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets | RPN-MD | HAPN-MD

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On Sunday, we shared a strong prophetic warning related to current events. Since sending the posting, we received significant alerts to pray against terrorism–immediate threats–from people we really trust. Please agree with us in prayer for God’s continued protection for Washington DC, New York City, and our nation!

Today we continue with both a warning and an invitation from the Lord for 2012. It’s no surprise that the enemy has been trying to “X out” our nation—and get us to agree to the process. However, God remembers His covenant. And as we align again, we can see the enemy restrained!

May Holy Spirit impact you with the potential of this directive in the same way He impacted me. Because this is literally one of the most important words I have ever seen. In a very real way, it conveys God’s dream for our nation. And along with “the Witness of the Lampstand,” it has become a mandate for Lamplighter in 2012.

X Over the Nation! Vision by Cindy Jacobs
An X formed over the United States. In her vision, Cindy Jacobs saw a line from Washington State to Florida, connecting the northwest and southeast. She saw a line from California to New York, connecting the southwest with the northeast. Those lines intersected in Kansas to form an X over our nation. By this vision, Cindy knew the enemy had a plan to “X out” our nation and destiny in Christ.

Please remember this was before 911 brought jihad to our shores, before near economic meltdown nationally and globally, before Iran gained nuclear capacities. As we face the potential of existential threats and internal sabotage, this prophetic warning is no more relevant than now.

What’s great about this vision is its end. When Cindy shared her perceptions with Dutch Sheets, he also saw a vision. This “X” that traversed our nation somehow became transformed into a bridal canopy. The geographic center of the nation, where the lines connected, became the center post for the tent. And this bridal canopy, or hupah, stretched across our nation as God tabernacled with His people.

Four Corners: Warning and Invitation
Ezekiel 7 portrays the warning of Cindy’s vision with almost eerie precision. “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel, ‘An end! The end is coming on the four corners of the land… I will judge you according to your ways and bring all your abominations upon you.’”  No coincidence that it’s now common to hear talk about the demise of America. God has given a very clear warning!

Isaiah 4 portrays the invitation of this vision. It is a picture of how God as our Bridegroom longs to manifest His covenant with the land. “Then the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a (bridal) canopy.” 

Commissioning Assignment
Cindy first shared her “Bridal Canopy Vision” at a private gathering that launched the US Spiritual Warfare Network. This became the forerunner of the USRPN, HAPN and other networks today. How I ended up in this meeting is beyond me. In retrospect, it simply proves a time-tested credo… that God loves me, and Cindy Jacobs has a plan for my life!

Because from the moment I first heard this “Bridal Canopy Vision,” the Spirit of God overtook me with travail for the nation. When Cindy pulled me into a prophetic act to “walk out this vision,” my life and ministry forever changed.

Privately I have always felt this vision conveyed a commissioning assignment—not just for me, but especially for the networks and movements that ensued. God has one overarching focus. First, He wants to remove the legal authority the enemy has had to “X out” our nation. Second, He wants to restore His glory as our covering.

A Bridal Paradigm of Idolatry
Lets explore these concepts. How could the enemy gain authority to “X out” our nation? Biblically, the sin of idolatry, when embraced by God’s own people, provokes Him to remove His glory from His people and land. As the Lord spoke to Ezekiel: “Do you see what they are doing? And this is the least of their sins, so that I would be far from my own sanctuary!” (Ezek. 8:6).

God’s judgment on idolatry is a manifestation of the same ‘bridal paradigm’ that exhilarates His heart as we enjoy His love. Worshipping other gods is akin to adultery against this marital relationship with Him.

We must remember that God thinks corporately, and He also thinks generationally. Covenants made between people and false gods, communities and false gods, and even nations and false gods open up the ‘gates’ to judgment and desolation. God holds Himself to the same standard He sets for His people. It is therefore interesting that Jesus taught that divorce is allowed only in the case of marital unfaithfulness.

Unprecedented Response
Just as with Israel, our forefathers covenanted this nation to the Lord Jesus Christ. We were His—married to the Lord. My forefather was among the Pilgrims who consecrated our land and government to the Lord Jesus Christ on 11- 11, 1620.  Yet because of generations of idolatry—through freemasonry, etc—I believe we have been on the precipice of severe judgment.

Over the past two years, HAPN, RPN and other movements have responded wholeheartedly to God’s demand for repentance from idolatry. After the pattern of Hosea 2, we have facilitated the divorcement of Baal and resetting of covenant with Jesus Christ across our nation. Many seats of historic idolatry became altars of repentance. To my knowledge, this intentional, comprehensive response to God’s warning is absolutely unprecedented!

Restoring Covenant, Releasing Glory! John Benefiel, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets
For Jolene and me, this effort culminated by presenting to the Lord a Declaration of Covenant this July 4, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. Then on 11-11-11, as part of the DC40 initiative, we returned to the Lincoln Memorial as leaders assembled in state capitals across our nation. From coast to coast, we reminded God of His covenant, and asked for His hand in marriage again!

I can say that beyond any doubt, the Lord responded with YES. Here’s just two expressions of His verdict. On the eve of 11-11-11, as we gathered for the DC40 prayer time, Apostle John Benefiel had a vision. A thick, weighty substance began to form and connect from region to region. John realized he was seeing God’s glory being restored in this nation… as a bridal canopy!

As we were resetting covenant with the Lord on 11-11-11, Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets were in Kansas, at the very place where the “X” intersected in Cindy’s vision. Chuck and Dutch felt a release to governmentally call for God’s glory to be restored as a bridal canopy to the land!

Recovering God’s Covering
It’s really important to note how, after 16 years, the Spirit of God has now been redirecting the attention of many to this “bridal canopy vision.” It reminds me of the time God’s people were restored to their land from Babylon. Though God called for His temple to be completed, construction was put on pause for 16 years. Then heaven and earth shook as Haggai and Zechariah suddenly announced it’s now time to finish the work. 

Have you noticed how heaven and earth are again shaking? As we enter into 2012, the Lord desires to form this bridal canopy at an accelerated pace. Grace is available—not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord! All the Lord requires is that we give ourselves wholeheartedly to Christ and His work!

Fire in the Northwest
While praying into Cindy’s vision many years ago, the Holy Spirit ushered me into a prophetic experience. I watched as tent pegs for this canopy were driven into the four corners of the nation. Holy Spirit showed us that for 2012, this is a primary focus. We feel to hold Lampstand Convergences in all four corners to prophetically drive in these pegs!

Back to the vision. When I looked towards the northwest, I didn’t see a peg, I saw an explosion which produced a mushroom cloud. I realized for the first time how key Washington State is for the nation. Fire is going to be kindled from Washington—either a holy fire which will sweep across the entirety of this bridal canopy, or an unholy fire which could sabotage God’s restoration in our land. Lets pray for believers in the northwest as they seek to see God’s fire released!

Father God we ask that you move now to recover our covering in the United States of America, from Washington to Washington! Overthrow enemy plans to “X out” our nation. As we have repented of the reproach of idolatry, restore Your glory again! Under this bridal canopy, join us back to Jesus our Bridegroom, and join us back to each other. In this governmental year, let a new movement of awakening and union overtake passivity and division. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Lord we ask for a personal renewal as well. Remove the veil from our eyes. Spread your canopy over us again! Restore passion that re-ignites our prayer lives. Encounter us as we seek Your face. Make Your presence known in our gatherings again. Drive out division. Tabernacle with us! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!