You were made to be revolutionary—just ask your Creator. Our new book Crown & Throne will help you access this grace. And in the process you will revolutionize your world.

Crown & Throne explores the new move of Holy Spirit that has been birthed in this hour. Its content will inspire you in devotion to Jesus Christ, and equip you to be an overcomer whose life and prayers impact history!

(Note: this posting is especially for friends hoping to purchase a copy of Crown & Throne during the Faneuil Hall gathering. Building permits restricted the sale of material during the gathering).

CROWN & THRONE: $15.oo plus $4.00 S&H for 1-3 books in continental US. For higher quantity orders or orders outside the continental US, please email us at

To order your copy of Crown & Throne, click below:
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Chuck Pierce—“Crown and Throne will revolutionize your prayer life and shift your paradigm into a prophetic dimension… This is a day to overthrow thrones of iniquity. Crown & Throne take s the greatest model of our Messiah’s triumph and invokes a people today to arise with the same selfless approach to seeing the glory overtake the earth. Read! Buy for others to read!

Cindy Jacobs—“Crown and Throne is fresh and strong, a clarion call to spiritual revolutionaries… These pages simply rumble with the sound of awakening. Open them if you dare!” From the Foreward

Jason Hershey—“Jon & Jolene have been a turbo charge to the 24/7 prayer movement in Washington DC. Crown & Throne is an operating system upgrade for the governmental intercession movement…

John Benefiel—“Jon gives exhilarating examples of tangible results we are seeing that bring transformation and reformation to society. His prophetic insights are extremely encouraging for our future; we are winning!”

Mike Bickle—“Crown & Throne is a fresh, revelatory contribution to the prayer movement for this hour of history.”