


SUNDAY EVENING—SPECIAL PRAYER CALL 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

Glory Train final week! To sow into this work of the Spirit please click here. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!

What a prayer call last night! Fueled by an anointing of forerunning prayer after we tapped into the sacred well onsite in Lowville, NY. I am convinced the mantle of Daniel Nash, forerunning intercessor for awakening, has been passed on to an entire company of burning and shining lamps in our generation.

And there’s no more dire need for these burning lamps to shine than this midnight hour. Where open deceit has become the mode of operation for so many of our highest leaders, seemingly with no consequence.

Ransom? What ransom? Oh, and about those emails… I had only the best of intentions for our nation. Bill and Loretta, private meeting? Sure, they talked about the grandkids…

Just an FYI. When the rulers of a land can function in open deceit with complete impunity and only a pretense of accountability to the people of the land or the laws which govern the land, that land is no more a democracy. It is a dictatorship.

And a great work of our time is actually to partner with the Lord Jesus Christ to see this land rescued from the grip of those who would push us even farther down these same tracks—national and global dictatorship tied to idolatry—before it is actually too late.


All of which brings me to today’s brief subject. Lets receive, declare and release together across this nation God’s anointing of holy conviction!

It is this sacred anointing which fueled the flame of revival during the Second Great Awakening with Charles Finney and Daniel Nash. They were indeed revivalists. They were also abolitionists, deeply involved with social justice. And they together broke through the antichrist deception blanketing their generation. As a result, in many cities throughout upstate New York, 95% of all the people were converted to Jesus Christ!

We will have this again. Beloved, it’s time to get on the Glory Train. Bob Jones prophesied in the Glory Train word that “The glory is going to blow those walls down and the Church is coming out to accomplish some things it was meant to do. And the Church will experience the greatest harvest of all time that will never come to an end. So we’re in that time…

It all begins with an anointing of holy conviction. Where people who have been held captive by the lies and deceit of the enemy suddenly have their conscience tenderized. Suddenly they can see. They can feel. They can perceive. They come to their senses and AWAKE.

“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the [c]Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment…” (John 16:7-8).

I believe this river of the Spirit is now being poured out. The light is breaking through the darkness. And a people are arising with a sacred resolve, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Pray that God pour out His Spirit and bring holy conviction to our leaders. To the media. To the church.

And here’s a word to those who willingly embrace or perpetuate deception. Deception is used to keep people in slavery and subjugation to another person’s will. It’s why Jesus declared, “You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.” If you are willingly tolerating deception you are actually tolerating your own slavery. Even as a nation.

And God is saying, LET MY PEOPLE GO.

Schedule—Final Week
Aug 3 Wednesday
7pm Bridge Builders Ministries, Rochester NY

Aug 4
2-4pm Onsite prayer in Lowville NY
9pm EST Special Prayer Call!

August 5-6
REVOLUTION Syracuse with Dutch Sheets! Cicero, NY

Aug 6 afternoon
1:30pm Prayer at Oriskany Revolutionary War Battlefield, train Utica to Albany NY.

August 7
Berne NY—10 am Rock Road Chapel with Pastor Jay Francis

Train Albany-Washington DC.

August 8-10 Strategic corporate prayer project, Washington DC