Bush-Library-1Display at the George W. Bush Museum shows news coverage of the 9-11 attacks with the names of those who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

NEGIEL BIGPOND ON PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9-10pm EST. Negiel is a covenant friend who stewards tangible apostolic grace for our nation and for the body of Christ. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

SHIELDS UP! On the 12th anniversary of the tragic strikes on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, and the first anniversary of Benghazi, there is an eerie unsettledness in the atmosphere. Though no terrorist strikes have been reported, the spiritual warfare remains tangible and heavy.

Please continue to pray God’s protection over your communities, over Washington DC, and over consulates and military bases nationally and worldwide. Pray especially for the Lord to guard infrastructure, such as bridges, transportation systems etc. We are hearing reports of tunnels being restricted and even closed due to terrorist threats.

And above all, please spend a few precious moments praying for the survivors and families of the victims of the 9-11 terrorist strikes. Both the victims and their families have made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our nation, the ultimate investment in the freedoms we so often take for granted. Pray for Jesus to be near to them in their times of grief, and for His healing power to soothe hearts and remove trauma.

Last Thursday, I joined with a few prayer leaders to tour the George W. Bush Presidential Museum and Library in Dallas, TX. It was sobering to touch twisted beams from the World Trade Center, review news coverage of the fateful day, and weigh the “decision points” that propelled our nation and world into a new era of history.

It is remarkable how little has changed since that time. Radical Islam remains the most obvious destructive threat to our nation, and to freedom globally. But more subtle threats are also at play, with power brokers promoting a radical shift from moral foundations and constitutional rights that have framed freedom’s progress for two and a half centuries.

Decision Points-Return to the Stronghold!
On this day of remembrance, during these Days of Awe where individuals and nations are weighed in the balance, what “decision points” are defining us at this time? What basic course corrections are needed to preserve empower God’s continued blessing personally and in our land?

The primary desire I hear the Spirit inviting us into today is from Zechariah 9:11-12. This is a promise for us as we realign personally and nationally with God. “As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope; This very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you!”

How do we access this promise? Here are 7 key decisions to make at this time:

  1. Call 911. That’s what you do in an emergency! Lets humble ourselves before God’s Throne, and cry out immediately for His intervention.
  2. Repent of pride. Probably our most gregarious national sin is openly defying God’s heart and word while still assuming His blessing.
  3. Return to the Stronghold! Restore covenant with God, apart from all idolatry. This is our only secure foundation for freedom, because only Jesus can truly set us free. He died and rose again to give us this gift!
  4. Forgive, reconcile, love. Righteous causes fueled by wrong motivations will still bring division and wounding. Jesus has built His entire Kingdom on forgiveness and love. That’s the only light that conquers darkness!
  5. Abide in God’s word. Here you will find the source of spiritual rejuvenation and life! Jesus’ immediate direction will naturally flow as you abide in His Spirit and word.
  6. Give your tithes and offerings. God promises to rebuke the devourer personally and nationally as you return to Him in giving.
  7. Remain faithful and vigilant on your watch.

Speaking of which… we look forward to praying with you tonight. Covenant blessings to each of you this September 11. And may the Lord continue to heal, preserve, guide and direct our land, in Jesus’ Name.