With Vision by Pastor Janet Bishop

Join Jon & Jolene this New Years Eve at Whole Word Fellowship, Oakton VA, for an incredible time of prophetic release! NOTE: Rooms only $39.95 for this event. Hilton Garden Inn, Fairfax VA. More info at www.wholeword.net

To order a copy of Crown & Throne see http://lamplighterministries.net

From the plains of Oklahoma to the northeast and on to Jerusalem and Cairo, the global cry seems to be “Let it snow!” With a massive storm approaching New England, I asked our host pastors if they’ve ever cancelled services due to inclement weather. Keep in mind their church, Life in Christ Fellowship, is in northeastern Vermont, just on the edge of Canada. Where mountains are high, and winters are always snowy.

Pastors Allan and Janet pondered my query about canceling service, looked at each other and then replied, “Not that I can remember…” These folks are tough up here.

So pray for them. And pray for us… ok? Lord give us grit. Otherwise the guest ministers might just be the only folks who don’t show up for service tomorrow…

Vision—Subduing Adversaries from Your Throne
This morning over coffee, Pastor Janet shared with us a vision that really brings this point home. A few years ago, Holy Spirit showed her the throne, or seat of authority, that heaven had granted to her. In the vision she was facing overwhelming difficulties. But the moment she took her seat, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah came out to defend Janet and become a barrier between her and her adversaries. In the vision, He even roared!

This vision is so key for you to understand and embrace. God wants to help you overcome obstacles, subdue supernatural adversaries, and advance you in your sphere. It all begins by taking your seat—by establishing your seat of authority, or throne, by covenant with the Lord.

Crown & Throne this Christmas
God wants to empower each of you to take your mountain—to rule and reign over the spheres of authority He has entrusted to you. Our new book Crown and Throne will equip you with vision and practical, tested keys to do so. Our prayer is that Crown and Throne will truly be a field guide for your Kingdom advancement. Please consider the book as a Christmas gift for your family and friends, and for leaders and intercessors you desire to enrich this season. And especially, consider it as a gift for you personally!

Best of all, you don’t have to brave a blizzard to obtain your copies. Just click below, and Crown and Throne will be delivered to you directly.

And to that we can all say AMEN…

“Crown and Throne takes the greatest model of our Messiah’s triumph and invokes a people today to arise with the same selfless approach to seeing the glory overtake the earth. Read! Buy for others to read!”—CHUCK PIERCE.

Order your copy of Crown & Throne at http://lamplighterministries.net