Prayer Call tonight! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

Can ministers and chaplains continue to invoke the Name of Jesus as they pray to open legislative sessions? That is the question at hand in the Supreme Court case being heard today. The precedent from this case can set the course for legislative and judicial bodies nationwide. Please pray for the Supreme Court justices as they hear, ponder and render verdict. And tonight lets present our cast before the Highest Court on behalf of our covenant nation.

Philadelphia… the place of My Heart!
That’s the prophetic perception of Patti Ridings as she and her husband Rick embarked on their precedent-setting 13 Colonies Prayer Journey back in 1997.

Today Rick and Patti Ridings are known globally as the founders of the 24/7 Succat Hallel in Jerusalem. But their assignment immediately before embarking on this quest was prayer for Washington DC and the east coast. I want to share with you a few of their extraordinary prophetic insights from this season. 

Not coincidentally, Rick and Patti’s prayer journey culminated with a strategic gathering in Philadelphia. This November they are returning to Philadelphia—actually Valley Forge—for Revolution 2013, as we together launch into the next phase of prophetic release.

Awakening & Civil War
In a moment we’ll continue with the word by Patti, but first I want to briefly summarize Rick’s perceptions that led to the prayer journey. The Lord clearly showed Rick that awakening and revival are returning to the East Coast. But He was warned by the Lord that unless the roots of our nation were dealt with—empowering the godly roots, repenting for the ungodly roots—the awakening would only be a prelude to another Civil War. 

The precedent for this has already been established—with the Second Great Awakening. The nation was called to salvation—but also to repentance from idolatry, slavery and greed. When the nation failed to fully respond to God’s call, the consequences eventually propelled us into Civil War.

Expecting Revival, We Got…
Rick and Patti’s mandate and prayer journey for 1997 set many things in motion. Let’s look at God’s work since that time. We were expecting revival immediately, but the Lord took many of us on an unexpected path of dealing with idolatry and generational sin at its roots. This focus ultimately culminated with the national initiative to divorce Baal at more than 10,000 lodges, with prayer networks HAPN and RPN partnering.

The Lord also led us to pray through Civil War battlefields throughout the south and west, as well as historic wells of awakening in the Northeast. We gathered in Gettysburg, the place of breakthrough in the Civil War. And on July 4, 2011, we assembled at the Lincoln Memorial. In the shadow of the president who preserved the union, we ask God to marry our land again, according to the holy roots and holy covenants of our forefathers.

Why the journey? Clearly the Lord wanted the unholy roots disempowered, and the holy roots honored and empowered, before he sent a massive move the Holy Spirit awakening he has promised to so many. And now God’s clarion voice is again resounding—through many leaders—that the next move of Holy Spirit has begun!

Patti’s word is below. 

About a month before the 13 Colonies Prayer Journey, I saw a vision of Jesus lying prostrate on the East Coast, interceding for us. The fact that His body covered the East Coast showed His concern for the roots of America. It seemed that His intercession for us was holding back the judgment from God that we deserve. Compassion and mercy were flowing from Him into the 13 original colonies. This vision came as I was praying for the cities, and asking for God’s compassion, especially for New England. I was thinking about Harvard, and how the Ivy League schools have promoted secular humanism and anti-Christ teachings all over the world. I felt the Lord say that the reason for this rebellion against Him was the legalism and harshness in much of the church of that time. Jesus longs to draw New England back to Himself. He wants our hearts to burn with His compassion instead of self-righteous judgment, which alienates us from the people who need Him most.

New England—Mind of Christ
In the vision, I saw the forehead of Jesus over New England. I understood that His original purpose was to impart His mind, “the mind of Christ”, to that particular region in a special way. New England thinkers incorporated many Godly principles into the government of this nation. Of course the enemy saw this potential and all hell broke loose to try to pervert this wonderful God-given gift. 

Florida—Gospel of Peace
The feet of Jesus were over northern Florida. Ephesians 6 came to my mind, which says, “Put on the full armor of God…having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…” Of course I immediately thought of the revival in Pensacola, where people are hearing the gospel, having their lives transformed, and taking this revival all over the world. God has begun the process of American revival and restoration in one of our oldest cities.

Philadelphia—God’s Heart!
I asked the Lord where His heart was, and I felt so clearly that He said it was over Philadelphia. Philadelphia was founded as the “city of brotherly love”, and for many years lived up to its name. The Quakers who founded Philadelphia were exemplary in their dealings and friendship with the Native Americans. But today we see the terrible fury of the enemy, with racism and crime running rampant in this troubled city. When this city lost her love for God, the brotherly love turned to bitter hatred and revenge. But we are encouraged by a wonderful cross-ethnic, cross denominational network of spiritual leaders building true friendships in this city. I believe Jesus wants His heart to beat over the dying heart of this nation, and bring it back to life. 

Virginia—A Womb of America
With this vision in mind, we started on a journey to pray about the good and bad roots of America. We felt we should go to all 13 original colonies, and to start in Virginia, where the first English settlers arrived. When we began praying there, the intercessors shared with us that Virginia is often called the “womb of America”. Satan tried to propagate greed through the “gold seekers” who seemed to be the majority of the early settlers. We repented there for the greed, but prayed blessing upon the few, but strong, righteous roots (such as Rev. Robert Hunt), and felt that Jesus wanted to plant Godly, kingly, noble seed there to be a blessing to America, and to the world (Southern Maryland could also be considered as part of the “womb” of America). 

Knees over Carolinas & Georgia—Prayer
As we were going through the Carolinas and to Savannah, Georgia, I felt the Lord say His knees were over this region, and that He is raising up a strong intercessory army to pray for America there. It is interesting that many prophetic ministries are based in North Carolina. 

From the South, we went to New England. While we were praying at Harvard and Yale, and many New England cities, we saw that God is beginning to move there to restore His mind, and tearing down the arrogance and pride of man. Much of the great preaching of both Great Awakenings was in Connecticut, where we had one of our most powerful times of intercession. We proclaimed Jeremiah 1:9 on a busy street corner in Hartford, in front of a statue of Thomas Hooker, an anointed man of God, and felt that God spoke to us there about His mouth being over Connecticut.

New York—Shouldering Finances & Government
When we were in New York City, I thought of the Scripture in Isa. 9:5: “…the government shall be upon His shoulders”. We prayed in front of the New York Stock Exchange, and proclaimed that Jesus is Lord, not Mammon. New York had a destiny of serving the nations, not enslaving them to unrighteous mammon. The Statue of Liberty stands as a complete irony, as we read just days ago about hidden gross slavery in New York City. However, we are thankful that God is raising up servant-leadership and true generosity in New York City churches, and pray that their influence will change the character of this city. 

Washington DC—Belt of Truth
As we came nearer to Washington D.C., I thought of Eph. 6 where it speaks about the “belt of truth”. We felt such a powerful anointing as we sang “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” (“His Truth Is Marching On”) over Washington D.C. We believe God wants to expose the enemy’s lies and cause our nation to once again care about the truth. Now Washington is caught in a web of deception, as lies flow daily out of our capital. The lies grow as the need increases to cover up our weak national character.  

Jesus is giving us this last chance to repent of our turning away from God’s purposes, and to desperately seek Him to restore all of the godly foundations of our land. He desires that we may be one to rebuild this nation and to work together in love, respect and humility. I saw how each region was just as loved by Him, and just as desperately in need of His intercession and compassion…and ours.