ROB STEARNS ON CALL WEDNESDAY! Incredible opportunity to receive from a pure stream of prophetic vision and a pioneering spirit. Abby Abildness & Jamie Fitt Joining! 9-10 pm EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Revolution 2013 begins Thursday! Crown & Throne launches! More info at &

Today I want to briefly alert you to a few divine convergences as we move towards Revolution 2013. I feel we’ve waited all year for just this moment. And the Spirit of God has set an incredible scene.

We are now at the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s declaration of a “New Birth of Freedom” for our nation, in the year where we were relentlessly compelled by Holy Spirit to stand for the promise of these words to be received in our time.

Convergence: New Birth of Freedom
Longtime Lamplighter readers know how God promised us that 2013 would be “a great year to be born, and a great year to be born again.” He mandated that we focus the beginning of the year on receiving a national breakthrough regarding abortion. It’s been a miracle year for this. So far in 2013, at least 26 states have shifted, with at least 14 rewriting their legislation on abortion! And yesterday the Supreme Court upheld the right of Texas to continue with the legislation they enacted!

Remember also how the conscience of the nation was awakened by a Philadelphia late term abortion doctor named Kermit Gosnell. Who was exposed, convicted and imprisoned for extraordinary atrocities, including killing babies after they were born. Not a coincidence that his trial this year changed the very perceptions of our nation on abortion. And not a coincidence we are meeting in Philadelphia tomorrow!

It’s a great year to be born. And a great year to be born again.

Convergence: Thanksgivukkah
We knew the Spirit wanted us to focus on breakthrough regarding abortion at the beginning of the year, and a birthing of a new move of God’s Spirit towards the end. We wrote months ago how the time of this birthing would be between late August and the early fall feasts, and Hanukkah. We had no idea the Lord would take us not only through America, but to Israel to actually bear witness to the birth of this movement.

Hanukkah celebrates the miracle that came as Judah Maccabee and his band of warrior priests broke through the Roman army and reconsecrated the Temple to the Lord. They relit the flame of the menorah as part of the rededication. And as we unexpectedly found ourselves by the walls and cistern of a Macabee palace under a private residence in the Old City of Jerusalem, the witness of the Spirit became clear. The well of this legacy has now been uncapped. God is releasing His spiritual revolutionaries in this hour!

What a great time to celebrate Thanksgivukkah. It was astounding for this pilgrim to come back to America and discover that Thanksgiving this year is also the first day of Hanukkah! This miraculous convergence will not occur again for 79,000 years!

Pilgrims and Maccabees. Those who established a nation by covenant with God, and those who fought a revolution to reconsecrate their Temple, and thereby renew their national covenant with God. I write in awe of God—maybe it’s not a coincidence that Revolution 2013 begins exactly a week from Thanksgivukkah…

Convergence: Crown & Throne
I’m restrained from revealing the entire schedule of Revolution 2013. But tomorrow night, a week before Thanksgivukkah, Jolene and I will be officially launching and sharing on “Crown and Throne.” Holy Spirit compelled me to write in May with the November deadline in mind. Because it was my understanding from that the release of the book “Crown and Throne” correlates with the release of the movement “Crown and Throne.” So from my perception, Revolution 2013 actually demarcates the launch of this new movement in America.

By the way, Rick and Patti Ridings actually prophesied this movement. During a consecration service to launch the Washington House of Prayer, led by Jason Hershey, Rick declared how the Lord is emphasizing the “Crown and Throne” in this decade just as He emphasized the “Harp and Bowl” in the previous decade. No coincidence that Rick and Patti will be with us to share and apostolic-ally oversee this gathering! And it will be great to have WHOP director Jason Hershey with us on Saturday. Jason and Kim were pregnant during this consecration in January 2012. They were so gripped by God’s call to spiritual revolution they ended up naming the son in their womb “Anthem Revere!”

Convergence: Gettysburg & Revolution
It was WHOP’s Sharla Mylar who had the vision of Obama being summoned by God to write his Gettysburg Address. At the same time she saw revolutionary soldiers coming out of graves, preaching with bibles in hand. As we shared yesterday:

“In my vision, President Obama was standing at the Gettysburg battlefield in front of the white wall that has on it an inscription of the Gettysburg Address. He seemed overcome with sorrow, as though he knew that whatever words he spoke would not bring the dead in fresh graves on the battlefield back to life. 

The President chose his words with hesitation and grief (I don’t know what he said), and as he finished the graves started opening up. Men in revolutionary war-era clothing and hats stood up from the graves, holding out Bibles in their right hands as though they were preaching. 

Then I “woke up” or came out of the vision and heard the following words: Mr. President, prepare your Gettysburg Address!”

The Gettysburg Address was written for a battlefield cemetery. Though Valley Forge was not a battlefield, many revolutionary soldiers died there due to famine and disease. But this sacred ground is where the Continental Army for all intents and purposes should have been declared dead. Instead God quite literally resurrected them into the greatest fighting force seen in their time. From Valley Forge, THEY WON THE REVOLUTION.

The Resurrected Army will Win Again
And I anticipate the same for this hour. Come receive training and impartation. Come join with saints from many streams, who’ve been pressing towards God’s breakthrough for years, maybe even decades. We are entering into a season of resurrection in Christ that neither devil nor man can hold back. A Lazarus army has fallen asleep, but a sweeping move of Holy Spirit awakening is being released to usher us together into LIFE.

This gathering is simply a demarcation of Christ’s great work. And on our part, just as the army of Valley Forge needed to train to win, so we must become capable and competent in the grace God is affording us.

That said, the Lord is releasing spiritual revolutionaries at this time to again redefine our world according to the dream in Christ’s heart. Jolene and I, Abby Abildness and Jamie Fitt look forward to seeing you at Valley Forge. And remember to join us tonight for a special time of prayer.

Covenant blessings to you!