Dear Vigilant Warriors,

Hope you are enjoying Reformation Day! And as we shared yesterday, we hope you are engaged in watchful and intentional prayer tonight and tomorrow.

This afternoon our friend Lynnie Harlow emailed some prophetic perceptions that really resonated. I knew immediately the word had to get out. Please feel free to share what the Lord shows you!

Vigil of the Wounded Eagle—Lynnie Harlow
I saw an eagle circling over the White House area. I watched it for a bit and realized something was wrong with the way it was flying. I asked the Lord, “what is wrong” and the Lord took me in closer so I could see. I noticed something on its wings so I touched it and rubbed it between my fingers. It was thick and black like oil, and it was coated on his wings making it hard for him to fly. My heart broke because I understood the struggle this might and majestic bird was under, and yet I was in awe that he did not give up. Then I heard this… “STAND FAST…DON’T GIVE UP”! I am about to transform this Nation.

Interesting I had this on “Reformation Day”, the day Martin Luther courageously nailed his 95 page Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church and transformation in the church was birthed. Doing what he did took absolutely courage in the FACE of the church!!!! He became a forerunner to transformation, and the Protestant Church was never the same. The enemy literally lost his grip. I’m desperate for courage like that, courage that holds fast, courage that never gives up, and courage that isn’t afraid to stand in the face of the enemy. I’m being honest, I can’t say I have that type of courage, “YET”!!!!  BUT…. I’m not going to stop reaching for it, cause I’m desperate for more of Him in my life, my family, and my Nation.

All last week and this week I just can’t get away from the story of Jonathan’s son being restored to the King’s Table. I’ve read it over and over, and it hit me today, that’s true, pure, and holy restoration. To be invited to sit with the King, at His table, and never want for anything…wow! At first I felt like it was for me, (and it is)…but after this dream I just can’t help but feel God was so totally talking to me about restoration of this Nation. I know it’s His heart, but it’s going to take courageous warriors that are willing to stand in the face of the enemy like Martin Luther and nail our hearts to the door of the enemy camp and decree, “REFORMATION, TRANSFORMATION, AND RESTORATION…we except nothing less!

Lord we call the Spirit of Our Nation to attention and cry out…remember the Fathers voice as He spoke destiny into you, all He decreed you would be, all he saw you walking in the fulness of, and all He has pre-ordained you to fulfill. Hear His Holy Invitation and come back to sit at the table of our KING! May this Nations finest hours lay before her, not behind her…God BLESS AMERICA…and may the EAGLE SOAR ON WINGS THAT ARE FREE!