Prayer Call Wednesday! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

Thank you all who are praying for Matt Austin, the 33 year-old son of WV pastor Karen Austin. He remains stable but critical. Please keep pressing for breakthrough!

Last night, we were honored to join with pastors Brian and Bren Gibbs of Victory Sarasota for an incredible night of ministry. It was our first time speaking since returning from Israel… and so naturally my heart was BURSTING! The Gibbs move with Holy Spirit in authenticity and power, and we experienced a substantive move while sharing on spiritual revolutionaries. You can check out the message at

And what an honor to connect with fellow lamplighters… to the extent their national ministry is actually called “Light the Fire!” Can’t make that up. Thank you Brian and Bren, we certainly look forward to what’s before us in the future.

Davids Tent a Signpost—Again!
Rhetoric abounds as DC and the nation evaluate the recent government shutdown. Today I want to weigh in prophetically. I felt the Lord desires for us all to take a step back and receive a perspective He longs to convey. Not about Democrats or Republicans, but about the governance of His Kingdom in our midst.

For the second year in a row, Davids Tent DC has become a signpost, a prophetic witness that literally conveys God’s heart to our nation. Last year the Lord conveyed through Davids Tent His desire to “tent the nation,” with His glory restored as a bridal canopy over our land (see Isaiah 4). This year, He is prophesying to us all about the governance of His Kingdom.

The Unshakeable Throne
Friends, it was absolutely not a coincidence that Davids Tent kept the 24/7 worship vigil on the White House Ellipse even as the US government shut down. The entire National Mall area was cleared except for Davids Tent, which was allowed to remain due to the first amendment protections afforded by our permit.

In short, the government of man shut down, while the government of God remained.

A similar experience beset Israel during Isaiah’s day. Isaiah 6 chronicles how their governmental stability was shaken due to the passing of their king. In the midst of these challenges, heaven opened for the prophet. And Israel’s true King was revealed, ruling from His unshakeable throne:

“In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called out to another and said,

“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts,
The whole earth is full of His glory.”

And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke” (Isaiah 6:1-4).

Note that Israel’s governmental shaking became a prelude to a move of the Spirit where His glory filled the temple! This was all released in the midst of a 24/7 expression of worship to the Lord. Holy! Holy! Holy!

Friends I believe with all my heart that is exactly what we can expect from the Lord in this season. In the midst of the peril, heaven is opening and God’s promise is being birthed. We’ve been calling this new move “Crown and Throne.”

In God We Trust
Through the government shutdown, our nation was confronted with a challenge. Where is our deepest trust—in the governance of nations, or in Christ’s Unshakeable Throne? Which throne has the capacity to actually save us? Only as man’s thrones are rightly aligned with God’s Throne will our governance actually empower life, liberty and the pursuit of true happiness.

I can say prophetically the true risks our nation faced have been huge. In this capacity, the Davids Tent team, and worshipers and intercessors from across the nation were empowered to serve the Lord—and in Him serve the nation— at perhaps our most desperate hour in recent history.

It was sobering when the Lord quickened to my heart regarding the shutdown that “What we’ve avoided is more significant than what we now face.” Lamplighter family, we together prayed through potential terrorist threats, the specter of a premature strike on Syria and its ramifications, the government shutdown and other challenges meant by the enemy to sabotage our nation and world. By no means am I saying we alone carried the intercession. Without question, intercessors all across the world were similarly engaged.

But we helped. What an extraordinary time for a Throne of David to invoke God’s presence 24/7 by the governmental seat of authority for our Nation!

And now, in the year of the government shutdown, an Everlasting Crown and an Unshakeable Throne are being revealed to the nation and nations. The gateposts are shaking at the voice of Him who cries. And the earthly temples are becoming filled with His glory.

By no means is this sacred work done. But we are moving from peril to promise—knowing we must retain all vigilance while focusing on the promise from the Lord set before us all.

Praying for President Obama
A final thought. There is no doubt in my mind that President Obama had a say in allowing Davids Tent to remain on the White House Ellipse. So grateful! Conversely, it has always been Jason Hershey’s heart that President Obama, his family and the Executive Office would be the first to experience whatever blessings were afforded by this vigil.

We feel the same. In fact, I was unexpectedly provoked by the Holy Spirit to prayer for President Obama while in Israel. Far away from America’s political winds and clashes of power, I authentically experienced  God’s heart for him. Lets continue to pray for our President, invoking the covenant blessing that can only come from God’s unshakeable Throne.