Turnaround Tuesday 1pm ET Broadcast

June 27
, 1PM ET with Chris Mitchell, Adam Schindler, Jon & Jolene:

From website https://turnaroundtuesday.com

From Jon & Jolene’s YouTube:

From Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page:

VIDEO: Prophetic Overview, Watch of the Breaker Prayer Project https://www.youtube.com/live/kX4-Byr5s54?feature=share

Recently the Lord gave us an urgent directive to consecrate July 1-22 for a time of strategic prayer and fasting for Israel and the United States. This will culminate in Israel on 7-22 with a “Turnaround Jerusalem” gathering. Though we are putting Israel first here, the prayer project is vitally for both nations—and especially for turnaround for our sons and daughters. As you will discover, it is seriously God’s time for this.

Before we go any further, allow me to give you some background on the 21 day project. 

The Watch of the Breaker
Recently the Lord encountered both Jolene and me with dreams on the same night. Jolene saw how the Lord was releasing new vision. And in a wild way, the vision Jolene saw being imparted was experienced in my dream. 

In Jolene’s dream, she was dispersing contact lenses to people all around her. She knew that the Lord was releasing supernatural capacities to both recover vision, and enhance vision at this time. Such great news. The Lord also showed her the “contacts” represented contacts with people that would expand all of our vision. I pray this occurs even with this posting!

What I saw was a Ram on a mountain rock, peering over a desert valley. I knew the Ram represented Jesus. He shook his head fiercely, signaling His celebration over a recent victory. Then immediately the Ram began to again scan the horizon with focused intent. I heard Holy Spirit say, “The Watch of the Breaker has begun!”

Victory Secured, Victories to Gain
Prophetically, one major victory has been won. Yet another battle is immediately at hand. One aspect of this battle is overcoming the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran. If you follow our ministry, you know I have “blown the trumpet” and sounded the alarm on this prospect since receiving a word from the Lord in Israel during the Spirit of Elijah tour. 

We are also comprehensively focusing on God’s promised turnaround for our sons and daughters. This includes prayer coverage for “Dor Haba,” youth and young adult worship camp in Israel hosted by Rick and Patricia Ridings and Succat Hallel.

And in this July 4 season especially, we are focusing governmental breakthroughs for Israel and America. Especially for the preservation of constitutional sovereignty and freedom for the United States. The good news is that the “Watch of the Breaker” over all of these battles has already begun. It is time to possess your covenant promise!

And the Breaker is watching over your personal battles as well. Wherever you feel “stuck” or in a desert place, the Lord desires to forge a fresh pathway into your mountain of promise. It’s time to see, overcome and advance!

Daniel’s Example
The prophet Daniel faced similar challenges in his day. In what is now modern Iran, Daniel fasted and prayed 21 days to experience breakthrough for his homeland of Israel. The Prince of Persia was restrained by high-level angelic warriors. The angel Gabriel brought a breakthrough message to Daniel that frames our world even today. Lets engage these 21 days with a similar heart, spirit of excellence, and resolute focus. 

NOTE THAT TISHA B’AV, traditionally a day of destruction and mourning for the Jewish people, is on July 26-7. That’s only four days from 7:22. Remember that historically, on Tisha b’Av, the Jews suffered the destruction of the First Temple, the destruction of the Second Temple, the initiation of the Holocaust by Nazi Germany, and much more. It all began with a rejection by God’s people to embrace God’s call to possess the Promised Land, resulting in 40 years in the wilderness. 

Please hear me in this. I believe forces of darkness have been targeting both Israel and America on this date in 2023 to perpetuate sabotage and destruction. I also believe the Lord Jesus Christ intends for His “Daniel 7:22 verdict” in favor of the saints to prevail and overcome the enemy’s plans. 

As recorded in Zechariah, “Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘The fast of the fourth, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth months will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts” (Zach. 8:19).

Turnaround Jerusalem!
Note that the Lord has directed us to culminate these 21 days of prayer with a special “Turnaround Jerusalem” gathering on July 22. This will be the 10th anniversary since we started these turnaround gatherings on 7-22-2014. 

I have to say the call to host this gathering in Jerusalem was abrupt and unexpected. We have previously held 7-22 gatherings everywhere from Faneuil Hall Boston to Washington DC to Colorado Springs to Alaska—even with a private gathering on the White House grounds. That said, it will be such an honor this year to gather in Jerusalem, the only city in the world that Jesus identifies as His Throne, to see His verdict secured for this hour.

Lets Do This
Are you ready? Lets join with Jesus in fasting and prayer for breakthrough. In process we will gain new vision, fresh direction, and possess our Promised Land. Thanks again for joining us. The Breaker breaks open!

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble…” (Joel 2:1).

“I kept watching, and that horn was waging war with the saints and prevailing against them, 22 UNTIL the Ancient of Days came and judgement was rendered in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom” (Dan. 7:21-22)

JULY 1-21 WATCH OF THE BREAKER PRAYER PROJECT with prayer and fasting before the Throne. Three points for turnaround:

  1. Israel threatened by nuclear Iran.
  2. Spirit of Elijah—Turnaround for our sons and daughters. Includes prayer coverage for “Dor Haba,” youth and young adult worship camp in Israel hosted by Rick and Patricia Ridings and Succat Hallel. 
  3. Governmental breakthroughs for Israel and the America. Includes redemptive exposure, preservation of constitutional sovereignty and freedom for the United States. 

JULY 22 JERUSALEM TURNAROUND—Live from Succat Hallel! Join us onsite or via YouTube. Our 10th annual Turnaround Gathering is focused on receiving the Daniel 7:22 “turnaround verdict” from the Ancient of Days. With Rick and Patricia Ridings, more. 

SUNDAY JULY 2, 8pm ET LAUNCHING “WATCH OF THE BREAKER” Prophetic revelation to set the course for this season. The Breaker breaks open! 

9pm ET Prayer call to follow. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute.

Lamplighter website:

Jon & Jolene’s YouTube:

Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page: