PURCHASE TURNAROUND DECREES! CLICK HERE: https://jonandjolene.us/store/#!/Turnaround-Decrees-by-Jon-&-Jolene-Hamill/p/467067902/category=0
“This is their greatest work in their finest hour”—James W. Goll
HOW DO YOU SECURE God’s turnarounds in your life? Maybe you are hungering for greater intimacy with the Lord, or greater manifestations of His promise in your life and world. Maybe you are praying for a son or daughter who has chosen the wrong path. Or perhaps you want to see a turnaround for our nation. If so, our new book TURNAROUND DECREES is for you.
The orchestrations of God are simply incredible. As you know, prophetically we now have moved into a new season for our nation. Destiny-defining turnarounds are once again shaping our future. This timely book will take you higher!
Through this book you will:
- Gain keys for breakthrough for your sons and daughters—Turnaround Tuesday!
- Engage in God’s “parental revolution!”
- Learn clear, proven, covenantal principles to secure a turnaround for your life and world.
- Receive and release your personal “Turnaround Decree.”
- Learn to become a “Throne Room Watchman.”
- Shut the gates of sabotage so your turnarounds continue.
- Learn to discern “fake news,” including prophetic disinformation.
- Discover ancient secrets from the Ancient of Days on time gates and redeeming time.
- Receive and release a “finishing decree” to see God’s turnarounds completed!
And so much more.
You will also receive real-time prophetic revelation concerning the future of this nation. What’s ahead? How is God moving? We hold nothing back. Including clarity on the 2020 elections, a prophetic warning of potential war on our soil, and more. The book was originally written as a companion to White House Watchmen, and the section where these topics are covered actually picks up in the White House—on the eve of the Capitol Storm.
The most important part of the book is based on a personal encounter with Christ regarding this new season of turnarounds. Whereas the former season was primarily focused on governmental turnarounds, this new season is vitally focused on personal and family turnarounds, as well as turnarounds within the body of Christ. The overflow actually impacts governmental realms in a significantly higher way.
You will receive cleansing and refreshing by His Spirit. And you will be filled with faith as His “Isaiah 54 Turnaround” is revealed.
Here’s what friends are saying:
“When you read Turnaround Decrees by Jon and Jolene Hamill, faith begins to arise that anything going in the wrong direction can turn into God’s destined path… Whatever situation you are in, this book will give you examples of how to decree the turnaround so your best is yet ahead”—Chuck Pierce
“If there is one jubilation that rejoices the human heart and heavenly angels it is the turnaround and return of the one sought after. Jon and Jolene’s Turnaround experience with their son is one of the greatest stories ever told. “Unto to us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given!”—Lou Engle
“This is a book of proven events that will give you tools to see the Kingdom of God and His covenant destiny come into place”—John Benefiel
“For those who long to see breakthrough secured for their families, cities and nations, this book is both a roadmap and a training manual.” Chris Mitchell Jr
“…You will witness the Breaker breaking through in your own life as well as our nation and globe.” Jamie and Redonnia Jackson
“This message… is a clarion call. While destiny of nations, our nation, and the generations hang in the balance, now is the time for the warriors and the prophetic watchmen to arise!” Becca Greenwood
PURCHASE TURNAROUND DECREES! CLICK HERE: https://jonandjolene.us/store/#!/Turnaround-Decrees-by-Jon-&-Jolene-Hamill/p/467067902/category=0