Launching Monday! 

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“Jesus desires to advance us beyond the sabotage the enemy has planned!” From today’s post.

THIS MORNING 10am—NEWPORT VT—Life in Christ Fellowship with Pastors Janet & Allan Bishop, Newport VT. Launching 21 days. Don’t miss! Live stream at

LAST MINUTE MEETING! 4pm SUNDAY—METRO BOSTON—Kingdom Awakening with Pastors Myles and Leza Milham, Kingston MA. If you’re in the region, please come! Live stream at

JULY 1-22 REDEEM AMERICA FAST. A time to unseat and reseat leading to 7-22.  Holy Spirit will direct you on how to fast. One mandate—receive communion daily! See video, posting.

VIDEO—REDEEM AMERICA FAST, 7-22, SPIRIT OF ELIJAH—with Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon and Jolene.

REGISTRATION OPEN! ONLY $45. CLICK HERE: at the Gold Monarch Healing Center, Abilene TX. With Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene.
Host hotel: DoubleTree Abilene only $149/night. Amazing deal in new luxury hotel.

7-22 REDEEM AMERICA! ABILENE TX (No registration).
July 22, FountainGate Fellowship, Abilene TX. Live stream free. 

LAMPLIGHTER OFFERING! We are believing God for a miracle $50,000. Please add your faith for breakthrough! Donate $200 or more and receive complimentary copies of White House Watchmen and Turnaround Decrees. TO DONATE CLICK HERE:

THE 21 DAY “REDEEM AMERICA” FAST BEGINS TOMORROW. What a time for forerunning prayer. Jolene and I are asking the Lord to meet you powerfully with revelation, manifest authority, Psalm 91 protection and new strength.

Remember. He brings down rulers from their thrones, and exalts the humble (Luke 1:52). It’s time to turn the tables! 

Also be sure to join us in Abilene. This year from the heart of Texas, we are going to see a powerful release of His covenant justice. More soon. In Jesus’ Name! 

Through July 22 lets engage in the Lamplighter giving project. Already $15,000 out of our $50,000 goal has been met!

Redeem America Fast
When Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs and others began to spontaneously prophesy the 21 days, we were stunned. Because our Lamplighter 21 day fast, leading to 7-22, was already set. Chuck prophesied a focus of “unseating and re-seating.” Jolene then led us in prayer to expose and unseat those engaged in betrayal, based on an extraordinary prophetic encounter where Jesus personally came to her and showed her His Last Supper. 

We are following through with this directive. FOR 21 DAYS LETS RECEIVE COMMUNION TOGETHER! Lets decree God’s justice. And lets decree the Isaiah 22 unseating and reseating He desires to grant. 

Jolene’s Visitation—Communion, Exposing the Betrayer
Jolene received the word and assignment to “expose the betrayer” during a high-level prophetic experience in August 2017, centered around communion. We carried it across the nation on our second Glory Train journey. Massive exposure immediately followed, especially regarding sexual abuse. Hugh Hefner died. Hollywood casting couch mogul Harvey Weinstein, sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, Don Lemon and other media elites from both the left and the right were exposed. 

We are seeing more purging today both in the body of Christ, our government, and our culture. Unseating, re-seating. From our original posting on October 18, 2017:

IN JOLENE’S OWN WORDS: I was at my prayer group in Frederick MD where I had the following prophetic experience. It was a very intense day of prayer. We had noted that there were eleven of us that day, a number which became very important later in this experience. 

I was silently asking the Lord to heal some pain in my feet that I had been experiencing. I was holding my feet up off the ground when I felt the actual presence of Jesus Himself entering the room. He lifted my feet up and began to wash them, which was a very humbling experience. I had the very same sense that Peter had, that I should be washing His feet, not the other way around! 

Then in the spirit the entire conversation with Peter, recorded as part of Christ’s Last Supper, began to play out with the Lord. When I began to protest He said “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” I have read this account many times but the exact wording of the John 13 scenario played out between me and Jesus. Please read the passage through:

“During supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, to betray Him, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God, got up from supper, and laid aside His garments; and taking a towel, He girded Himself. Then He poured water into the basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:2-5).

Exposing the Betrayer
While reading John 13, there also seemed to be a supernatural illumination of the Word as I got to the part of Jesus sharing communion with his disciples. I then felt led to lead in communion with the 11 women in the room just like Jesus did at His Last Supper (see Matthew 26:17-40, Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:7-38) .

But I also became aware of another reality. The same communion that drew the 11 true disciples to Jesus was also what the Lord used to expose Judas as his betrayer!

I love how Luke records this moment:

“And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. But behold, THE HAND OF HIM WHO BETRAYS ME is with me on the table. For the Son of Man goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed!” (Luke 22:19-22).

So in a prophetic act I felt to “call in” all the true disciples of the Lord with communion. To gather, as it were, the eleven faithful disciples to Jesus. 

I then felt to also extend the same bread and wine to those who are in the midst of betraying Jesus. I felt Jesus was using me to be His hands and His heart at that time. It was one of the most powerful communions I have ever taken and I felt a very grave sense that much had shifted in the spirit realm and the betrayal of the enemy even through human agents would begin to be exposed in many situations and in the nation. It happened just that way. 

And it will in this season too. Some will repent. But there are some betrayers who are sold out infiltrators, committed to the enemy’s work. Justice will be met. Remember—“He brings down rulers from their thrones” (Luke 1:52). 

Note the purging actually begins with you and me. If we were truthful, each of us has unredeemed pockets of betrayal in our own hearts. Can your loyalty to Jesus be bought or sold? Ask God to create in you a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within you.

Instructions for Fast
And lets engage together with Him through this project today—drawing close to Jesus in communion, and seeking Him to expose the betrayer. Lets receive communion every day for the 21 days of this prayer project. Let Him cover you under His bridal canopy! 

And lets plead for justice for His people across our land. The Lord showed Jon that the Table of the Lord is the highest court in the Kingdom of God. Please approach the bench, seeking the Lord for the willful betrayers to become exposed. Jesus desires to advance us beyond the sabotage the enemy has planned. LETS TURN THE TABLES!

Prayer—Consecration & Decrees
FATHER GOD I consecrate myself to You for this 21 day project of fasting and prayer. Please engage with me. I receive the precious body and blood of Your Son Jesus to forgive my sins and purify my heart and conscience. Cleanse me from both betrayals I have suffered and any remnant of betrayal against You and your covenant within my own heart.

Holy Spirit, please direct me through this process. Draw close in communion as I receive communion. Grant me MORE of Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, in Jesus’ Name! Grant me clarity on justice issues of your heart. Pray with me. Intercede through me. Secure our seats of authority. Reseat us!

Lord, patterned after Your actions towards Shebna and Eliakim in Isaiah 22, I declare the exposure and unseating of leaders you desire to shift out at this time, in Jesus’ Name. And I declare the reseating of leaders You desire to secure in seats of authority during this time, in Jesus’ Name. 

As part of this, patterned after Your actions towards Judas, grant the exposure of those still engaged in sustained, willful betrayal. Bring Your purging. AND SEND YOUR FLOODTIDE OF AWAKENING, in Jesus’ Name!