7-22 REDEEM AMERICA! ABILENE (No registration).
July 22, FountainGate Fellowship, Abilene TX
With Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene,
Area pastors! LIVE STREAM FREE!

TURNAROUND OFFERING! Sow into the move of the Spirit bringing into manifestation His redemption of America. Jon and Jolene are especially grateful as we move into this season of personal turnaround!  https://jonandjolene.us/contribute-2/

AN UNEXPECTED GIFT CAME IN THE MAIL in late May from a congressional leader, honoring a miracle turnaround the Lord brought from the floor of the US Congress. In a framed photo, seven congressmen are pictured in the House chamber, praying through a special decree I had written called “Reclaiming Seats of Authority.” Without knowing, we had been interceding on Capitol Hill at the very time they were praying inside. Many of you were too! Because both our Lamplighter family and national network prayer leaders from state to state were also praying concurrently.

Then came a turnaround. We’ll share about it in a minute.

In a time of challenge, Jesus brought an intervention as only He can, not just once but twice! And in the face of the great challenges before us, it’s refreshing for all of us to rehearse these victories in the Lord. Let your faith expand. We can’t complete the turnaround—but if we engage with Him, He can!

7-22 Monday!
Redeem America—Reclaim our Seats of Authority

Monday is 7-22. Please join intercessors and leaders nationwide in seeking the Lord to fully manifest His verdict of justice in favor of the saints, restraining dark forces and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. This is part!

We are asking the Lord for a new birth of freedom. And as part of this, we are also asking that you pray over our highest seats of authority in your state and in our nation. Call these seats in to alignment with God’s heart and Throne. Plead the blood of Jesus to annul covenants with death and hell (Isaiah 28) by which forces of darkness have claimed these seats. 

And lets claim these seats of authority for the Lord Jesus Christ alone. NO KING BUT JESUS!

Reclaiming Seats of Authority
Which brings us back to the story. The above photo was taken on January 6, 2023. At the time, House Republicans had found themselves in a brawl just as their majority term began. The American people were promised breakthrough. But they could not agree on a new Speaker. Not a good way to start!

I saw by the Spirit how occult forces aligned with the previous Speaker were still claiming the seat of the speakership, wreaking havoc in process. When a seat of authority has been occupied by a person who’s been compromised by actions the Bible identifies as sin, it is imperative to engage in identificational repentance and ask God to cancel all covenants with forces of darkness wherever access has been allowed. 

Otherwise even though the leadership may change, the cycle tends to perpetuate.

The Lord inspired us to write a prayer to cleanse and reclaim the seat of the House Speaker, restraining these forces of darkness and the resulting chaos. We released it on Wednesday, drove home Thursday, and I made a beeline to Capitol Hill Friday to pray through the decree onsite. 

Heaven’s direction was clear to release both the “turnaround mantle” and the decree onsite on Capitol Hill. So grateful to our friend and leader Janet Shuler for joining. Right after we finished, I received a crayzee text from a friend. The spiritual warfare decree I had written had been forwarded to congressman Greg Steube, who had actually gathered other congressional leaders to pray it through. 

On the House floor. 

Fox News showed live video of the prayer time. It turned out the congressional prayer meeting was being held at exactly the moment we were praying outside. Can’t make this stuff up. By the next morning the chaos broke. Kevin McCarthy was elected as the new House Speaker. 

Later in the year Jolene and I were privileged to have dinner with Rep. Greg Steube and his wife. Greg had received the decree via text and led the prayer time. He told us how—his language—everything turned with this prayer. And it kept on turning!

Now maybe this is all just coincidence. An impossibly well-timed coincidence of course. Or maybe the Lord actually released a turnaround movement in the House of Representatives that day, securing His covenant purposes, with all of us simply bearing witness to what He longed to do! 

Kevin McCarthy secured the seat. But turmoil again erupted within the ranks. He was ousted less than a year later. We again engaged in prayer, along with countless others, decreeing Jesus’ turnaround stands. Against all odds Mike Johnson, a fervent believer in Jesus who genuinely lives his beliefs, was nominated. 

If you notice in the decree, we called for God’s Eliakim to be set into place. That sums up Speaker Johnson’s wholehearted pursuit. He was literally born to be House Speaker. 

Would you believe… it just so happened that Speaker Johnson had been one of the congressmen recruited to pray and cleanse the seat of the speakership. Really, you can’t make this stuff up. God is demonstrating the power of consecration and covenant. And He is positioning America to complete the turnaround. 

Now through July 22, please pray through the decree again at this strategic time. Pray as directed by Holy Spirit over your school boards, city councils, state seats, your congressional seats in the House and Senate, the Supreme Court, and of course the White House. The decree is below. Again—NO KING BUT JESUS!

Reclaiming Seats of Authority—
Petition Before Heaven’s Court
Father God we lift up to you the seat of authority of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. We bring this seat literally before the Throne of the Ancient of Days, in the highest Court of the Kingdom of God. We ask for Your verdict of justice in favor of the saints. Whereas covenants establish thrones of governance; and whereas our foundational national covenant with You has been restored and upheld by Heaven’s Court; therefore this seat belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ by covenant. 

We therefore ask that You open the scrolls and review each place in history or present time where decisions, policies and laws have been created from this seat which defy Your heart and covenant. Forgive the sins that have taken place by those stewarding this seat, including all sexual immorality and abusse, abuse of power, abuse of children, unjust bloodshed, occult sacrifice, betrayal of national interest, etc. Ultimately they are all a betrayal of You. Please forgive these grave injustices. We as witnesses before Your Court remit these sins, and ask that You remit these sins. Roll away the reproach that has formed over this seat!

We ask that You also review each place in history or present time where covenants with principalities and powers have been established—including with Satan, Baal, antichrist spirits, etc. According to the vision You granted, and even more according to Your word from Isaiah 28, please annul every covenant with death and hell, with principalities and powers, that has been established over this seat and its rulers. 

Covenant with death and hell annulled! Therefore let all precepts of the Divorce Decree from Baal, the Writ of Assistance, and other verdicts from Heaven’s Court applying to this case be upheld and immediately enforced by said Court. Let all claims of ownership of this seat by occult powers and human beings aligned with these forces be immediately rescinded, all forces dismissed, in Jesus’ Name.

And we ask that You release Your angelic hosts to watch over, protect and defend this Seat and the one You choose to lead from it, in Jesus’ Name.

Father we ask that You grant that Your chosen leader for this Seat be summoned by You and chosen by the other leaders responsible for his or her election. Whether man or woman, we ask for an Eliakim. One who will remain loyal to You and Your covenant, and who will be a father or mother to the Nation and to the House of Representatives.  Grant counsel from Heaven’s council continually, to lead this nation away from judgement and into the shalom and blessing granted to the nation whose God is the Lord. Verdict hereby received, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!