Live Broadcast 8pm ET

SUNDAY JUNE 25, 8pm ET “WATCH OF THE BREAKER—YOUR TIME TO ENGAGE.” Prophetic revelation to set the course for this season. Lets see a turnaround! Time to gain new vision and possess your Promised Land. The Breaker breaks open!

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JULY 1-21 WATCH OF THE BREAKER PRAYER PROJECT with prayer and fasting before the Throne. Three points for turnaround:

  1. Israel threatened by nuclear Iran.
  2. Turnaround for our sons and daughters. Includes prayer coverage for “Dor Haba,” youth and young adult worship camp in Israel hosted by Rick and Patricia Ridings and Succat Hallel. 
  3. Governmental breakthroughs for Israel and the America. Includes preservation of constitutional sovereignty and freedom of the United States.

JULY 22 JERUSALEM TURNAROUND—Live from Succat Hallel, Jerusalem! Join us onsite or via YouTube! Our 10th annual Turnaround Gathering is focused on receiving the Daniel 7:22 “turnaround verdict” from the Ancient of Days. With Rick and Patricia Ridings, more. 

INVEST IN THE JERUSALEM TURNAROUND! Our upcoming journey to Israel is completely unexpected. Amazing how the Lord sets our course for a better future! To invest in the “Jerusalem Turnaround” and many associated projects please click:

FIRST—REMEMBER TO JOIN US tonight for the “Watch of the Breaker “prophetic overview. This live broadcast will be full of fresh prophetic insights as well as action points. 

A YEAR AGO YESTERDAY, the Supreme Court released it’s extraordinary verdict for LIFE. As we celebrate the one-year anniversary of this “turnaround verdict,” it is important to note two things. First, God is heavily invested in our turnaround—much more than we can comprehend. Second, our engagement is paramount to securing His turnaround. 

Friends we have quite a summer and fall ahead of us. Note that many apostolic and prophetic leaders are now sharing a similar warning, including even Dutch Sheets. Lori Perz made the comment yesterday that the “Watch of the Breaker” fast, culminating with the Jerusalem Turnaround gathering on 7-22, is perhaps the most important assignment we have yet engaged in. This never even crossed my mind until she spoke the words. Because honestly we’ve been given some very important assignments over the past decade. 

But given the stakes, her words definitely bear witness.

And we really need your help. If you’ve been yearning to give yourself to something bigger than your own world, this is definitely your opportunity. Glad we’re in this together! 

Please join us tonight. If you haven’t done so already, please read the prophetic overview of the project that we sent to you Thursday. Here is the web posting of it.

And remember that, as we wrote Thursday, wherever you feel “stuck” or in a desert place, the Lord desires to forge a fresh pathway into your mountain of promise. It’s time to see, overcome and advance into your promised land. Personally and nationally!

Prophetic Word—The Mantle is in the Movement
Friends we promised you prophetic insight today. Here is just one insight today as a foretaste. I’m not even going to make you wait for the broadcast! 

Especially after the recent Faith and Freedom conference in DC, where all of the major contenders for the Republican candidacy were in town, many are asking whom God’s hand is on for the presidency in 2024. 

This weekend I heard the phrase, “Turnaround—the mantle is in the movement.” I then awoke to the same word this morning. While praying I saw a brief vision. A robed hand appeared in a dim blue sky, and flipped a cream-colored light switch. Suddenly the skies got very bright! 

And it was clear the “breaker switch” was flipped to “turn back on” the turnaround movement. 

So, just for clarity, the mantle even of the presidential leadership to complete the turnaround God initiated in 2016 is within the move of His Spirit He is accelerating at this time.  In this forerunner movement God is restoring the hearts of the fathers to the children, the children to their fathers, and is turning many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God. The Lord is saying, “Find Me, find your turnaround. IAM your turnaround!” 

Which is why it is so vital for us to engage in this 21 day project to see God’s turnaround more fully birthed and secured, both for Israel and America. It’s time for Jesus to flip the switch!  

Watch of the Breaker. 21 days. Joel 2. Praying daily, even morning, noon, and night. Receiving daily communion. Fasting food as led. Training to get in shape spiritually and physically. PUTTING ASIDE THE LESSER THINGS. 

Zion—Prophetic Word Concerning “Ram Dream”
In my prayer time this morning, I also heard the Lord say, “In your dream I showed you Israel’s Zion and America’s Zion at the same time. Do not be confused, your destinies are truly interlinked. I will use this fast to touch both nations at the same time, to gain for you a stream of covenant timing you do not yet possess.”

I agree. Lets dive into the currents of God’s supernatural timing! Looking forward to joining together tonight. The Breaker breaks open!

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble…” (Joel 2:1).

“I kept watching, and that horn was waging war with the saints and prevailing against them, 22 UNTIL the Ancient of Days came and judgement was rendered in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom” (Dan. 7:21-22)