CALL TONIGHT 9PM ET! Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!


WATCH OF THE BREAKER 2024! April 2-Passover for Israel and America. 

“The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (Joel 2:31). 

WHEN THE HISTORIC SOLAR ECLIPSE traverses America next Monday, its pathway will intersect with the pathway of the 2017 solar eclipse to form an ‘X’ over our nation. This is probably not the “eclipse of eclipses” conveyed in the Book of Joel. But more than most eclipses in our lifetime, this one seems of biblical proportion. Especially given current circumstances in both Israel and America. 

OK, so what is it a sign of? 

First, the coming eclipse is a weighty prophetic demarcation conveying the intersection between the end times and real time. This has nothing to do with the fact we are now actively engaged in writing a book by this very title. More to come soon though 🙂

Second, I believe the eclipse marks one of many successive warnings from the Lord for America to repent and realign with Him so that forces wishing to ‘X out’ our nation may be restrained. The Lord has made this so very clear from the beginning of 2024 when He directed us to the “X out” prophetic warning by Cindy Jacobs from 1996. 

You know it now by heart. Cindy saw an “X” over the nation, with the lines converging in Kansas City. She saw how the enemy is seeking to “X out” America as well as the prayer movement in Kansas City which at the time was barely in its inception. 

As you know, the 24-7 IHOPKC movement is teetering right now after months of continuing exposure of grievous, hidden covenant-breaking and abuse which apparently spanned decades. As a watchman, I strongly sense a need to pray over decisions being made now regarding the future of the 24-7 ministry. PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYER.

Note that the epicenter of the ‘X’ for Monday’s eclipse is actually a region of southern Illinois known as Little Egypt. Given this emphasis, it’s probably not a coincidence that Passover 2024 will start exactly two weeks after the eclipse, to the very day. Time for an exodus. Out of Egypt (Moses), out of Babylon/Persia (Esther). Purim and Passover combined. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

And now I’m going to let you go, at least until tonight. Please make plans to join us!