CALL REPLAY—HEAVEN-RESCUED LAND! Yesterday we shared a key word. The hand of the Lord is on His people to usher us into His freedom movement for this new era! Call Replay: (605) 313-5155 access code 552-690.

Awaken Pentecost Promise, hosts Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene.
With opportunities to bless leaders in Israel, blessing Israel.

2-4PM Wednesday May 27—with Rania Sayegh and Briskilla Zananiri with communion. CLICK HERE TO WATCH
2-4pm Thursday May 28— Prophetic Statesman James Goll, Eran Salamon from Israel.
2-4pm Friday May 29—Rick & Patricia Ridings, Succat Hallel, Chris Mitchell, VA Beach.


JAMES GOLL JOINS CALL SUNDAY MAY 31 9pm ET. Pentecost. Fire on the altar!

SHAVUOT 2020 IS FINALLY HERE. The Lord has joined the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts to birth a new freedom movement. And given the current turmoil, with outrage against injustice now sweeping America, it seems just in time. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

Today I want to briefly share a prophetic perspective the a justice issues we are now facing with the brutal death of Ahmaud Arbery, followed by the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands—actually the knee—of a vagabond cop. 

The Unravelling—Overcoming the Deficit of Justice
We as the Lamplighter community have long been praying for God to overcome the deficit of justice at the Department of Justice and nationwide. This was by direct leading from the Lord. Three years ago, in the early morning hours, I awoke praying from a dream. And by the light of dawn over Washington DC the Holy Spirit spoke to me a sacred promise, “I will overcome the Deficit Of Justice!” I knew immediately this was a play on words directly referencing the Department of Justice. We have been praying fervently for the DOJ ever since.

And we are seeing a tremendous turnaround. 

But I also knew that the reverberations from the DOJ breakthrough would bring realignment with God’s heart and justice nationwide. Why? Because the Attorney General is the top official of the entire law enforcement community nationwide. He or she serves as the “Top Cop” for the nation. 

Most of the time we keep our intercession for the DOJ private. But about three weeks ago, the intensity of the battle became heightened. The Lord gave me a vision. In the prophetic experience I saw an occult shroud over the DOJ that stretched far and wide, even across the nation. I saw Heaven’s release for us to now pull on a thread of the shroud to unravel the whole thing! Amazingly, the very next day acting DNI director Richard Grenell declassified records clearly showing the depth of deception, coercion and injustice with the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn, President Trump’s first National Security Advisor. Turns out a complete storyline of lies was fabricated, validated and acted upon as truth with the primary purpose of decimating President Trump and the Trump Administration. Further, leaks were broadcast to the media so the media could broadcast their deception to the world.

Now comes the unravelling. God is overcoming the deficit of justice! And part of this unravelling is redemptive exposure that mandates realignment. 

Of course the unravelling of injustice from law enforcement’s top institution is not limited to this core. The movement is national. God is exposing sin. And through this difficult season we are coming face to face with realities present within our system this whole time. 

Body of Christ—Our Response
So what’s the right response to the horror now before our eyes and hearts with the death of George Floyd? I’m going to be blunt and brief. My words may prove controversial. But in this great unveiling, we are seeing how travesties of justice have absolutely destroyed lives across the spectrum. We should be outraged at every instance. 

Violent expressions of outrage are now in play across our nation. In reality they only perpetuate the problem. What can we do to bring lasting change? Very simply, it is time we as the body of Christ stand together as one. It’s time we pray together. It’s time to cross the threshold together this Shavuot into the fullness of Christ’s freedom movement. 

Lets first harness the power of His baptism of fire and pray—until these strongholds are broken, and His justice rolls like a river across our land.