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JULY 1-22 REDEEM AMERICA FAST! A time to unseat and reseat leading to 7-22. Let Holy Spirit direct you on how to fast. One mandate—receive communion daily!See video, posting for details.

VIDEO—7-22 REDEEM AMERICA, FAST, SPIRIT OF ELIJAH—real-time prophetic overview with Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon and Jolene. DON’T MISS!

REGISTRATION OPEN! ONLY $45. CLICK HERE: at the Gold Monarch Healing Center, Abilene TX. With Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene.

Host hotel: DoubleTree Abilene only $149/night. Amazing deal in new luxury hotel. Link CLICK HERE.

7-22 REDEEM AMERICA! ABILENE (No registration).
July 22, FountainGate Fellowship, Abilene TX
With Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene
Spirit of Elijah Summit beforehand. LIVE STREAM FREE. 

HELP LORD. THE TRUMP-BIDEN DEBATES simply confirmed what we’ve known since 2020. President Biden’s struggle through his latter years is far more advanced than the spin-doctors have let on. And from 2020 through now, much of what the media has fed us is actually disinformation released to either advance the president or protect his reputation.

Last night Trump did a great job of bringing this out, pointing out the glaring deficits of truth projected by the highest levels of government and media during the 2020 elections. 

That said, like most Americans I felt deep empathy for President Biden and also a deeper appreciation for his struggle in the midst of governing. The aggressive shout-out between Biden and Trump over golf handicaps actually has a deeper meaning. In his presidency, Biden has been playing with a pretty big handicap. 

What now?

First, the exposure of Biden’s challenges through the debate was intentional. It should have caught no one by surprise. 

Second, as Chuck Pierce and Cindy Jacobs noted, we are in a season of “unseating and reseating.” This word has now proven hauntingly accurate. 

Who Will Be On The 2024 Ticket?
Now watch for Democratic Party spin doctors to concoct a “dream ticket” to replace Biden for the 2024 elections. Watch for those embodying a globalist agenda to make a severe power play.  Contenders such as Gavin Newsom are obvious. Some you might not have thought of for our highest office, but need to watch—Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Kamala Harris could lead the ticket, but so far Americans across the political spectrum have shown extreme reticence towards her leadership. 

Then there’s Hakeem Jeffries, a surprisingly centrist newcomer who could gain political traction in this season. I would have added Tulsi Gabbard to the centrist lineup except that she became so fed up with the party she shifted, and is now on Donald Trump’s shortlist for VP. 

Finally, Biden’s challenges are proof that the president alone does not run the nation. A team does. In Biden’s case probably more than most administrations. This actually speaks a lot for their team. 

That said, we have shared prophetically since 2022 that collaborative teamwork must become a hallmark of the Trump administration if he wins another four years. 

Confronting Antisemitism—the Opportunity Trump Missed
Former President Trump missed an incredible opportunity last night. President Biden jabbed him regarding antisemitism over his response to the Charlottesville protests. It would have been a perfect time to actually compliment Biden for his stand against antisemitism and for the nation of Israel. 

Compliment President Biden? In this case he deserves it. Overall he has remained a solid friend of Israel and has gone to great lengths to protect and defend the land and people.

This is especially remarkable given the fact that members of Biden’s own party that have led massive antisemitic protests and riots in major universities and cities across the nation. Thanks largely to the leftist agenda of the Democratic Party, antisemitic vitriol has come literally out of the closet. Hamas is supported even though they slaughtered more Jewish people in any other time since the Holocaust. 

And it’s terrifying. 

Prophetic Call—Secure God’s Justice
Final point. God has promised redemption to America. As I’ve shared, I feel prophetically it is a severe redemption. Prophetically, the most decisive factor in the 2024 elections remains the US Supreme Court. It’s time for God’s justice to prevail within our justice system. 

Prophetically, what does Texas have to do with the release of God’s redemptive justice? We’ll share more soon. That said, if you care about preserving our nation’s freedom, please engage with us in the 21 day fast. Join us in Abilene for the Spirit of Elijah Summit and the 7-22 Redeem America gathering. Lets see the Lord render His verdict of justice in favor of the saints, restraining forces of darkness and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. TURNAROUND!