9pm ET Call Tonight 

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CALL TONIGHT 9PM ET! Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

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POWERFUL, TIMELY BROADCAST! In the midst of turbulent times, God’s trumpet is sounding to possess the Kingdom. How should you pray? You will be greatly strengthened by these insights.  https://www.youtube.com/live/lQgOaetWScA?si=pHjBf3OKZum3fwDM

FIRST—THANK YOU JESUS! Surgery last week was very successful. It was literally life-giving. Been largely resting since. Jolene and I have been deeply touched by the outpouring of your love, your prayers, your support and your care. 

You know by now the imagery of an eagle molting. That’s really what it feels like right now. Except that we are probably better fed. Our home group actually started a food chain for us. Casseroles, a cake, home-cooked Chinese food, eggplant parmesan… you know, eagle food! I had no idea these people cooked so well. 

Okay if you don’t think that’s legit eagle food just know we’re having salmon tonight. 

And don’t think I haven’t been keeping watch through this perilous time. By the grace of God alone, I have, obviously for Israel and America. Especially after receiving a prophetic dream early Sunday morning. I have shared this privately only with a few leaders, as well as our core prayer team. Today I received the green light to share with you. Please take it seriously ok? In other words, please pray. And join us tonight on the call if you can.

We need to pray for Israel and the US—especially Washington DC. I had a dream early Sunday morning that important friends emphasized I should share. Of course, when I shared it with these key friends “happened to be” 9:11pm. We truly need to “Call 911” over this!

One more thing about our friends. They strongly emphasized to me that prayer can avert much of what the enemy intends. 

In the dream I was standing near the top of Arlington National Cemetery. Former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was there, deploying covert assets into many strategic points throughout Washington DC. I looked and said “that will hurt us but won’t destroy us.” 

In response, he then pointed to a tunnel near the top of the hill which I did not even know was there. He signaled for men to launch what looked to be a mining cart with a detonation device inside. It went down the hill, under the Potomac, and into the center of the city. Was the target the White House? The National Mall? I don’t know. I woke up before it went off. 

Initially I thought this was a good sign. But maybe not. More explanation below.

Obviously Iran still wants to hit Israel. Maybe America too. So please join me in praying for the Lord to expose and completely subvert all attempts of terrorism in Jesus’ Name. 

Let me emphasize again. I am sharing this with you in part because I’m responding to the immediate request of high level friends to do so, and to increase prayer coverage, especially as we move towards Tisha b’Av. Though I feel prophetically the Iranian strike against Israel could occur sooner rather than later.

Days After Dream—Assassin Hired by Iran is Arrested!
Maybe it’s not a coincidence that just within a few days of receiving this dream and sharing it with leaders, a Pakistani assassin hired by Iran to take out President Trump was arrested. Other government leaders were in his sights too. 

Wow! Jesus is really on this. It is rare that such arrests make news. But I felt God was just affirming to us that YOUR PRAYER CAN TURN THE TABLES.

Key Interpretations
My dream is largely self-explanatory. But let me share with you a few brief conclusions I’ve been praying into. First the imagery of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad conveys a sobering resolve. He’s the guy who first trumpeted to the world the belief of many Shiites that striking both Israel and America would usher in the “unveiling” of the “hidden imam,” basically their messiah. For this reason it was, in his mind, even worth sacrificing the Iranian people to do so. 

And certainly the Palestinian people. 

This makes the prospect of a covert strike on America, and maybe even Washington DC, all the more plausible. Even if it guarantees our retaliation.

Second, the imagery of a mining cart is also sobering. For Iran the most controversial element mined in their tunnels right now is  uranium. You get where I’m going with this. 

As you may recall, in my dream I was expecting a massive explosion and smoke. But against my expectations the device in the cart did not blow up, at least before I woke up. To me this seemed good. But here’s a challenging thought. We should also pray against “dirty bombs” which I don’t believe need the same magnitude of ignition. 

Third, the symbology of launching the attack from Arlington National Cemetery is staggering. Some of our greatest military heroes are buried here, along with other extraordinary leaders who shaped our history. Is it a warning of more deaths to come through military engagement? Or maybe a warning to pray for our military bases so they do not get hit? 

So lets lean into Holy Spirit. Pray for Washington DC. Pray for our nation. Obviously pray for Israel. I wholeheartedly believe the optimistic admonition of our friends that  prayer can largely prevent the chaos and destruction the enemy seeks to unleash. 

Receive communion. Pray Psalm 91. Lift up our military and intelligence communities as they engage in the protection of our nation. Let God go before them to expose hidden cells and thwart any hidden strikes!

Lift up the God-given synergy between Israel and America, and our respective military and intelligence communities. Pray it not only continue but accelerate. Pray for Heaven’s counsel to break forth amidst the war councils now going on!

In this regard continue to pray for Gen. Erik Kurilla, head of CENTCOM, who is with the Israel team right now. 

And lets pray we continue to stand strong for the nation of Israel. President Biden has honestly done a phenomenal job in this regard. Please pray it continues. 

The stakes are so high. I continue to pray for diplomacy to prevail over war. BUT IF IRAN CHOOSES WAR, pray for the elimination of the nuclear threat they continually thrust upon not just Israel or America, but all the Sunni nations as well.

Help, Lord. No King but Jesus!