9pm ET Lamplighter Call

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CALL TONIGHT 9PM ET! Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

THRU 7-21 PLEASE CONTINUE your vigil with daily communion, fasting & prayer for America as directed by Holy Spirit. Unseating and reseating, exposing the betrayer! 

7-22 ABILENE, SPIRIT OF ELIJAH SUMMIT—details below post!

“You cannot make America great again without making the covenant with God for America great again”—from the post.

PROPHETS FULFILL THEIR SPECIALTY. They prophesy. But true governmental prophets devote their lives to fulfill assignments from the Lord related to their designated spheres of authority. Often a seat of authority, or a throne, is granted by the Lord towards this end. Prophetic words come from the overflow of their assignments. 

Today we are opening up and sharing with you a key assignment. The purpose behind it has been made even more clear given recent platform shifts of the Republican National Committee. I believe if we fulfill our part, we can see God’s turnaround secured. His way. 

That said, can you define your seat? Jeremiah was seated—or set—over nations and kingdoms (Jer. 1:10-11). During the reign of Jezebel and Ahab, Elijah gained a throne of authority over Israel that no man could give him, and no man could take away. “As surely as the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, no rain nor dew all these years except at My word!” (1 Kings 17:1).

To varying degrees, you and I have been granted similar seats of authority by the Lord, seated with Christ in heavenly places. How we function from these seats of authority is more key in this election year than we can imagine. More on this in a moment. First lets briefly review three priorities to securing your seats in this hour. 

Then lets talk about Trump. 

Securing Your Seats
Your first priority and privilege in securing your seat is relating to the Lord from your seat, abiding in Him and His word, and making sure that the fulfillment of your assignment is stemming from your relationship. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts!” (Zech. 4:6). This is so obvious we often miss it. 

Second priority—At a time when the sins of so many leaders are now being exposed, we must evaluate the condition of God’s covenant within our own lives and assigned spheres. For us, in our time of seclusion has been devoted to giving space for our hearts to genuinely grieve, engaging in identificational repentance, and seeking God on how to repair these horrendous breaches. 

Third priority—Reject the temptation of presumption. More and more I see presumption by leaders overtaking Heaven’s counsel. This leads to more striving with less results. We need the opposite! 

Here’s a great, personal “for instance.” There was a lot of encouragement to do another Glory Train journey by train for 2024. I took January 2024 primarily to plan the journey. 

And that’s when the Lord spoke to me that we needed to remain in seclusion for five months in Washington DC. With a primary goal of interceding from DC over Israel and a secondary goal of writing a new equipping book.

No traveling for five months? Praying and writing instead of ministering on the road? At such a key time?

Just being honest. I’ll just say there was real breakthrough in repenting for presumption and giving our schedule to Him with no limitations. Clearing our schedule for the Lord opened up an astonishing opportunity even to visit Mar-a-Lago to pray, in collaboration with a private team. Without saying a word, others have spontaneously invited us to the four corners of the nation to see a primary assignment we were carrying fulfilled. 

And the big one. To our surprise, a few months into our vigil here, we discovered the Lord was granting me a rare opportunity to prolong my life a few decades by dealing with a previously-hidden prostate issue. We first mentioned this in our previous posting. Jolene and I are beyond grateful to those who have reached out. We genuinely appreciate your prayers and encouragement. There’s more to the story—including good news—coming soon. 

Covenant Alignment Brings Earned Authority
All this said, I am very aware the Lord is moving differently in 2024 than 2016. Very similar governmental assignment—perhaps even greater—but completely different way of releasing His authority to fulfill it. As we shared in our last posting, we entered a season of seclusion and “molting” like an eagle. For us this included surrendering our ministry expression back to Him, only to have Him suddenly reseat us!

My guess is many of you have been going through a similar process of testing and purifying. Or like an eagle, molting. By yielding in obedience to the Lord in this process you are gaining a new level of earned authority. We are praying for you and blessing you as you move into an even higher level. I hope this has helped. The earned authority of a remnant is vital as we move into the 2024 presidential elections.

RNC Convention Next Week!
Trump Radically Shifts Republican Platform
Next Monday begins the Republican National Convention. You might have heard that President Trump has already established the Republican platform with unexpected, radical shifts away from covenantal precedents that marked his first administration. These  include a watered-down stand on abortion, intentional ambiguity regarding Israel, and full support of maintaining the redefinition of marriage apart from biblical values. 

Beyond this the platform reflects many vital core values to restore America which I believe every American can support. But many Christian leaders have said that Trump has openly betrayed the very ones who have supported him the most through these challenging years.

The reasoning for the shift? Polling and money. Polls show American voters seem to have shifted after the Supreme Court verdict overthrowing nationally legalized abortion. Include in this equation a very tepid response from church leaders that most expected to celebrate the decision. So the campaign has shifted. Trump is going after a broader base than social conservatives, which they view as needed to win the election. 

Making Covenant Great Again
Here’s the challenge. Before God these are covenant issues. We all know you cannot make America great again without making the covenant with God for America great again. But before this mandate can be embraced nationally, the mandate must first be embraced by the body of Christ. 

The recent exposure of blatant hypocrisy and sins by many of our most well-known ministers has made clear how desperately we need to regain this higher ground of covenantal morality. In this regard, divorcing Baal must be walked out in our personal lives first. The change must begin with us. And every effort needs to be made to shore up our alignment as we move into the new season. Identificational repentance is key. 

A New Birth of Freedom—Mobilize Now
What does God desire? Here’s what He spoke to me. A new era is being inaugurated at the time America inaugurates a new president. A new birth of freedom for the nation. That is really what we’re contending for. 

This brings us to Texas in general, Abilene more specifically. Most of you know the Roe v. Wade case that went to the Supreme Court came from Texas. The winning lawyer came from Abilene. Since the verdict was rendered in 1973, pastors and believers in Abilene specifically and Texas generally have been seeking God in repentance and prayer for God to forgive, and grant a turnaround. It happened.

And Abilene has now become one of Texas’ first sanctuary cities, outlawing abortion in the city. 

I believe a primary reason God is sending us to Abilene for the 7-22 Redeem America is this city’s clear, humble, radical, consistent stand FOR LIFE.  

A new birth of freedom. Lets contend for Heaven’s verdict. Through this week and next I urge you to immediately mobilize prayer into LIFE issues in each of your respective states and nationally. Get your leadership involved. Get the word out. Contact your representatives and make your views known!

And please move Heaven and earth to join us in Texas this following week. Bring a delegation. Together lets see God grant His turnaround verdict for our nation! 

https://goldmonarchhealingcenter.wufoo.com/forms/x6vltya1c4ivy1/Hosted at the Gold Monarch Healing Center, Abilene TX. With Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene.

Host hotel: DoubleTree Abilene only $149/night. Amazing deal in new luxury hotel. Link CLICK HERE.

7-22 REDEEM AMERICA! ABILENE (No registration).
July 22, FountainGate Fellowship, Abilene TX
With Chris Mitchell Jr, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene
Spirit of Elijah Summit beforehand. LIVE STREAM FREE.