TOMORROW! James Nesbit, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt on prayer call! Sharing key revelation from Crown & Throne Israel tour. Join us!

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NEXT WEEKEND! Crown & Throne School of Kings! St. Paul MN. with Martin Frankena, Karen Krueger. More info click here. 

Dear Groundbreaking Revolutionaries,
Today marks the last day of Passover 2017. May the shout of the Warrior be in your camp! May you have eyes to see the prize set before you, and the Promised Land the Lord is calling you to possess. May you be a ground-breaker for Him!

And may you resound the scrolls of Heaven to impact your world. We’re excited that tomorrow Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts, and James Nesbit are joining our weekly call. Together we bore witness to Heaven’s work. A new move of God’s Spirit has been covenantally and governmentally released.  We’re going to share a few stories, hear from the team, pray and process. We might even resound a prophetic song or two. Like “Drain the Swamp…”

It will be groundbreaking. Seriously.

Passover, Prayer and Regime Change
Today being the final day of Passover, I want to talk regime change. We all know the Passover Lamb is also the Lion of Judah. The first prophetic word ever given directly to Jesus centered on regime change. He was still in the womb when His mother Miriam resounded Heaven’s scroll in what became known as the Magnificat. My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior… He brings down rulers from their thrones…

This calling of the Lord Jesus Christ hasn’t been so much emphasized or seen in the earth. But it is actually central to God’s end-time “Crown & Throne” movement. 

Marriage of Exodus & Acts
Remember how Bob Jones prophesied this move of the Spirit marries the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts. Exodus is a movement from slavery to freedom. Acts recounts the restoration of God’s glory and the birth of the church. In this hour God is releasing a “freedom movement” in the earth. This movement is riding on the restoration of His glory, bringing down Pharaoh structures tied to idolatry and releasing His covenant people from subjugation to freedom. Let My people go, that they may worship Me!

Exodus and Acts will marry. Exodus 12 records the first Passover, when God executed His judgement on the gods of Egypt and the government of Egypt. A people became free. But most people don’t realize that Acts 12 records a similar deliverance on Passover. It quite literally marks the release of God’s apostolic church into freedom. In a moment we’ll explore this.

But first I have a question for you. Regime change from evil dictatorship. Whose responsibility is it? North Korea or Syria? The US, China, Russia? Donald Trump, the CIA, DIA, NSA, Seal Team 6? Israel, Jordan, South Korea? Maybe the UN?

Or none of the above? Is it possible that the ultimate responsibility to catalyze regime change lies not with diplomacy or special forces but with God’s praying church?

Acts 12 Regime Change
Acts 12. The apostle Peter is thrown in prison, during “the days of Unleavened Bread” or Passover. Herod intended to kill Peter before the people right after the feast, in the same manner he had killed James. 

“So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God” (Acts 12:5). 

Some translations say they prayed “night and day.” In any case these intercessors had locked on to their target, and they were not letting go until God responded the way He did with the first Passover. Let My people go! 

In fact, it’s not a coincidence all this occurred over Passover. Because the Biblical feasts honor God’s exploits in previous generations so as to access this same anointing for their generation. Remember Exodus 1:24 recounts that God “heard their groanings.” Heard, as in a courtroom hearing. He literally brought the groaning or cries of His people before Heaven’s Court and thoroughly reviewed each plea. He rendered His judgement according to His covenant. 

And that judgement was executed as the first Passover. Check out Exodus 12:12. “For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and I will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgements—I am the Lord. And the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you…” (Exodus 12:12-13).

So on Passover the saints were pleading with God, making their voice heard before Heaven’s Court. He heard their cries and rendered judgement. And an angel of the Lord was dispatched to execute His judgement!

This angel of breakthrough released Peter from his maximum security cell. The doors of the prison opened. The gate of the city then opened. And Peter was set free.

Not long after, Herod addressed his crowds with a rousing oration in the colosseum at Caesarea, on Israel’s Mediterranean coast. They responded, “the voice of a god and not of a man!” 

“And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of the Lord continued to grow and be multiplied…” (Acts 12:23-24).

Regime change. Catalyzed by the relentless 24-7 prayers of the church for Heaven’s justice to be released. Actually becoming a first fruit of the prophetic song resounded by Miriam, mother of Jesus or Yeshua. He brings down rulers from their thrones.

Not sure why, but as of yet this mandate remains largely untaught, even in the 24-7 house of prayer movement today. But it doesn’t change the reality. As God restores His glory, as He restores His governing Tabernacle of David, regime change and deliverance from Pharaoh thrones tied to idolatry is most definitely on His heart. 

Let My people go.

Apostolic Freed From Confinement
As the Lord responded to the prayers of His people for Peter, it’s important to note that the apostolic expression of the church was freed from confinement. Peter was an apostle. In fact, he was promised by Jesus that He would use him to help build the church, and the gates of hell would not prevail. 

And the church’s primary focus was praying for this apostolic leader to be freed. 

Friends, I’m asking that you pray specifically for the apostolic ministry in Washington DC to be fully released from confinement, with the word of the Lord running swiftly and being glorified. Make this a primary focus of your intercession these next 50 days. And within this focus, pray for Jolene and me and our role in this. Gate open!

Lana Vawser—Ministering Angels Released
Final point. Remember an angel of the Lord released Peter from prison and opened the gates of the city to him. This hour from Passover to Pentecost is being marked by the intervention of God’s angelic hosts, in synergy with Heaven and in synergy with His covenant people. A word yesterday from Lana Vawser bears witness to this:

Ministering angels have been assigned to many as you transition over a threshold into next steps of destiny and a realm of increased favour, especially in new and unexpected areas. These ministering angels have been sent to you by the Lord to minister to you in the turbulence of transitioning across this these destiny thresholds. Keep leaning into Jesus, you are stepping through into something COMPLETELY NEW!