VIRGINIA BEACH—SCHOOL OF KINGS! April 13-14, Gateway City Church with Pastor Chris Mitchell. Please come! For more information or to register see or simply CLICK HERE.

70th ANNIV. OF ISRAEL’S REBIRTH—and Jon & Jolene are making the journey to Jerusalem! We are asking the Lord for $7,000 to cover expenses and ministry costs over the two weeks we will be in the land. To make a donation CLICK HERE.

First—thank you all for your generosity towards our ministry tour of Israel. We are very grateful for both your financial assistance and your prayer covering as we mobilize towards our assignment from the Lord. Given recent events, our time there promises to be even more strategic than we knew. Jolene and I depart in a week, and are still about halfway towards our goal. To make a donation CLICK HERE.

Many have had a burden for our protection. I cannot emphasize enough our gratitude for this. Please pray for us!

Mideast Heats Up as Israel Approaches 70th
This past weekend was pivotal for Israel and the Mideast. On Friday, Iran-supported Hamas intensified protests along the Gaza border. Late Saturday evening, Syrian dictator Assad launched chemical warfare attacks against a Damascus suburb, killing at least 60 and wounding more than a thousand. And on Sunday, Israeli jets bombed a Syrian airbase, apparently killing both Iranian and Russian advisors. 

News broke today that Iran is threatening to restart its nuclear program by enriching uranium—literally within days.  

Remember that just last week, Russia, Iran and Turkey formalized an alliance to deal with Syria and the Mideast. It is unsettling that an alliance of these nations is actually prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39 as part of the unfolding of the end times. I am so grateful for the real-time prophetic vision Rick Ridings shared where the Lord thundered from the Temple Mount against the encroachment of war, “NOT YET!” We must see God’s Isaiah 19 highway protected and built. To read Rick Ridings’ word CLICK HERE.

John Bolton Assumes NSC Leadership
That said, what a first day at work for new National Security Advisor John Bolton. He, of course, has been tasked with presenting solutions regarding the emerging Mideast crisis. President Trump has already stated Please keep National Security Advisor Bolton, incoming Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis covered in prayer. Please intercede for our intelligence community as well! 

Note that the Lamplighter family and Prayer Storm family combined have prayed for the National Security Council for well over a year. In fact, this was the primary office the Lord had us focus on as we prayed for His Daniel 7:22 “Turnaround Verdict” to be fully implemented after President Trump was inaugurated. The NSC connects with our military, diplomatic and intelligence communities to formulate effective policy for the administration. It is essentially the cornerstone for international policy. And without going into details, a shift occurred over the past year and I know the Cornerstone now empowers this cornerstone. Again, please pray. A new page is turning!

Jolene Dream—New Chapter Begins!
Speaking of which… Jolene received an incredible dream from the Lord just last week which speaks with precision into the time we are entering. We’ll share the word first, followed by a few insights. 

From Jolene: I had a dream where we were with several high level ministries in a spacious home. The home overlooked a driveway, an alley which went from one end of the property to the other.  I am in a room with a prophetic woman known for dream interpretation and supernatural ministry, as well as a man I don’t know. 

Jon and I were the first to arrive. As I watch out the window where my car is parked, I become very concerned because the driveway is narrow and as others are arriving in such a hurry to get to the house they are plowing into the cars in front of them. Literally crushing them to make more room for their own car.  Again, Jon and I were the first to arrive, so ours was getting crushed BADLY.

I go away from the window distressed. Meanwhile I realize that people were being given an envelope by Dutch Sheets. Our prophetic friend is reading hers and as I wonder why I don’t have one, it supernaturally appears in my hand.

I open the letter and it is pretty thick. The first part is an overview of all we have accomplished so far in the Lord—with pictures of us at different meetings. I remember thinking I am glad I look cute in the pictures  (LOL… girl thought!)

Then there is a blank page and you have to turn the page.  On these pages are 7 numbers, in which the first couple are filled in and the rest are blank.  I know in the dream that we are in a new era and we have very specific assignments but we will have to rely on the Holy Spirit to show us all what they are.

Insights on the Dream
I believe it was very important that the Lord showed Dutch Sheets handing out new assignments. As a forerunning leader in the prayer movement, he walked through this exact season himself in the past few years. Now many, including Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce, are articulating how an era has been completed and a new era has begun. Note that the number of seven was highlighted with the new assignments. Seven represents both completion and covenant. 

We wholeheartedly concur. For Jolene and me, it seemed that Revolution 2017 demarcated this transition. We knew a 20 year-long assignment we had been stewarding had been completed. Covenant with Christ restored, turnaround catalyzed, alignment with Israel secured, and His canopy of protection established for our homeland!

Season Shifts—Spiritual Pentagon, More
We also knew that a new season was beginning—for us and for our work in Washington DC. For a while, the Lord has been speaking to us about a “spiritual Pentagon” with watchman prayer for this season. We will explore this more in future postings but we are being summoned by the Lord to spend more time praying at home, hosting strategic roundtables and developing our home group community. 

Of course we will still travel and minister—alot. But as this new season of war emerges a new watch for our Capitol is coming more into view. Many of you are receiving a similar assignment. 

Our prophetic friend Lynnie Harlow was one of the first to pick up on this. Over Christmas she prophesied to us:

I am crowning you with the light of my glory this year. There is a HUGE shift that has taken place. It’s not coming, it’s already happened, and you are going to start to see the difference immediately. One of the changes coming will be sustainable financial support. He’s shifting that so that you two can shift and start to be more present in the DC area…

More than a month ago, we took this mandate to our board and asked them to pray into it. The corporate witness was immediate. We also asked our friend Julie Zylstra to pray into this. She immediately saw a chapter of our book was closing, and a new chapter was opening. The pages of the new chapter were largely blank. She also felt God saying our call to focus on DC was imperative for this new season. 

A New Culture
So it was not surprising that the Lord conveyed such a similar dream to Jolene last week. It’s important to note that she saw many other leaders receiving fresh assignments as well. Unfortunately, carelessness and competition seemed to cause collisions between the very ministries the Lord had summoned together to receive these new assignments!

Friends, the Lord wants collaboration and synergy to replace the culture of ministry competition which defined so much of the previous season. There is more than enough for us all to attain to and achieve. It’s time we see how your God-given assignment enhances our own, and strengthens the body of Christ as a whole. Lets be made strong by that which every joint supplies!

The Midnight Cry
Nationally and internationally, we definitely sense a new era has begun. As we’ve share throughout the past few months, we felt a new expression and execution of the Daniel 7:22 “Turnaround Verdict” has been released. This “Moses movement,” a marriage of Exodus and Acts bringing freedom to nations, has been set in motion as of 2-22 and Purim. 

Our book “Midnight Cry” chronicles and equips you for this next phase of God’s move. Remembering that the Lord’s overarching emphasis remains to draw His covenant people close again in intimacy with Him. To tenderize jaded hearts and reawaken us all to His Spirit and word. 

I felt when writing the book that this next season is going to encompass “midnight crises” which provoke a “midnight cry.” In fact the Lord quickened to me that we will even experience a foretaste of both the challenges and the breakthroughs which will define the hour in which Christ returns. 

And we are all being summoned to a new level of watchman prayer. As I wrote: 

“From the beginning of his candidacy we’ve prophesied that (Donald Trump) will be a Winston Churchill for our time. The most important question then becomes—Why does America need a Winston Churchill in this hour? What exactly are we facing?

Maybe this is why the Lord is so emphasizing the midnight cry for 2018. Winston Churchill’s fierce leadership through World War II was accompanied by a “burning lamp movement” of 24-7 prayer led by Welsh intercessor Rees Howells. I know the Trump administration desperately needs this magnitude of prayer as our nation confronts the challenges of our time. We need a midnight cry… beginning at the White House!” 

What a time to keep watch—from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem. It’s now time to receive your new scrolls, with new assignments from the hand and heart of the Lord. Pray, and they will appear. A new chapter is beginning. No King but Jesus!