Real-Time Prayer for House Speakership
Gideon Reclamation Project Jan. 1-21
AUDIO MP3—RECLAIMING THE SPEAKERSHIP! Spontaneous release of revelation and breakthrough during Wednesday night prayer call. Followed by a Court of Heaven petition covering dynamics not previously explored. The gavel fell! Please use this as a springboard for your own intercession, personally and as teams.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT THE WORD OF THE LORD came unexpectedly during our conference call, and an out-of-focus picture became very clear.
Probably like you, my question before the Lord has been “What in the world is going on with the speakership of the House of Representatives?” Jolene and I have watched with heavy hearts the apparent self-sabotage of the Republican Party over the previous few days. For the first time since the Civil War, division within the majority party in the House of Representatives has prevented the election of a suitable leader. Despite a clear mandate from the American people, and a very limited window of opportunity to shift our nation and governance, leadership has been paralyzed and humiliated from the very opening of the 2023 session.
It’s literally 10 minutes to midnight now as a last-minute posting is being hastily put together, hopefully to accelerate all of us in prayer.
As mentioned, yesterday evening the word of the Lord became clear. We as the governing ekklesia must reclaim the seat of authority of the Speakership of the US House of Representatives. I saw how it was locked up by false claims in the spirit realm. And you and I are being asked to reclaim the seat so that the one called to rule from it may be released.
Dethroning Jezebel
Lets briefly return to Armageddon. The view from the watchman’s perch is vast. To the northwest lies the mountain where Elijah called down fire from Heaven. Due north lies Nazareth, where Jesus grew into manhood and learned how to pray. To the east is Mount Gilboa, where Gideon lit his lamps at midnight and delivered Israel after tearing down his father’s altar to Baal.
Smack in the middle of the Jezreel Valley is the town of Jezreel. Naboth’s vineyard was located there—literally “the vineyard of prophetic destiny.” Remember Jezebel arose with occult targeting combined with fake news, stories she made up and broadcast to her sphere, to disqualify Naboth and overtake his vineyard.
Then Elijah came with the word of the Lord. He confronted Ahab in Naboth’s harvest field and DECLARED HEAVEN’S VERDICT TO DETHRONE JEZEBEL.
I personally believe the prophesied clash of kingdoms known as Armageddon will be a magnification of the dramatic conflicts between the God of Elijah and the forces of Jezebel on a global scale. But this conflict is obviously right here and right now.
Dethroning Jezebel—Chuck Pierce HAPN Prophecy
Remember that Chuck Pierce released an overarching prophetic mandate to HAPN during the 2022 gathering in Oklahoma City. In 2023 we are called to partner with God to dethrone Jezebel within our spheres. Like Elijah we must ask—whose covenant is prevailing? Whose throne is prevailing? And how do we partner with the Lord for turnaround?
The Lord is granting each of you the opportunity to establish a throne of rulership similar to Elijah. No man gave it, and no man could take it away. And covenantal authority was released from this throne to turn a nation back to God. We will delve into this more throughout the remainder of the project.
Jezebel’s Claims of the Speakership
But what I began to see Wednesday evening is that the seat of the Speakership itself had been corrupted—and claimed—by Jezebel. Even though the American people had mandated a transfer of authority, in the spirit it was still being claimed as Jezebel’s throne. I believe previous Speakers of the House (plural) had entered into covenants with principalities and powers over this seat, even with unjust bloodshed of abortion etc sealing the invocation. Further, the claims of this seat were not just from Washington DC but also from occult structures from California. Literally a scepter of wickedness had formed to push America down the same path as California.
And even as the seat was mandated to be transfered, it was as though an occult curse of false dominion was set so that any leader or party that did not align with the principality claiming the seat of authority would be repelled. Their decree was that chaos would result.
I’m submitting this perception to you, friends and colleagues, for your review. Lets all remember that covenants establish thrones of governance. The good news is that our covenant with God has been restored and validated by Heaven’s Court—thanks in large part to the extraordinary efforts of Apostle John and the HAPN community to divorce Baal. As covenant has restored, divorced from idolatry, the authority to reclaim these seats has also been positionally restored.
“Covenant with Death and Hell Annulled!” Capitol Vision
And as the Lord reminded me last night, we already have obtained His verdict on this very subject—reclaiming the speakership of the House. On November 5, 2019, Jolene and I were leading a delegation of leaders through the White House, Supreme Court and Capitol. In the Capitol the Lord gave me an extraordinary prophetic experience. It was originally written in postings almost immediately, and then included in our book White House Watchmen.
We were standing by the literal cornerstone of the US Capitol at the time, laid by George Washington in a masonic ceremony. All of the sudden in a vision, with eyes wide open, a hand appeared out of a nearby wall. This was similar to the prophet Daniel’s experience. But instead of a writing instrument the hand was holding a gavel, which struck the cornerstone. I saw the countenance of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the gavel fell. The Lord then thundered His pronouncement, “Covenant with death and hell annulled!” (Isaiah 28:18).
Immediately I knew three things. First, this verdict was granted against nationally legalized abortion. In this regard it applied to all of Capitol Hill, including the Supreme Court.
Second, I knew this verdict was granted to annul all covenants made with principalities and powers through occult rituals that claimed these seats of authority. But it’s important that the Seat of the Speakership of the House of Representatives was the only seat directly highlighted in the experience.
Third, this verdict was released in concert with the declaration Daniel saw on the wall in his day, written by the supernatural hand of God. “Mene mene tekel upharsin. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. God has numbered your days of rulership and brought them to an end.”
Of course, Heaven’s verdict overrules all of the false claims of hell over these thrones. But the verdict must be prayed through, decreed and applied.
Petition Before Heaven’s Court
Father God we lift up to you the seat of authority of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. We bring this seat literally before the Throne of the Ancient of Days, in the highest Court of the Kingdom of God. We ask for Your verdict of justice in favor of the saints. Whereas covenants establish thrones of governance; and whereas our foundational national covenant with You has been restored and upheld by Heaven’s Court; therefore this seat belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ by covenant.
We therefore ask that You open the scrolls and review each place in history or present time where decisions, policies and laws have been created from this seat which defy Your heart and covenant. Forgive the sins that have taken place by those stewarding this seat, including all sexual immorality, abuse of power, abuse of children, unjust bloodshed, occult sacrifice, betrayal of national interest, etc. Ultimately they are all a betrayal of You. Please forgive these grave injustices. We as witnesses before Your Court remit these sins, and ask that You remit these sins. Roll away the reproach that has formed over this seat!
We ask that You also review each place in history or present time where covenants with principalities and powers have been established—including with Satan, Baal, antichrist spirits, etc. According to the vision You granted, and even more according to Your word from Isaiah 28, please annul every covenant with death and hell, with principalities and powers, that has been established over this seat and its rulers.
Covenant with death and hell annulled! Therefore let all precepts of the Divorce Decree from Baal, the Writ of Assistance, and other verdicts from Heaven’s Court applying to this case be upheld and immediately enforced by said Court. Let all claims of ownership of this seat by occult powers and human beings aligned with these forces be immediately rescinded, all forces dismissed, in Jesus’ Name.
And we ask that You release Your angelic hosts to watch over, protect and defend this Seat and the one You choose to lead from it, in Jesus’ Name.
Father we ask that You grant that Your chosen leader for this Seat be summoned by You and chosen by the other leaders responsible for his or her election. Whether man or woman, we ask for an Eliakim. One who will remain loyal to You and Your covenant, and who will be a father or mother to the Nation and to the House of Representatives. Grant counsel from Heaven’s council continually, to lead this nation away from judgement and into the shalom and blessing granted to the nation whose God is the Lord. Verdict hereby received, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Note: please add your perceptions, decrees and intercessory firepower to this petition!