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THE ENTIRE GLOBE SHELTERED IN PLACE over Passover, following the pattern of ancient Hebrews seeking deliverance from Egyptian bondage. As with the ancients, we applied the blood of the Lamb over our thresholds, making our pleas for the Lord to come, and for the death angel to pass over.
NOW APPROACHING PENTECOST, we are being summoned to continue sheltering in place. Following the pattern of ancient disciples, we are launching into this unsettling new era with night and day prayer from our respective upper rooms. Lighting our lamps. And tarrying until “clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).
TRADITION HOLDS THAT THE UPPER ROOM where Jesus hosted Passover became the place where His disciples followed His command to keep watch. This is so important. Because the fire of God only falls on the place of covenant! When you see the manifestation of God’s empowering fire, He is affirming either His covenant with His people or His covenant restoration based on their realignment.
And the ultimate expression of this covenant reset was Jesus, the Passover Lamb, bearing the cross for you and me.
Sign of the Lampstand
Recently while circling the White House the Lord spoke to me He is reigniting the engines of economic resurgence. Power to gain wealth to establish His covenant!
Then on the National Day of Prayer He spoke a complementary word. Through Pentecost we were being summoned to shine the lamp and keep watch. He is releasing the “sign of the lampstand” for President Trump and our nation.
The prophet Zechariah saw God’s burning lamp and knew it was Heaven’s signal to restart the restoration process in his hour. As recorded in Zechariah 4, the prophet saw a lamp all of gold, resourced by two olive trees providing perpetual fuel for the fire. He saw how the Temple had been only partially rebuilt, with construction stopped due to pressure from opponents which completely sabotaged the process.
The governor of Israel, Zerubbabel, faced a very difficult decision. He had laid the cornerstone. But lives were at stake. Was it truly time to finish the work?
The Lord showed Zechariah that it was indeed time. The man who laid the cornerstone would soon lay the capstone. Not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit says the Lord!
As in their day it is time for us to begin picking up where we left off, and restarting the restoration process. From this time forward lets engage until God’s intended turnaround for our nation is completed!
Sign of the Lampstand Prayer Project
This watch is preparation for advancement. Beginning today and over the next 25 days, lets keep watch for Jesus’ promise to be fulfilled. The Lord has decreed restoration. He has promised a move of Holy Spirit will flood America and the nations. Lets immerse ourselves in the sound of many waters! Lets set aside lesser vision and focus on Jesus. His beauty, His majesty, His justice.
And together lets forerun in prayer the freedom movement He is bringing to our nation and the nations at this time.
These next 24 days are a preparatory time for a season of increased pressure, conflict and victory. I really bear witness to the directive given to Chuck Pierce and Anne Tate to pray 3 times a day as Daniel did. Literally a Daniel Watch. I felt today this watch needed to be extended a week beyond, to June 6.
Here’s what we are aiming for:
- Keep watch 3x per day—morning, noon, night. Tarry. Linger. Read the Word. Keep watch. This is central to the realignment that launches us into victory!
- Renew vision. Including at least a partial fast of television and internet. Let your eye be single in this season so your body may be full of light. Give the Lord your undivided attention!
- Receive fresh revelation.
- Be equipped for the new. Train and prepare!
- Pray for President Trump and team.
- Pray for the Department of Justice.
- Watch and pray over Israel.
- Watch against sabotage over the restoration movement for America and within your specific covenant boundaries.
Encounter the Lord of Hosts!
Prophetically we are on war footing right now. Part of the restoration process mandates a fresh encounter the Lord of hosts! Joshua experienced this. Elijah experienced this. Isaiah experienced this. Zechariah experienced this. The disciples experienced this. I am praying this visitation for each of you today as you keep watch and prepare to advance. No King but Jesus!
Dear Jon and Jolene, how precious you are to all of us, but more importantly, to the Lord. I sent a facebook message and am not sure if you got it concerning a dream Veronika West of Ireland had of God bringing back the blacksmiths to forge armor and weapons of the ekklesia once again. She noted scripture of the time when the enemies of Israel overcame them and took out all the blacksmiths so they would not have weapons for war or armor to protect themselves. I had not noticed that part, nor had I realized the importance of the forge before, but it fit into the Valley Forge trip and all the Lord showed you there, and I wanted to be sure you saw it. The Lord speaks to her powerfully about the UK and about America through dreams and they have been very accurate as I have followed her. Be blessed, Jane Schoonover (from Tallahassee, Florida)