PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

REVOLUTION SESSIONS: Due to strong demand, we are delighted to make the archived sessions of Revolution available as soon as possible after minor editing for quality. Thanks again to Jamie Bass for making this possible. We will alert you to their availability! 

EIGHT DAYS OF GIVING THROUGH HANUKKAH! It’s time for your lamps to shine! Final night tonight (Wednesday). To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

Ten minutes after sunset on the eighth and final day of Hanukkah, two fireballs lit up the skies in a powerful celestial display over Washington DC. I believe it is a sign the covenantal turnaround we sought over Revolution had been granted by the Lord. Sealed with fire on the eighth day of Hanukkah. A burning Lamp Awakening has been released!

“If you looked up at the right times Monday evening, you may have seen something out of this world,” reported the Washington Post.Not one, but two, bright fireballs lit up the skies Monday evening, widely visible from D.C. to New York.” Fireballs, by the way, are glowing meteors.

Two fireballs. A double portion. Note again that Monday marked the final night of Hanukkah, when the eighth candle is lit. 

Please also note that Hanukkah candles are supposed to be lit at around sunset. Because the Post article goes on to say, “The first (fireball) occurred about 4:56 p.m., 10 minutes after sunset in Washington. It illuminated the twilight eastern horizon, burning vibrant shades of green, blue and white as it exploded in our atmosphere…”

What is this about? I believe the fireballs were a literal sign in the heavens, sent by the Lord, that the turnaround we were contending for with Revolution had indeed been granted. The freedom had indeed been released, and we were released together into it. 

Quite literally, commissioned by fire. You simply cannot make this stuff up.

It was just after 4pm on Friday afternoon when the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “the turnaround has been completed.” Most of you know that in early February I awoke startled, with my words forming the phrase, “Lord behold their threatenings, and grant to your servants power!” That’s when Holy Spirit spoke to me that the next phase of His Daniel 7:22 turnaround is now under way.

Fast forward to September 20, the morning of my son’s wedding day. I awoke startled again. This time the Holy Spirit spoke, “The turnaround for 2018 must be completed!” 

On Friday evening, November 30, a week before the conference, I sensed the Lord saying the following. “I have given you a mandate to complete the turnaround in 2018. And I say to you, the clear direction and governmental anointing you expected to experience in November for this nation is coming by My Spirit over Hanukkah. Stay tight with Me and tuned to My Spirit. Watch with Me, allowing no room for fleshly distraction. I am navigating you into a hard right turn which will preserve you and set you on the right course to your desired end!

“I say to you, do not miss your turnaround THIS WEEK! I call you to seek Me for this turnaround, to sow into this turnaround, to secure this turnaround for your sphere and nation. Seek, sow, and secure. This is the word of the Lord to you!”

Friends I can now say with full assurance this movement has been set in motion. His will, His way, by His Spirit not man’s orchestrations. 

We’ll share more on tonight’s call. But we’re grateful for everyone in the Lamplighter family who abided by this directive. Seek, sow, secure! 

Remember it’s by sowing your seed that you take possession of the ground promised to you by the Lord. The turnaround for this season is certainly your ground to possess. 

I also had a sense, shared Saturday, that as we give we are sealing the breakthrough that has been entrusted to us. The phrase “sealed with seven” resounded in my spirit. “Sealed with seven to secure our eight.” 

Seven, of course, is the number of covenant. Eight symbolizes new beginnings. In the offering Saturday we invited folks to sow in multiples of seven just as a token that He is sealing our turnaround corporately to launch our new beginning. You are more than welcome to do the same. To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

Covenant blessings to each of you. And no King but Jesus!