SPECIAL CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. The “midnight turnaround” is now here! Key time to pray. Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31 thru New Years Eve, Trump International Hotel. Speakers include Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, more. Hosts Jon & Jolene Hamill, Lamplighter Ministries. Registration only $150. To register on Eventbrite or for more information on hotels etc CLICK HERE.

7pm DEC. 11—MIDNIGHT SHINING! Special service with Jon and Jolene, hosted by Chris Mitchell Jr, Kingdom World Outreach Center, Virginia Beach Virginia.

A WEEK AGO TODAY, the Lord visited me with key revelation to carry us in prayer through 2020. The past few postings covered much from this encounter, focused on His call to possess our inheritance in 2020. During this revelatory experience I also saw efforts to impeachment President Trump from a different perspective. 

We’re going to shed some light on this today. Note that prophets are called not only to foretell, but also to forthtell—to convey truth and clarity in situations clouded by deception. 

Midnight Hour—Midnight Turnaround—Midnight Riders
First some foretelling. In November 2015 the Lord warned us that “2020 vision” is needed to deliver our nation from subversive elements within our nation seeking to take over our government and direct us towards globalism tied to idolatry. In 2017, a year into Donald Trump’s presidency, we conveyed prophetically how these forces were still engaged in a hostile “conflict of thrones,” and that by 2020 America would face a midnight hour. 

These words are documented in our archives and in our book Midnight Cry. Conveying midnight riders, spiritual Paul Reveres, awakened and mobilized to help catalyze this turnaround.

As I look over the landmarks of Washington DC from our watchmen’s perch—the Capitol, the White House, the monuments to our forefathers—it is clear to me these prophetic warnings have now come to pass. America has been thrust into a midnight hour. Subversive elements seem to be seeking a hostile takeover of our nation. 

It’s important to note prophet James Goll was also shown specifics by the Lord about subversive actions in a midnight hour. Even with midnight riders bringing breakthrough. 

On August 20, 2019 at hour home in Washington DC, James prophesied a national security crisis would soon emerge. Information would be stolen, then re-presented deceptively to destabilize our nation. Within days, news broke of accusations against Trump regarding the Ukraine.

The antidote to the crisis? James saw “midnight riders” holding out burning lamps to awaken, bring exposure, and turn the tide. I sincerely hope you’re one of them.

Attempt—A Hostile Takeover of America
The intentional destabilization of President Trump began directly after the 2016 election. Rumors of “Russia collusion” were leaked and validated by top officials in the former administration—including James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, and John Brennan, Director of the CIA—before President Trump even took office. They were carried through right until the Mueller Report was issued, more than two years later. 

The Mueller Report essentially exonerated President Trump. Amazingly, the date of its release invoked the legacy of Paul Revere. April 18, 2019 marked the 244th anniversary of Paul Revere’s midnight ride. 

Whether or not this convergence was intentional, the freedoms of our constitutional governance Paul Revere fought to secure were dramatically upheld. Thank God for His midnight riders!

Yet from that moment on, many of the same leaders sought new allegations to foment into a crisis mandating impeachment. It was found by Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, with a CIA whistleblower alleging improper conduct by President Trump on a conference call to the Ukraine. 

Interestingly, Halloween was the date chosen by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to formally pursue impeachment. This occult high holiday marked the date the attempted hostile takeover resumed.

Maybe not coincidentally, the announcement mirrored another breaking news story at that time. Occultists were gathering across the nation to, in their own words, “bind Trump until he is removed from office.”

Can’t make this stuff up.

Schiff Exposes Democratic Frontrunner for President
Ponder this. For Adam Schiff to even announce the allegations against Trump regarding the Ukraine, he actually had to expose an alleged abuse of power by the Democratic frontrunner for the 2020 presidential elections. Essentially sabotaging his bid.

Until this time few Americans knew of former Vice President Joe Biden’s role in the Ukraine, let alone that he was captured on video boasting of demanding an apparent quid pro quo deal with the Ukraine. “You’re not getting the billion dollars… If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money!” 

Amazingly, this prosecutor in question was investigating a Ukraine energy corporation on which VP Biden’s son Hunter served as a board member. Receiving $50,000 per month for his services. Brought on right after his father was tasked with overseeing diplomacy in the Ukraine. 

Quid pro quo? You be the judge. As in Paul Revere’s day, when it comes to abuses of power America will not be hoodwinked. Especially with leaders making accusations of criminal activity when their party seems guilty of a higher magnitude of this same activity. 

It was soon discovered the alleged CIA whistleblower who warned about potential abuse of power had worked with VP Biden on the Ukraine. He remained at the White House with the Trump administration until being transferred from the National Security Council, apparently over concerns of leaks. 

It’s like a spy novel. You really can’t make this stuff up.

That said, the unrelenting, three-year pursuit of dethroning Donald Trump equates to the actions of dictators, not partners in American democracy. 

It’s important to note that hauntingly similar methodologies were employed by Hitler and the Nazi party in their hostile takeover of Germany. Including the targeted invalidation of leaders, the broadcasting of open deception through relentless propaganda, and even the co-opting of national intelligence towards this end.

Maybe Trump was Simply Pursuing Justice?
The core allegation supposedly validating impeachment is that Donald Trump was pursuing an investigation into VP Biden’s actions in the Ukraine with the sole intent to marginalize Biden as a political rival. 

But what if that was not Trump’s intent? What if President Trump was authentically pursuing justice for the American people? And even truth regarding the Ukraine’s potential role in the manufactured allegations of Russia collusion? 

Here’s another way of looking at it. What if Biden had not decided to run for president? Would President Trump then have been justified in encouraging the President of the Ukraine to pursue an investigation?

Most Americans would say yes, absolutely. If there’s an abuse of power, it should be exposed. That’s how we maintain our freedom governance. 

But running for president in 2020 would mean that any investigation against Biden could easily be cast as an abuse of power to marginalize a political rival. Investigations and their consequences could potentially be mitigated.

Just a thought. 

Why is the Trump Administration Such a threat?
The impeachment is clearly a political risk. Especially because after two years, Americans are tired of having their government held hostage. One daunting question looms. What makes the Trump administration such a threat? 

CNN just ran a significant opinion piece that sums up the challenge. Headline: Donald Trump was elected to break the elite. Of course they want to impeach him (to read CLICK HERE).

From my perspective, here are three primary ways in which the Trump administration has threatened the powerbase.

First, Trump’s vow to “drain the swamp”—in other words to expose and eradicate government corruption and globalist agendas tied to the highest seats of elected power. Many have run on this platform. Few if any before Trump have actually followed through. 

Second, Trump’s vow to eradicate government-funded abortion. These same ‘elites’ manufactured blatant lies to defame Brett Kavanaugh so as to prevent another conservative with integrity from being seated on the Court. The overarching fear—Roe v Wade could be overthrown. Covenant with death annulled! 

Third, the powerbase is threatened by the body of Christ. Remember it was just a few years ago that Billy Graham and other top Christian leaders were intentionally targeted, with the previous administration even ordering investigations by the DOJ and IRS to pursue their goals. 

Note that the announcement on impeachment occurred right after Trump hosted the first-ever global forum on religious freedom at the UN General Assembly. In the forum he confronted religious persecution on a national and global level. 

It seems that leaders waging war against Trump are threatened by people of faith who simply desire our government to reflect the integrity, equality and justice inherent to biblical values, even for the unborn. They represent the majority who ushered President Trump into office in 2016. 

Here’s some sobering news. If not restrained, in seeking to take down President Trump they may again seek to marginalize you.

The Turnaround is at Hand—Pray!
Which makes for a great time to pray for turnaround. Thank God Heaven’s gavel has already fallen over the cornerstone of American democracy. With all covenants with death and hell annulled, in Jesus’ Name. 

According to Daniel 7:22, a verdict of justice has been rendered in favor of the saints, restraining the forces of darkness and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. This turnaround verdict remains valid before Heavens Court and will be upheld. 

This weekend I sensed by the Spirit of God that His movement securing turnaround is now in the atmosphere of Washington DC. It includes the release of many “midnight riders” to illuminate, awaken, and mobilize towards His freedom. 

Remember this. Heaven’s movement is always much greater than the opposition that precedes it. Revere rode, and a freedom nation was born. Even more importantly, hell’s greatest opposition to freedom was overcome by a baby born in a manger. 

King Herod sought to kill this Child from birth. Yet Jesus now reigns as King. Even so, unjust leaders across the spectrum should take heed to the fact that part of Jesus’ enduring calling, prophesied by his mother from before His birth, is to bring unjust rulers down from their thrones. 

Now that’s a turnaround. No King but Jesus…