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WATCH JOLENE SHARE NEW SEASON OF REVELATION! New Way Forward for 2019! Video from Remnant Church, 12-30-18. To watch video CLICK HERE.

WELCOME TO DAY SEVEN. We’ve had a great month this past week. It always amazes me how the Lord can pack so much into seven short days. Thank you for praying!

My time this morning is pretty limited, so let me just share my heart. I have been praying with a small team making the rounds in DC today and throughout the week. Please cover us in prayer. This prayer journey was planned well in advance, with the mistaken idea that not much will be going on the first week of January. 

Instead, a government shutdown continues. A bipartisan team is meeting at the White House to work towards a deal after a powerful speech by President Trump on the humanitarian crisis at our southern borders last night. Congress decided to start its business early this year, and is in full swing. Quite literally, at least with the new House Democrats who came out cussin’ and swingin’ calling for President Trump to be impeached. 

Meanwhile on the diplomatic front… Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are both engaged in unprecedented diplomatic tours of the Mideast at the same time. Ambassador Bolton has been in Israel and Turkey, emphasizing that America’s pullout from Syria is conditional on many things, including Turkey’s assurance to stop pursuing a military onslaught to decimate Syrian Kurds. 

Sec. Pompeo was with the King of Jordan, then on to Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc. Both are working on many fronts to shore up support for restraining Iran’s continued aggression. Even as Iranian warships have moved into the Atlantic. 

Quiet week in DC… I’m just sayin’. 

So please pray for us, pray for the nation, and pray for the Isaiah 19 highway. Remember God is a God of covenant. He is a God of justice. And as you keep watch, your prayers count in Heaven’s Court!