PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

NEWPORT VT SUNDAY! 10am Oct. 21, Life in Christ Fellowship with Pastors Janet and Allan Bishop.

PLAYBACK, ROME TO JERUSALEM CALL! With Ed Watts, Lynn Alderson, Jon and Jolene. Playback number: (641) 715-3598 access number 552-690. Media player playback CLICK HERE.

BERNE (metro Albany) NY TONIGHT! 7pm Rock Road Chapel, Berne NY. Sharing for the first time after our Rome to Jerusalem tour! 

OKLAHOMA CITY, FRIDAY Oct. 26, 10 am session of HAPN gathering. 

SAN DIEGO CA, 7pm WEDNESDAY Oct. 31 with Judy and Keat Wade.   

December 6-8, 2018, Museum of the Bible, Washington DC.
Hosted by Jon & Jolene with special guests Rick and Patricia Ridings, Faisal Malick, and many more.
Worship by the Remnant Band with Jamie & Redonnia Jackson

Registration on EventBrite: $70 early bird through Nov. 11 | $95 regular rate after Nov. 11 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Host Hotel: Holiday Inn Capitol, steps from Museum of the Bible. To make a reservation CLICK HERE.

Jolene and I are so stirred about Revolution 2018. These gatherings are always special, but there’s a sense of expectancy and even urgency in my spirit this year which is relentless. We are about to experience a greater expression of the Midnight Cry. 

Something is about to change. I feel a visitation is at hand. And He is summoning us together for a very important moment which will redefine our future. Not a coincidence we are gathering over Hanukkah. I can’t get away from the sense a movement is being commissioned. 

So please make plans to join us. Note that we’ve already received our strongest response to Revolution to date, and we are limited to about 300 seats. Be sure to take your place. 

Capitol Turnaround Tour
Tonight we begin a special “Capitol Turnaround Tour” from Albany New York to our hometown Washington DC to Oklahoma City and then to California. We shared on Yom Kippur how friends prophesied about “turnaround shoes” carrying God’s breakthrough from Rome to Jerusalem to California. The first part of our journey has been tremendous. By God’s providence, we actually began that first part of the journey at the White House, on the evening of Yom Kippur. Then to Rome and Jerusalem. Now we are completing the tour from coast to coast, beginning in Albany NY. 

Lets all agree for God’s turnaround to be fully manifested in our nation! Bill and Marlene Brubaker will host tonight’s call, and I will join in as soon as I can after ministering. Pray for us. 

Recently I was reviewing our Yom Kippur post to refocus on the purpose of this tour. It is amazing how many mandates have come to pass before our very eyes. I thought you would enjoy reading the post again. No King but Jesus! 

This evening marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year on the Jewish calendar. The sins of the nation are to be atoned for. Amazingly, tonight Jolene, myself and a few other leaders will be at the White House tonight, taking a special tour. Please pray for us. Pray for Israel. And lets all cover the Trump administration and our nation for breakthrough.

Remember that, according to Jewish tradition, on Rosh Hashanah the Lord “pencils in” His verdict for each one of us and for nations. Through Yom Kippur, Heaven’s Court is open specifically for each of us to approach Him for a better verdict. Repentance or Teshuvah, forgiveness and reconciliation, and a generous heart in giving are all key for this gift to be secured. 

God’s verdict is then sealed on Yom Kippur, and sets the course of the new year. 

Please take time now to pray. Through the atonement of Jesus’ body and blood, may we all be granted a better verdict from Heaven’s Court than we deserve. Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah. May you receive “A good inscription and sealing in His Book of Life!”

Announcing the Capitol Turnaround Project
Part of the verdict being granted by Heaven’s Court on Yom Kippur is focused on deliverance from Roman paganism in our lives and governance. In conjunction with our Rome to Jerusalem tour, the HAPN network nationally and globally will soon be presenting this verdict at state capitols, at our nation’s Capitol, and at capitols across the globe. 

Over the next few days we will introduce this verdict to the Lamplighter family so you can engage as well. His verdict is very clear: LET MY PEOPLE GO!

Visitation and Commission During Communion
As we approach Yom Kippur, I want to refresh your focus with key revelation we conveyed originally on Rosh Hashanah. Forty days ago, on 8-8-2018, the Lord granted an amazing visitation during a prayer time focused on receiving communion. Pastors Jamie and Redonnia Jackson had given us a silver communion fountain with eight cups. I felt led to receive the Table of the Lord from each of the eight cups. 

While receiving communion I was suddenly aware of the presence of a high-ranking angelic host of the Lord. His wings literally enfolded me. Then I felt a sword brush each of my shoulders. This seemed similar to our apostolic commissioning a few years ago, when an old ranking was brushed off, and a new ranking was imparted. 

Within my spirit I heard the words of Joshua’s commissioning, as recorded in Joshua 1. Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving them! Immediately the Lord flashed to me a vision of the cloud of witnesses which had gone before us. Prophetic leaders Bob Jones and Jill Austin were highlighted. It was Bob Jones who prophesied the Glory Train, with the glory of God being restored to our nation. Jill Austin moved in the power of Holy Spirit. 

In my vision, there were countless more peering through this cloud as well. It was a sacred moment.

This day became all the more extraordinary when Jolene returned from her own prayer meeting. Her group had just experienced a commissioning from God’s fire as well. Jolene came in the door exclaiming, “Double portion 8-18! That’s what the Spirit of God spoke to me. As of 8-8-18, the Lord is releasing a double portion of Deuteronomy 8:18! Power to gain wealth to establish the covenant He swore to our forefathers.”

NOTE: During Jolene’s prayer meeting, the Lord visited with His holy fire. The team was literally “commissioned from the fire.” Isaiah 6 became a major focus, conveying how the governmental prophet was encountered by the Lord while worshiping in the Temple. The gates of resistance were broken through. Heaven’s glory flooded the Temple. Isaiah became undone as he saw the Lord, and cried out for cleansing. “I am a man of unclean lips…” Seraphim came with blazing coals from the altar. And Isaiah was commissioned by fire. 

Tet or Tate—Complete the Turnaround!
While praying later about the two encounters, I remembered a word Anne Tate had given to our home group a few weeks before. She prophesied the release of a “finishing angel” to Washington DC, to complete the work which had been initiated from God’s throne. 

We have entered 5779. The Hebrew word-picture for nine is “tet,” which is pronounced “tate.” So Tate is literally prophesying into our new year. It’s time to complete the turnaround!

Remember Joshua completed the work Moses began. Like Joshua, I knew we were being commissioned to complete a work and movement started by our forefathers. Beloved, this is your commission for the year as well! Lets cross this Jordan, and secure the land covenanted to our forefathers. A double portion is yours as you move through the gates and secure your inheritance. Grace to complete the turnaround! (Dan. 7:22).

Crossing Over into a New Era
Here’s something I haven’t spoken much about. I knew in the prophetic experience that a “Jordan” the Lord was calling us to cross over was actually the Mediterranean Sea— from Rome to Jerusalem. And that this tour and movement was actually more important than we had perceived. The Lord is crossing His body over into a new era. Our journey is bearing witness to this.

Worship songs will resound. Teachings will be shared and decrees released. But what is most important is the movement or procession of this journey itself. With the Lord as the Breaker at the Head! 

And that’s what’s most important for you this Yom Kippur. Jesus must be at the head of your movement. Do not take this lightly. Yes, the gates are opening for you to go through. But be sure that the Lord is at the the Head of your procession! Take time now to consecrate 5779 to Him. I suggest receiving communion. Ask Jesus to assume His rightful place.

Final point on this visitation. God promised Joshua that “every piece of ground the sole of your foot treads upon is yours to take.” It’s time to complete the turnaround and secure our inheritance. The stakes are much higher than we understand. And Heaven’s verdict has now become your commission.

Sealing the Commission—Turnaround Shoes!
Two weeks ago I received a call from longtime prophetic friends. Russ and Julie have enriched us greatly through the years with their their prayers, their wisdom and generosity. They are very accurate in their perceptions.

“Hello?” An exuberant voice burst forth from my mobile phone. Julie and Russ were told by the Lord to purchase new shoes for us to wear on our Rome to Jerusalem tour. 

Israeli shoes. 

Julie had earlier prophesied that we were to wear new pairs of shoes for the Rome to Jerusalem tour. And when we returned in the breakthrough the Lord was granting, we were to place our feet on the ground of Washington DC and then California to release God’s breakthrough. I felt it was right. More importantly, Jolene immediately felt the word was right. 

And when the call came in that we needed to receive shoes from Israel, I was blown away. Shoes from the covenant land. Full circle shoes. Turnaround shoes. Every piece of ground the sole of your foot shall tread on is yours to take!

The Titus Arch and the Holocaust Shoes
Most of you know a primary assignment of ours in this Rome to Jerusalem tour is focused on the menorah. A diorama in the Arch of Titus depicts Jewish slaves entering through the gates of Rome after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD. More than 100,000 Jews were slaughtered. Those who escaped fled to the four corners of the earth in what has become known as the diaspora.

These Jewish slaves are pictured carrying the Temple menorah from Jerusalem to Rome. This sacred menorah, probably the same lampstand Judah Maccabee relit when he reconsecrated the Temple to the Lord, had actually become Roman plunder. 

When I saw this depiction of the Jewish slaves carrying the menorah at the Titus Arch last year, I sensed the Lord speaking to me loud and clear. “I am now restoring My lampstand from Rome to Jerusalem!”

The Jews who were taken slaves entered through the gates of Europe subjugated, persecuted and despised. Setting up a cycle of prejudice, pogroms, expulsions, and horror which even led to the Holocaust some 1800 years later. In Washington DC’s Holocaust Museum a horrific memorial to this tragedy continues to bear witness to our generation. 

More than four thousand pairs of shoes worn by victims of the Holocaust forms a massive altar of remembrance in the center of the museum. As with their forefathers in the Diaspora, Jews across Europe were stripped of all treasures and possessions, even the clothes on their backs. They too made a journey—from prosperous cities across Europe to death camps designed for mass extermination. After their bodies were gassed, they were burned to ashes. 

So for many, the only remaining witness of their very existence on the earth was actually their shoes. 

Full Circle—From Rome to Jerusalem
So on Israel’s 70th anniversary, 100 of us are carrying a menorah from the Titus Arch in Rome to Jerusalem, believing God together for the full reversal or turnaround for God’s covenant people. We will present this menorah to the Lord at the Western Wall overlook at Aish HaTorah—Fire of the Torah. Bearing witness that the lamp of the Lord is coming home. A “burning lamp awakening” is being released. And just as prophesied, His covenantal presence will shine to the nations from Jerusalem!

And in that moment, Jolene and I will be wearing special Israeli shoes given to us on Rosh Hashanah, bearing witness of our commissioning into this journey. Shoes made by descendants of Holocaust survivors in a covenant land nobody thought would ever exist again. A land now celebrating its 70th year of rebirth. 

Because God remembers.

And right now He is arising to establish the sacred covenant He swore to our forefathers. A flame is being lit. A freedom movement is being released. The perished will have a name and an inheritance in this His covenant land. 

I have a sense from the Lord that this new year He wants to give many of you a new pair of “turnaround shoes.” And especially the commission these shoes represent. You and I are being summoned by the Lord to walk in the footsteps of our forefathers,  now in the cloud of witnesses, to in some way carry the torch and complete the turnaround they invested their lives to gain. They did it for us. Right now the Lord is taking His place at the head of your year, and at the head of your movement through the gates. 

Lets gain His resolve. Lets advance. And lets never forget.