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Jolene and I have just left El Paso TX on our train journey from Houston to Maricopa Arizona. I have to wonder if Ezekiel sweated a little when he experienced the burning fire from God’s whirlwind of glory. Because we are headed right into the record-breaking temperatures of the deep southwest.
And I for one am already sweating.
Praying Along Borders Against Terror
After only 3 hours of sleep, Jolene is taking a well-deserved nap. I am writing you tonight from the observation deck. Looking at a border fence with Mexico which crests along a nearby hill, I cannot help thinking I’ve seen this scene before. Shades of brown, tan, green, sagebrush, rugged mountains. The desert terrain is hauntingly similar to the regions around Jerusalem and the West Bank of Israel.
So are the fences.
Then and now I am consumed with prayer that terrorists be apprehended at the borders, before they can cross over and inflict more trauma. That’s part of what the Lord called for in conjunction with His Glory Train vision. We are in a “Gideon moment.” Like in this deliverer’s time, the angelic hosts of the Lord Jesus Christ have been released again to partner with us. Together we are being called, summoned, recommissioned to TAKE BACK OUR LAND.
As we shared in Houston, Gideon’s mandate is a major focus of the Glory Train journey. We are seeing the Lord seal our nation with His covenant. I am personally praying not only for terrorists to be exposed at the borders, but as with Israel I feel strongly prompted to pray that TERROR TUNNELS BE EXPOSED. They are ultimately being purposed for some kind of terrorist infiltration.
So pray. Remembering that every knee bows at the name of Jesus Christ, whether things in heaven, on earth, and under the earth! (Philippians 2:10-11). Decree exposure! Even some kind of rail tunnel, like a mining tunnel, I believe will soon be exposed. Amen!
Fathers Day—Pray for the Victims and Families
The Orlando terror strike has become another defining moment for America. This Fathers Day lets continue to pray for the healing and recovery of America’s most recent terror victims and their incredible families. Pray for the Father’s heart to be revealed to all His sons and daughters.
And lets continue to pray for a turnaround from the terror assaults of ISIS and other radical Islamist groups. Remembering that every time they strike, here or abroad, a father’s son or a mother’s daughter is robbed from this world. Enough!
Texas Turnaround Complete!
Thank you for praying for us this weekend. Houston was beyond anything I could have imagined. Meeting a four-year personal prayer focus for the city and the nation with solid breakthrough. THANK YOU Terry, Jill and Michael, Becky, Virginia, Alison, Donnell and Stephanie, Anne, Anita, Haley, and all the others who made this dream come true.
And talk about flashpoint! Remember how Bonnie Jones had received Jeremiah 33:11 for the Glory Train/ Turnaround Tour. Well, it turned out that Houston was actually the 33rd city we visited on the Glory Train.“For I will cause a turnaround for the land from its captivity, so that it will be as it was at first, says the Lord!” (Jer. 33:11 paraphrased)
And we saw a turnaround as God’s “33” shifted the enemy’s “33.” I believe a Shebna throne was actually unseated, and God’s covenant throne firmly established. HALLELUJAH!
And it was amazing how the Lord even provided tokens of confirmation for this breakthrough.
Like how the conductor assigned us seats number 33 and 34 on the train.
Like how, as we were departing on the train, an electronic billboard flashed the latest lotto offering. Exactly 333 million dollars! I’ve actually got a picture to prove it. You can’t make this stuff up.
And here’s the most awesome sign the Lord gave to encourage us. As we were leaving Houston on the train, it was pouring rain. Suddenly a rainbow appeared in the sky. Covenant restored!
And God’s “glory revolution” is bringing a turnaround!
I love how the Lord has ordered our steps through Texas. Keep in mind we had earlier journeyed from Boston MA to Atlanta, New Orleans, and Houston. In the Southwest tour we literally picked up where we left off. Our launching from Oklahoma City down to Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and back was followed by the completion of our journey across the state from Houston to El Paso.
In other words, the completion of the Texas Turnaround Tour literally formed a cross.