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222 INHERITANCE CONFERENCE Feb. 19-21 with Allen Hood, Will Ford, David Bradshaw and others. More info click here. Registration at www.theprayerfurnace.org

These past few days have been marked by a profound grief of spirit. The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has rocked the nation, and especially the prayer movement of the nation.

Rarely in the history of the nation have so many justice issues so vital to the hearts of so many Christians been seemingly so dependent on the influence of a single man, in a single term of the Supreme Court. Which makes the timing of Scalia’s passing nothing less than extraordinary.

Stolen Before Completion
Extraordinary too is the fact that Scalia died in Texas, even while the Supreme Court was preparing to hear the Texas abortion case known as HB2 in early March. During worship at the Gate DC this Saturday evening, I felt the Lord quicken the phrase, “the abortion of Antonin Scalia.” It was almost a like a headline, straight from the Throne of God.

Abortion is a purposeful cessation of a person’s life before a God-given destiny can be completed. In the natural realm, there are no signs of foul play. But still it seems as though the final chapters of Justice Scalia’s destiny, the culmination of his 20 years of labor, was somehow stolen right before completion.

Ultimately we know who the thief is. Jesus Himself dropped a plumbline that clarifies the issue. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

And the Apostle Paul’s admonition. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

What is fiercely comforting is that a higher Court is still in session, with a higher Judge presiding. And its justice, though sometimes delayed, will always be thoroughly met.

A Time to Approach the Bench
With Scalia’s passing, it is only appropriate to seek justice that is due on his behalf, and on behalf of the causes he was considering during the final months of his tenure.

Court is now in session. Over the ensuing week, I encourage you to access Heaven’s courts according to Daniel 7:22 and pray for judgement to be rendered in favor of the saints. Knowing that we see only in part, lets receive fresh revelation from the Lord so that false assumptions can be disengaged, and our petition meets the standard of Heaven’s truth.

Ask for the righteous dimensions of Scalia’s legacy to be refined and perpetuated. And with all boldness lets seek the Lord for His turnaround verdict in the justice matters still left on the table. A Daniel 7:22 verdict in favor of the saints, in Jesus’ Name.

From Friday Evening
I’d like to close this post by sharing some words that are very personal to me. On Friday evening, apparently around the time of Justice Scalia’s passing, I was gripped by an extreme sense of unsettledness. I explored this sense while beginning a chapter of a new book on the Glory Train, which you can read below.

In retrospect, my undefined sense of unsettledness proved prophetic. May the the admonition prove to be so as well.

It’s almost midnight, and an arctic chill is blowing through the corridors of power in Washington DC. From our prayer room I see the lights of the White House have gone out. Ours remain bright—reluctantly. Usually I’m asleep at this hour, but in my spirit there’s an unresolved restlessness that refuses to be pacified. A tension between peril and promise. 

Though 2016 is an election year, I’m not referring to the unceasing flow of promise and glory promoted by our presidential candidates. America is engaged in a conflict of thrones. Yet the most significant conflict remains largely unperceived, because it is first spiritual.

And for whatever reason, tonight I am keenly aware the conflict has been heightened.

My wife Jolene perceived the tension long before me. For the past week she has been awakened at 3:00 am consistently to pray through the early morning hours. No matter what time she falls asleep, an internal alarm shoots her out of bed and before the face of God.

Again and again, believers in Jesus Christ across our nation have confided in us a similar story. Stirred to pray for America at all hours, like never before in their lifetime.

We Need a Turnaround!
Countless millions still naively believe that a new presidency alone can solve all our problems. Looking across the Potomac River tonight, it is my personal conviction that a move of God alone can dislodge the level of evil that has become embedded in our land. A move we so desperately need, and so little deserve!

Just review the news feeds. Peril with the Iranian nuclear accords. Police shootings. Isis on our borders. Obamacare. Congress, paralyzed. Israel betrayed. Benghazi and email scandals and countless other alleged deceptions seemingly tolerated by the American people. Baby parts for sale. Need I say more?

We need a turnaround. One which includes an awakening of conscience and a return to the foundational moral compass of Judeo-Christian ethics. And though political leaders have often been associated with societal turnarounds, historically you will not find one lasting advance apart from a genuine move of God’s Spirit.

Three Prophetic Themes
As I’ve prayed about 2016 and beyond, the Lord emphasized three major themes to me. The first theme, a conflict of thrones, has already been mentioned. But again, please don’t think of this conflict merely in terms of elections. Across the entire globe we are witnessing a clash of kingdoms unparalleled in history. Like the shockwaves of an earthquake, these conflicts are unmasking a magnitude of evil that has perhaps not been seen in the earth since the days of Hitler.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit compelled me that for 2016, Heaven is at our gates! Awakening and revival, the restoration of God’s glory. A marriage of the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts. A Glory Train!

This is all now at hand. I am personally convinced that the Lord has ordained 2016 as the gateway into His long-promised move. That’s really good news!

The third factor the Lord highlighted for 2016 is this gateway itself. We are now in a limited window for national turnaround. Failure to access this window could bring great peril. But success in accessing this window shifts us into a season of great promise, including a move of God’s Spirit which encompasses even the harvest of nations.

And through this chilly night, the tension between peril and promise is compelling us both to watch and pray.

Accessing the Turnaround Window
Earlier today, Jolene and I journeyed to Union Station to pick up our tickets for the first leg of the Glory Train. Very spontaneously we arrived at exactly 2:22. The tickets represent our keys to the future. And after months of prayer and planning, it was so rewarding to actually hold them in our hands.

I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that today, February 12, marked the birth of Abraham Lincoln. A humble man who navigated America through an unimaginable gap between peril and promise in his hour, to preserve the Union and grant us what he termed “a new birth of freedom.”

The legacy of President Lincoln exemplified what it means to access a God-given window for national turnaround. In a real way, our journey from peril to promise begins right here, right now. Pressing towards a new birth of freedom in our hour of history.

Resounding in my spirit this dark night is a song from Lincoln’s era. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord! With this at heart, lets now embark together on the remarkable adventure called the Glory Train…