SPECIAL MONDAY CALL WITH CINDY JACOBS! June 30 prayer call for Glory Procession. 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!
Itinerary updates at www.lamplighterministries.net.
Postings updates at www.jonhamill.wordpress.com
Supreme Court Rulings!
“The Supreme Court will be faced with decisions of extraordinary consequence in days ahead. Don’t assume you know what this is—instead, simply pray for courage. Pray for an open heaven and a holy convergence, with the Lord rendering His verdicts with and through the Supremes.” (Unveiling the Unshakeable Throne, Jan. 2014).
Lets thank God for two strong Supreme Court decisions today! Both were so significant, limiting Executive Office overreach and firmly upholding the constitutional rights of personal and religious freedom.
We do believe the Lord’s verdicts have been rendered in and through the Supremes—quite literally in favor of the saints (Dan. 7:22). So grateful for everyone who prayed.
Shields Up!
Second—shields up! Especially through July 4, lets continue to intercede with all vigilance for the protection of our nation. In Nigeria and Iraq, radical Islamists have been torturing and murdering Christians seemingly without restraint. In Israel, the bodies of three teenagers kidnapped by Hamas were found today. Ramadan began Saturday, and ISIS formally declared the establishment of a Sunni Caliphate after their army rammed through the borders of both Syria and Iraq.
Not really a great time for our own borders to be so porous. I am sure Cindy Jacobs will have something to say about this on tonight’s call. Please review Saturday’s posting, which featured a clear warning from Cindy to pray against a terrorist attack she perceived could be greater in scope than 9-11.
Glory Procession!
Third—what an incredible time to launch into our Glory Procession this Wednesday! Clearly the “awakening alarm” is being sounded by the Lord. Lets remember our primary focus is to step into this new move of awakening, and see God’s glory restored to our land “by way of the gate facing east” (Ezek. 43). Our updated itinerary is at right, and is also posted at http://lamplighterministries.net.
Through the journey, we are also affirming our covenantal foundations in Jesus Christ to see them established in our day. This is why we are beginning in Jacksonville FL, where the Huguenots dedicated our land as a “dwelling place for the mighty God of Jacob” (Psalm 132). It’s why we are emphasizing Philadelphia, Plymouth and Boston. And it’s why we are culminating in Jamestown VA.
Upholding Covenantal Foundations
Our word for 2014, “Unveiling the Unshakeable Throne,” emphasized the need to affirm and uphold our covenantal foundations in this hour, retaining the balance of power our forefathers lived and died to give us. Below are a few more quotes from this posting.
“In a romance, your adoration alone does not establish a marriage. Your legal covenant does. In in Christ, your worship does not establish a throne for the Lord—your covenant does. God sits enthroned on the praises of His people (Ps 22), but your covenant establishes the throne that He rests on.
“Your covenant not only establishes a throne, but it also establishes protection at the gates of your life… We are in an age where the gateways of many lives remain open and unprotected, both spiritually and naturally. Again, your protection is sealed by God’s covenant. For those who have aligned covenantally with the Lord, watch for His glory to come through your gates this year. You have established a throne for Him, and He is bringing a divine convergence!…”
“It was extraordinary to enter into 2014 by receiving communion together, and inviting the Lord to sit enthroned as Judge over the Washington DC region… When we together received the Table of the Lord, I knew He was setting our course for the year. We were invoking our own deliverance by God’s sovereign hand! A pervasive, supernatural awareness of Christ’s holiness accompanied this act. And it was then that the Lord invited us to invite Him to sit as Judge over our region…”
“By burning incense in the Temple, Uzziah sought to literally usurp and bypass the priestly office… Friends, as it was in Uzziah’s day so it is in ours. Both pride and insecurity can blind us to the consequences of these violations. Because we are powerful, we assume we can bypass our foundational covenants to get what we desire, or achieve what we want. The ends justify the means.
“But from the bedroom to the boardroom to Capitol Hill, God is presiding over the foundations of life and governance dedicated by covenant to Him. And His justice will neither be deterred nor evaded. Friends, this should all bring us to humility and repentance before the highest court in the land… the Throne of God.”
Covenant blessings to each of you!
Hi John & Jolene!!
I met you both at Revolution 2013 in Victory Church Philadelphia PA. I have immensely enjoyed praying and keeping up with you on these Lamp Postings. I am on the call tonight with you I did not announce myself but continue in prayer with you and the team.
In His Love,