
Jolene and I brought a special “glory menorah” into Davids Tent last night, given to us by David and Tracy Ruleman, pastors of the Gate DC. Worship was incredible! So awesome to actually experience God’s tangible glory on the White House Ellipse.

JAMES GOLL joins prayer call this Wednesday! 9PM EST. You will receive a clear prophetic directive for the hour. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

Please keep vigilance for America and Israel. Pray for continued glory covering Davids Tent! Psalm 91.

We just flew home from Chuck Pierce’s “Head of the Year” gathering, refreshed and ready for a solid month of prayer at Davids Tent. What an extraordinary time to watch and pray with you, connecting onsite from Washington DC.

We are so excited that prophetic statesman James Goll, a dear friend and mentor, will be on the call Wednesday. Jolene and I plan to call from the Ellipse. Make plans now to receive a breakthrough word!

Sowing in the Days of Awe
During these 10 days of Awe, it is Hebraic tradition to sow extravagantly towards God’s work. It’s actually a time to present our first fruits to Jesus our Provider.

Jolene and I want to invite you to include Lamplighter Ministries in your sowing! We have cleared our ministry schedule to invest in Davids Tent prayer, and are not on the road at all for more than three weeks. What a great time to synergize your prayers and giving for continued breakthrough in DC.

Acquiring the Burning Lamp!
We are in a Burning Lamp Watch, and during these Days of Awe the Lord is asking us all to pay attention to our lampstands. How have we returned to our first-love devotion to Jesus? Have we acquired oil to keep our lamps burning through the impending darkness?

We’ll explore more on this tomorrow. Today it is our honor to announce a major ministry acquisition that conveys the shift we all need to make during this season. We are quite literally acquiring the “Burning Lamp!”

Burning Lamp Media, that is! I really want to honor our friend Brian Francis Hume, founder and owner of the corporation. Burning Lamp Media published our recent book “Crown & Throne,” as well as many other forerunning books over the past few years. Brian is a real catalyst, with a genuineness of heart that has refreshed us over many years.

Brian approached us a few weeks ago about transitioning the ownership to us. After a fantastic dialogue about his values and hopes, we felt strongly from the Lord to acquire the media company. Our board resounded the same unanimous “yes.” It is a true honor to work with Brian and see this lamp continue to blaze for Jesus!

Lamplighter Welcomes Burning Lamp Media!
Friends, I don’t fully know what all God has in store. Before the Glory Procession, Cindy Jacobs actually prophesied that Lamplighter Ministries was being called to expand our media capacities. The journey itself then showed this need. We were honestly too slow in responding, and lacked the media capacities to fully connect you with the blessing the Lord was pouring out. It became very clear we need to grow in webcasting, video postings, CD/DVD production, and publishing.

I have really been seeking grace from heaven during these 10 days of repentance. And I don’t believe it’s coincidence that the opportunity to literally “acquire the Burning Lamp” has been solidified during this time. Thank you Lord! Lamplighter Ministries and Burning Lamp Media… it simply resonates!

That said, please be in faith with us for this transition as well as God’s provision to cover our monthly expenses. What an opportunity to better steward the true treasures the Lord has given, and treasures yet to come! And in this season, lets give our all towards becoming God’s burning and shining lamps.

Covenant blessings to each of you, and heartfelt thanks for standing with us!

Jon & Jolene