PRAYER CALL TOMORROW! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

REVOLUTION SESSIONS: Due to strong demand, we are delighted to make the archived sessions of Revolution available as soon as possible after minor editing for quality. Thanks again to Jamie Bass for making this possible. We will alert you to their availability! 

EIGHT DAYS OF GIVING THR0UGH HANUKKAH! One more day to sow into the turnaround the Lord has granted our nation. It’s time for your lamps to shine! To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

Thanks to all who joined us live and online for Revolution 2018 at the Trump International Hotel! It was life-changing. We will make the archived sessions available as soon as possible after minor editing for quality. 

Hanukkah officially culminated last night. Today I want to share with you a brief message on the shining of the Hanukkah menorah. I originally intended to write this yesterday but the post-conference work outpaced my capacities. So we’d like to encourage you with this. 

And we would also like to give you a final opportunity to sow into the incredible breakthrough granted in the midst of Revolution 2018 this Hanukkah. To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

Our shift to the Trump International seems to have been triggered by a headline. “Spiritual Paul Revere Hosts Revolution at Museum of the Bible, America’s Ark of the Covenant,” wrote a left-wing watchdog publication just days before our annual conference was to start. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the Right Wing Watch would highlight us. Friends encouraged me it was a badge of honor—standing alongside everyone from Billy and Franklin Graham to prophetic voices such as Lance Wallnau, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets, etc.

I honestly blew it off. If you know us, you know we are by no means hateful. Our strongest words are against prejudice and totalitarianism. Nor do we define ourselves by either the right wing or the left wing of the eagle. We seek to be the eyes of the eagle, providing vision for the nation which sets a new course for the future.

That said, when the CEO of the Museum of the Bible called the night before Revolution began to discuss shifting the conference to the Trump International, my opinion of the article’s potential impact changed. He didn’t mention it. But we can only guess the potential ramifications of the story’s intention. Behold their threatenings…

At the Museum of the Bible’s expense, our venue for Revolution shifted to the Trump International Hotel. It was extraordinary. And we ended up right where we were supposed to be for this moment in history. Nobody knew then that we would be gathering in DC during one of the most difficult moments of the Trump presidency. And the Lamplighter family was there to pray, prophesy, share words of encouragement, and stand with God’s throne for turnaround.  

The pivot point for this turnaround happened to be December 7. The 77th anniversary of our entry into World War II through the Pearl Harbor attack.

This moment in history defined our entry into a global war against totalitarianism and anti-Semitism. We felt the Lord beckoning us to stand for the commissioning of His freedom movement for this hour of history on this historic date.

Can’t make this up. You truly, genuinely can’t. 

Frank Segnius, an army veteran and South Carolina leader, prayed to launch the commissioning. Nicole Smyth presented us with a US flag that was flown in an F-16 across Afghanistan. The flag and Jewish prayer tallits from Lori Perz and Lynn Alderson were combined to form a bridal canopy. Or in this case, a commissioning canopy. 

We encircled the room and began our “turnaround” progression to be commissioned into the movement.

From my vantage point it was extremely powerful. And it occurred on a date that again was described by the press as one of the most difficult of Trump’s presidency. At the Trump International Hotel. 

Trump and Churchill—Confronting Totalitarianism
You know that it’s during the darkest moments that the light of God shines brightest. I sensed the Lord saying in conjunction with the release of this freedom movement that the turnaround He decreed for 2018 had finally been completed. Again, at the Trump International Hotel. 

Read Midnight Cry and you will understand that, as with World War II, we are again facing down totalitarian trends in this moment of history. To some measure even in our own nation. But on a broader level, look to the conflict of thrones in the Mideast. Especially towards the Iran-Turkey-Russia axis. 

We wrote in the Midnight Cry that Trump is not a Hitler but a Churchill. And America must now ask the question, why does God feel we need a Churchill in this hour?

The Menorah—A Burning Witness Against Totalitarianism
Make no mistake about this. From its beginning with Judah Maccabee, Hanukkah has unashamedly marked the igniting of a spiritual revolution. A burning witness against totalitarianism. And this lamp must continue to shine. 

With this movement at heart, let me share briefly with you a post on Hanukkah we wrote after visiting Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust memorial. Written in 2015, it’s called “Holy Defiance.” 

Holy Defiance—A Time to Shine!
Jersualem, Dec. 1, 2015. We are attending a weeklong seminar at Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust Museum on the precipice of Mount Herzl. Today a blanket of fog has immersed Jerusalem and the mountains that surround her. Our ears are attentive to the Voice in the cloud. And the word of the Lord is resounding in a most unexpected way.

The People of the Covenant are prophesying to our hearts by word and deed. Sorrow and hilarity, defiance and devotion, death and a wedding. Innocence and love unchecked by the most horrific prejudice. We came to Jerusalem seeking a revelation of the Divine—only to be immersed by God in a revelation of what it means to be truly human. Seeking Him, finding us.

An everlasting memorial, an everlasting name. Yad Vashem. And the resolve of this national memorial is that the names of the perished will not be cut off, no matter how viciously the enemies of humanity may have tried.

Burning Menorah—Defying Nazism
Yesterday we toured Yad Vashem, again the Jewish Holocaust Museum. We under the tutelage of Ephraim Kaye, an esteemed director of the museum and a passionate, invested host.

First thing Ephraim taught us that the name “Yad Vashem” comes directly from the Bible—from the prophecy of Isaiah. “I give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name (Yad Vashem), an everlasting name that shall not be cut off” (Isaiah 56:5).

And in one exhibit, by no means highlighted, I saw an image that stopped me cold. A menorah in a window, overlooking a large building draped by a Nazi banner.

The Jewish menorah is first a symbol of covenant. God came to Abraham with a smoking fireboat and a burning lamp to seal His covenant with Israel—both the land and people. The presence of the menorah in the Temple was meant to be an eternal witness of His covenant.

We saw authentic Nazi banners and rail cars that brought millions of Jews to the concentration camps. We saw shoes of the departed. We saw countless faces, countless names, countless victims of Hitler’s quest of extermination.

But when the temple became defiled, the lamp became a symbol of defiance. You remember how Judah Maccabee and his spiritual revolutionaries contended against the strongest army of their day, retook their temple, and relit the flame of the menorah in the temple to restore covenant with God. That in essence is the message of Hanukkah—a feast celebrated by Jesus, and perhaps a feast during which Jesus, Light of the World, was even conceived.

And this lamp in the window of a Jewish family, in the face of abhorrent anti-Semitism, bore witness to this sacred fire, the fire of God’s covenant, even at the expense of their own security. The open defiance of one Jewish family to the inhumanity that encompassed their world.

We live in an extraordinary hour today. Many would say a midnight hour is emerging. In the face of terrorism, and the bland facade which masks hidden deception, injustice and inhumanity today—which perhaps threatens our very existence—how will you respond?

Beloved, it is time to rise up. By the Spirit it is time to overcome the darkness that is overtaking our world. It is time to light our lamps.

“Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps” (Matt. 25:5-7)