Special Discount on Pre-Release Copies! 

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END TIMES IN REAL TIME—NOW TAKING ORDERS! Limited number available with special discount before our March 4 launch. Order your copy today at https://jonandjolene.us/store/

VIDEO—PASSOVER PROPHECY—THE MIDNIGHT TURNAROUND & GOD’S FREEDOM MOVEMENT! To watch click: https://jonandjolene.us/lampostings/passover-prophecy-the-midnight-turnaround-and-gods-freedom-movement/

FIRST—SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR PRE-RELEASE COPIES of our new book! But only through March 3, with the pre-release copies on hand. On March 4 the price increases to the official price of $24. 

And I’ve heard it said it’s worth every penny. CBN correspondent Chris Mitchell wrote a powerful endorsement, included for you below. And then at last week’s NRB convention, he actually interviewed us!  

“End Times in Real Time” is a powerful, timely book,” writes Chris. “If you’re a believer who wants to be equipped for the end times, then read this book. It’s a compelling manual, and prophetic blueprint to fight the spiritual battles of today and yet to come. One of the book’s greatest strengths is its focus on Israel. In clear and compelling terms, it explains why Israel remains central to God’s plan and how understanding this is crucial for discerning the end times.  

“I’ve known Jon and Jolene for years and admire them as spiritual forerunners.  I believe this is their Holy Spirit-inspired gift to equip the Body of Jesus ‘to understand, shine, and overcome’ in these end times.” 

God’s Freedom Movement
A FREEDOM MOVEMENT IS NOW AT HAND. In a recent vision I saw and heard the pleas of Gaza hostages and their families, encompassed by voluminous cries from across the world. The scope of the heartbreaking testimonies before the Throne then expanded to include many victims of sexual abuse as well as victims of other forms of degradation and subjugation.

Heaven’s Court had been convened. Each plea, each testimony in the hearing was being reviewed by the Judge with singular intensity. Immediately I recalled Exodus 2:23, where God brought the groanings of His people into a courtroom hearing and rendered His Exodus verdict. And it was clear that another Exodus movement was being prepared. Let My people go!

We’ve been calling it a freedom movement. But it is so much more. When you see it, when the Heart behind the movement touches your own heart, everything changes. 

This Passover is important. As we cover both in our new book and in Tuesday’s video, it’s no coincidence that Passover 2025 converges with the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s midnight ride and the outbreak of the American Revolution. So watch. Pray. And get your copy today! 

And if you can, make plans to join us for REVOLUTION 250 this April 17-20 with Jon & Jolene, Chris Mitchell, Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts, and more. Information and registration are below. Again, are gathering over the convergence of Passover with the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride. You will receive a fresh commissioning. It will be an unforgettable time.

No King but Jesus!

END TIMES IN REAL TIME—NOW TAKING ORDERS! Limited number available with special discount before our March 4 launch. Order your copy today at https://jonandjolene.us/store/

APRIL 17-20 REVOLUTION 250! With Jon & Jolene, Chris Mitchell, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, more. Hosted by Myles and Leza Milham, Kingdom Awakening Ministries, Kingston NH.

To register CLICK HERE: https://kingdom-awakening.givecloud.co/revolution250earlybird