TONIGHT! DUTCH SHEETS DC FRIDAY, APRIL 22. PASSOVER! Jamie Fitt and PTOD leading worship. 7 PM EST, Christ Our Shepherd Church, 801 North Carolina Ave SE, Washington DC. Seven minute walk from Eastern Market Metro. Make plans now!


TURNAROUND OFFERING! Lets honor Jesus Christ our Redeemer, and sow into the “Glory Revolution” He is birthing across our land. We are believing God for a miracle offering tonight through the 8 days of Passover! To make a contribution online please click here

Tonight… Passover… Dutch Sheets in DC… Turnaround! With Jamie Fitt and PTOD leading worship. Looking forward to connecting with you for a historic night.

Remember the venue change from Davids Tent to Christ our Shepherd. I’m so grateful for Jason Hershey for connecting us with this renown church and bringing his team to do the live stream. With the potential of rain and the limitations imposed on Davids Tent—no amplification of sound after 9pm etc—we both decided the shift would be wise. Tonight we want NO LIMITATIONS for this Glory Revolution!

From Boston to DC—Commissioning the Glory Revolution
When we launched the Glory Train on March 4 in Hawaii, we connected together nationwide on our prayer call. Cindy Jacobs and Dutch Sheets shared prophetically. A new move of the Spirit was called forth, offering our nation a desperately-needed turnaround. And we were sent governmentally by the Lord and you to bear witness that His glory is now being restored in our land.

What is this new move? It’s actually an awakening. But I believe the phrase “Glory Revolution,” prophesied by Cindy and then fully commissioned with Cindy this past Monday at Faneuil Hall on the anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride, best conveys the substance of what this awakening is all about.

Miracles of Exodus, Miracles of Acts
Remember how Bob Jones perceived this great move of God when he prophesied about it in 1983. He saw how the miracles of Exodus were being married to the miracles of Acts! Exodus and Acts forming a substantive new movement that would impact America and the nations.

Acts begins with the restoration of God’s glory in the earth. Covenant with God was restored to humanity on Passover, as Jesus literally became Heaven’s “vav” to the earth. Fifty days later came the sound of a mighty rushing wind!

Exodus conveys how Passover was first commissioned. God literally fought a revolution to free His people from centuries of subjugation. Read Exodus 12. Both the gods of Egypt and the government of Egypt bowed as an entire people sojourned from slavery to freedom.

It was stunning to discover this word by Bob Jones, seeing how Jolene and me and many of you have been on an extraordinary journey precisely focused on personal directives by the Lord to see His glory restored, and His spiritual revolution released!

Glory Train Marks the Beginning
Here’s another point of convergence. Back in 2014 the Lord showed me tracks being laid from Virginia Beach to San Diego, with what He called a “Glory Train” beginning to roll. It’s why we’re doing this project.

How amazing that Bob’s last overarching prophecy to America was the “Glory Train” message. Caught up in a prophetic experience, Bob found himself on a Glory Train, symbolizing the restoration of God’s glory in the land. It cannot be emphasized enough that the Glory Train marked the beginning of this new move of the Spirit joining Exodus and Acts—a Glory Revolution!

In pursuit of this dream, we have traveled from Hawaii to Alaska to British Columbia, then by train across the North American continent and halfway down the East Coast. So far 21 states have been traversed as we prayed for each to be connected covenantally to the Lord, and in God’s glory to each other. More than 30 prophetic postings have ministered to you since Jolene and I began. We have faced down challenges by day, ministered into the night, and breathed out prayers in the midnight hours.

Most of all we have been overwhelmed by God’s glory. No words can convey our gratitude!

Boston—Revolution and Re-Constitution
As we mentioned, this “Glory Revolution” was commissioned at Faneuil Hall on the historic anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride. Again, words cannot describe the depth of ministry the Lord is bringing to His people and land. We have divorced Baal and seen the Lord Jesus Christ re-constitute His marriage covenant with the land. We gathered with Gary Beaton, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce at Faneuil Hall on 7-22, 2014 to see God’s “Turnaround Verdict” rendered in favor of the saints.

Now God is literally executing the verdict He has granted our land—releasing His Glory Revolution!

What’s the verdict? Re-constitution of His original intention for our land, from Boston MA to Washington DC and across our nation. Restoring His glory now as the spiritual undercurrent and overarching influence of our land and government.

When Paul Revere began his midnight ride, it actually launched the Revolution which secured our freedom as a nation. It is very accurate to say that when Revere rode, our nation was born. And on the anniversary of this midnight ride, it is also very accurate to say that a new move of the Spirit—a Glory Revolution—was commissioned for our nation to become born again. 

It is as though God switched the power line Monday night. From empowered idolatry to His glory!

Dutch Sheets Prophecy—BACK ON TRACK
Passover is all about turnaround—from subjugation to freedom. On Passover, slaves become free by God’s hand. Sinners bound for hell become forever redeemed by Christ’s same hand.

From our inception, we as a nation have been on a journey from slavery to freedom under God. It’s the primary theme that weaves together our generations. And it’s also the greatest issue of our present hour, where the constitutional freedoms entrusted to us by our forefathers are now in such jeopardy.

As we shared yesterday, this freedom train has gotten way off track here in Washington DC. To the extent that God’s freedom dream for our land has almost been derailed. If ever we need a national turnaround, it’s now. We need to get BACK ON TRACK!

Here’s some good news. Remember the prophetic word Dutch Sheets gave about the “turnaround train.” He received a prophecy of a train, symbolizing our nation, running headlong in the wrong direction. Then suddenly the tracks shifted, and the same train careened headlong back in the right direction! It’s for this vision we called our Glory Train journey “the Turnaround Tour.”

We have shared from coast to coast how God has opened a limited window for national turnaround. In St. Paul, Minnesota we saw the Lord render a judgement that governmentally re-constituted His “Turnaround Verdict” for the nation. In Pittsburgh PA the Lord declared Pennsylvania His “Turnaround Womb.” Jolene saw how the hand of the Lord entered a womb and turned around a breached child to prepare for his birth.

And in Philadelphia we saw the birthing of this child as the headship of Jesus was crowned. Literally a new move of revival—a Glory Revolution!

You could accurately say that Passover is a primary season where God releases the execution of His verdicts in the earth—to get us back on track. Wherever you are, we want to encourage you to access step into His miracle verdict for you and for your sphere!

Please join us tonight. And as the Glory Train rolls, lets join together to see God’s national TURNAROUND!