Securing the Secret Place Prophetic Summit
Sept. 7-9 Rock Road Chapel, Berne NY
Sept. 11 Washington House of Prayer, Washington DC
More info at
“Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake” (Rev. 8:5).
Welcome to 8-5! We have been on quite a journey through these dire straits. Thank you for joining us during this “world war watch!”
Last spring, the Holy Spirit spoke to us to pray through this “world war watch” from 5-8 to 8-5. We felt strongly that the Lord wanted to hold back the enemy’s attempt to bring our nation and world into a world war. The Lord spoke to us that the most important time to watch was during Dire Straits and Tisha b’Av.
We are so grateful to Jesus for His restraining power, both over people and nations, during this time! Your intercession has been absolutely heroic. Thank you for availing yourself in prayer through both tragedy and triumph during this watch. Your time, tears, gifts, energy, focus, lost sleep–have touched the heart of your Father!
Tip the Bowls
When He spoke about this watch, I knew immediately the dates correlated with verses in Revelation. In Revelation 5:8, saints fill the bowls of prayer through worship and intercession. In Revelation 8:5, these bowls are presented to the Father… and then they are tipped.
What happens when God tips the bowls? The earth shakes. Lightning, thunder, new sounds and songs.
But the essence of it is that Heaven’s substance is poured out upon the earth. That’s why so many moves of God have been termed outpourings. You’ll see in just a moment how we might just be at such a tipping point!
I do believe the Lord restrained the enemy until Heaven’s “prayer bowls” were full and at actually at a tipping point. Two issues loom large. First is a move of Holy Spirit awakening and revival. Second is standing against nuclear capacities of Iran, aimed to bring destruction to both Israel and the United States.
Jolene’s Prophetic Experience
I have learned to really pay attention when Jolene has prophetic experiences. Last year at this time, she awoke literally quoting Haggai 2. “In that day I will shake the heavens and the earth…” Just a few weeks later, an unprecedented earthquake shook the metro Washington DC area, and cracked the Washington Monument.
If the pattern holds true today, good news is coming. On August 4, my wife had a dream where she was absolutely saturated with the presence of God. Jolene was in travailing prayer, then became overcome by the Holy Spirit.
Dream: Overcome by the Spirit
According to Jolene: In this dream I was in a gigantic conference room where I knew there was a conference about to take place. There was a stage at the front and the presence of the Lord was very strong. I heard the words, “Blow the Awakening Trumpet.”
As I was trying to make my way to the front of the room. I realized that a Kevin Ford, a ministry friend from Albany NY, was on the platform to speak. The presence of God was so strong on him that I could not get near him because I would go down in the Spirit every time I tried.
The room was full of people who were also overcome by the Spirit. A large number of them were men, and were laying everywhere throughout the room. There were also people pouring into the conference center through the door in the back of the room.
I remember thinking in the dream that I was fulfilling the prophecy I kept getting that I would be “lost in heavenly places” for hours and days on end.
The Awakening Trumpet
It is interesting how Revelation 8:5 speaks about Heaven’s bowls tipping. Then Revelation 8:6 speaks about the trumpets sounding!
Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets, begins the evening of September 16. The shofar that is sounded is called “The Awakening Trumpet.” Could it be that the Lord was conveying the timing of a coming move of His Spirit?
Four years ago, warnings God gave Jolene and I both about economic shaking actually came to pass on Rosh Hashanah. God had warned us about economic shakings which could actually take down major brokerages on the Stock Exchange. On September 29, this actually occurred, with the market falling 777.68 points.
A move of God is coming. The Lord promised His move would be released in conjunction with divorcing Baal and resetting covenant with Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word, and He is intent on restoring His glory according to the covenant promises He has made! We have felt since the beginning of the year that this fall season is very significant for this work.
Interestingly, there is a 10 day countdown from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in Jewish tradition. These are known as the “Days of Awe.” David’s Tent DC begins on Yom Kippur. Then the Jewish holiday season moves into the Feast of Tabernacles.
What We Know
We know that the enemy is trying to “X out” America and Israel. You may recall how this spring, the Lord warned Jolene about September 1-21. That something is coming that will affect every household. In the natural, there is every indication that Israel will make a major move to derail Iran’s nuclear capacities during this time.
We know that God is intent on restoring His glory as a bridal canopy at this time. Where the enemy desires to sabotage, the Lord will be moving to bring protection and union. The four corners of the nation are significant, as is the mid-Atlantic region.
We know the Jewish holidays are especially significant this year. At our January Lampstand gathering, Randy Demain made a statement that really bore witness. He felt that this year, the Jewish feasts would be signposts of His work.
We know awakening and revival are coming–on God’s timetable. As we shared at the beginning to the year, Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord!
Announcing the Days of Awe Prayer Project
A photographer seeks to capture decisive moments. Through these prayer projects we hope to capture the kairos times unfolding before our eyes. It is now so clear that September through early November will be a “decisive moment” for the year.
So from September 1-21, lets do this again!!! We will pray into this coming move of awakening. We will stand together for America and Israel. We will engage in forerunning prayer for David’s Tent DC. We will keep watch, listening for God’s awakening trumpet to again shake the earth!